Joseph Brence, DPTPage 1
Joseph Brence, PT, DPT, FAAOMPT, COMT, DAC
4915 Plymouth Rd Pittsburgh, Pa 15227 | 724-699-1874 |
- Sports Medicine of Atlanta
- 1/2012-11/2013: Fellowship in Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
- Duquesne University
- 8/2009: Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
- Clinical Affiliations:
- Allegheny General Hospital: Inpatient Neurological Rehabilitation
- HealthSouth Harmarville: Outpatient Neurological Rehabilitation
- Manning Physical Therapy: Outpatient Orthopedics Rehabilitation
- Greater Pittsburgh Orthopedic Associates: Outpatient Orthopedics Rehabilitation
- East Suburban Sports Medicine: Outpatient Orthopedics Rehabilitation
- Awards/Accomplishments: Class President
- Duquesne University
- 8/2007: Dual B.S in Biology and Health Sciences
- Area of Concentration: Mammalian Physiology, Tissue Engineering
- Poster Presentation: “Effects of wearing rubber and plastic suits on cardiac output and maximal oxygen consumption in young male athletes”
- Awards/Accomplishments:Award for Best Undergraduate Poster Presentation in 2006 at Bayer School for Natural Sciences, Duquesne University
Professional oRGANIZATIONS
- American Physical Therapy Association
- Pennsylvania Physical Therapy Association
- American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists
Professional AWARDS
- KwikMed: Top 20 Most Authoritative Physical Therapy Resource2013
- Top 5 Overall Physical Therapy Online Resource2013
- Paramount Home Health and Hospice
- Staff Physical Therapist
- 2013-Present
- Physiotherapy Associates
- Staff Physical Therapist/Multi-site Facility Director
- 2009-2013
- The Contemporary Clinical Practice Series (Sponsored by West Virginia University)
- Integrated Manual Therapy, Pain Science and Neurodynamics for the Lower Extremity
- Taught November 22-24, 2013
- PA State Approved Course for Direct Access CEUs for practicing Physical Therapists.
- Sports Medicine of Atlanta Residency Program
- A Modern Understanding of Pain
- Taught 2012-2013
- Neurodynamics
- Taught 2012-2013
- Sports Medicine of Atlanta Continuing Education Seminars
- Modern Manual Therapy: Painful Paradigms, Pain Science and Neurodynamics for the Upper Quarter
- Taught December 8th, 2012
- PA State Approved Course for Direct Access CEUs for practicing Physical Therapists.
- West Virginia University
- Adjunct Clinical Instructor
- 2012
- Duquesne University
- Adjunct Clinical Instructor
- Matriculation Instructor
- 2012-2013
- Chatham University
- Adjunct Clinical Instructor
- 2011-2013
- Editorial Board Member
- 2013-present
- I provide consumer-driven content regarding common conditions Physical Therapists treat as well as the evidence on various interventions
- Research Review Service
- Research Analyst
- 2013 – Present
- I provide an analysis of the quality and clinical applicability of clinical research to practice
- Topic Expert
- 2013 – Present
- Host of PT-TV.
- I discuss the critical thinking within the Physical Therapy profession with other clinical experts
- SportEx
- Research Analyst/Author/Blogger
- 2011 – Present
- I provide clinical research reviews and analysis for SportExMedicine Magazine and website
- Administrator, Owner, Editor2011-Present
- I provide professional literature reviews on research regarding physical therapy, pain science, orthopedics, clinical prediction rules, etc.
- I Edit/approve posts/comments by other clinicians.
- 15,000+ unique viewers per month.
- Prizinski FA, Brence JB. Effective Treatment of Bilateral Carpal Tunnel Symptoms Using Cervicothoracic Thrust Manipulations, Neural Glides, and Periscapular Strengthening: A Case Report. Orthopedic Physical Therapy Practice 2011; 23: 84-88.
- Cook CE, Showalter C, et al. Can a within/between-session change in pain during reassessment predict outcome using a manual therapy intervention in patients with mechanical low back pain? Manual Therapy 2012; 17: 325-329. (Data Collection)
- Cook CE, Learman K, et al. Early use of thrust manipulation versus non-thrust manipulation: A randomized clinical trial. Manual Therapy 2012; 1-8. (Data Collection).
- Johnson C, Brence JB. TriPT: Pain, Friend or Foe? Ironman. Published 2/5/2013 (Non-Peer Reviewed article on educating triathaletes about pain).
- Brence JB, Religioso E, Nijs J. Evaluation of the effects of limiting verbal complaints on pain and pain catastrophizing in individuals with LBP who are in a state of central sensitization. Approved by Physiotherapy Associates IRB and registered on
- Brence JB, Blickenstaff C, Silvernail J. Validation and result comparison of medical practitioners knowledge of pain neurophysiology. Pilot phase. Tracked by Physiotherapy Associates IRB.
- Karas S, Brence JB, et al. The effects of thoracic manipulation vs. mobilization on pain and disability in individuals with non-traumatic cervical pain. Approved by Chatham University IRB and registered on
- Karas S, Brence JB. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the effects of non-thrust mobilizations on pain pressure thresholds. Approved by Chatham University IRB.
- Brence JB, Tucker J, Teyts S. Upper Extremity Injuries and Rehabilitation. Presented at Pennsylvania Workers Compensation Conference. Hershey, PA. June 2013.
- Brence JB, Prizinski F. M.I.P Algorithm. Presented at American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists. Cincinatti, OH. October 2013.
- Brence JB. The M.I.P Algorithm. Presented at the Healthy, Wealthy Wise Virtual Conference for Physical Therapists. November 2013.
- “The Future of Manual Therapy”. Webcast conducted by on December 12th, 2012
- “Moving Physical Therapy Forward”. Discussion conducted by Jeff Worrell and originally aired September 5th, 2012 on
- “Understanding Pain in Physical Therapy”. Discussion conducted by Karen Litzy and aired on September 16th, 2012 on Health, Wealthy and Smart Radio and can be downloaded on iTunes as a podcast
- “ITB Syndrome. Myths and Reality” Webcast conducted by on November 8th, 2012