2017FallYouth Tennis Classes
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Questions? Call 651-222-2879
Munchkin Tennis (Ages 5-7): Children will work on basic athletic skills needed for tennis with a focus on developing agility, balance and coordination.
Red Ballers (Ages 7-10): Kidswill learn and practice forehand and backhand skills and receive an introduction toserve and volley through a variety of racquet and ball activities. The goal of this class is for kids to develop the skills to rally with a partner at least 10 times.
Orange Ballers (Ages 8-11): Kids will learn basic rules and continue to work on rallying the ball with a partner. Focus will be on footwork and sending and receiving skills to help players develop consistency with forehand and backhand ground strokes. Players will learn and practice serve andvolley through a variety of racquet and ball activities.Prerequisite: Ability to rally with a partner using red balls. (This is the former Tennis 101 class.)
Green Ballers (Ages 9-12): This class is for kids with prior sports experience who are getting ready to enter age appropriate competition. Players should be able to maintain a ground stroke rally over the net. Players will develop amore complete game with attention to the volley and serve.(This is the former Tennis 201 class.)
Teen Tennis (Ages 13+): For beginning-intermediate players considering playing on their high school tennis team. Players will improve strokes while learning basic singles and doubles strategy, scoring and rules.
FALL 2017 YouthTennis Clinics
Central High School Tennis Courts: 6 Weeks, Saturdays, September 16- Oct. 21
Munchkin Tennis (Ages 5-7): Time: 9:00 - 9:30am Cost: $45 for 6 weeks
Red Ballers (Ages 7-10) Time: 9:40 -10:25am Cost: $60 for 6 weeks
Orange Ballers (Ages 8-11): Time: 10:35-11:20am Cost: $60 for 6 weeks
Green Ballers (Ages 9-12): Time: 11:30 -12:30pm Cost: $60 for 6 weeks
Teen Tennis(Ages 13+): Time: 12:40 – 1:30pm Cost: $60 for 6 weeks
North Dale Tennis Courts: 6 Weeks, Tuesdays, September 12- October 17
Munchkin Tennis (Ages 5-7):Time: 4:00 to 4:50pm Cost: $60 for 6 weeks
Red Ballers (Ages 7-10): Time: 5:00 to 5:50pm Cost: $60 for 6 weeks
Eastview Tennis Courts: 6 Weeks, Thursdays, September 14-October 19
Red Ballers (Ages 7-10): Time: 4:00 to 4:50pm Cost: $60 for 6 weeks
Family Lessons(Ages 10 and under--must be in elementary school): Time:5:00 to 5:50pm. Cost:$60/6 weeks Kids sign up with an adult to learn tennis together. Focus will be on stroke development, movement, agility, and balance. All kids must enroll with an adult partner (age 16+).