- Unit 5 Exam – Study Guide
- World History Honors
Chapter 21-Life in the Industrial Revolution 1800-1914
(Chapter 26 ‘blue book)
- Who are the “captains of industry” or “robber barons”
- Pg 480 (classroom book); (‘terms not found in ‘blue book’)
- New ideas in science begin to challenge existing beliefs in the late 1800s.
- Pg. 493 (classroom book); (pg 765 in ‘blue book’)
- “Social Darwinism” – pg 494 (classroom book); pg 765 (in ‘blue book’)
- ‘big businesses’ during the Industrial Revolution – pg. 497 in classroom book; pg. 730 in ‘blue book’
Chapter 22 – Nationalism Triumphs in Europe 1800-1914
(Chapter 24 ‘blue book’)
- Bismarck and the unification of the German states. Pgs 507 – 509 in classroom book; pg. 695 – 696 in ‘blue book’.
- What factorsmade Germany an industrialization power: pg 510 in classroom book; pgs732 in ‘blue book’
- Bismarck and the Catholic Church and the Socialists: pg 512 in classroom book; not in ‘blue book’
- Germany becomeas an industrial giant in the late 1800s: pg 510 -511 in classroom book; pg. 732 in ‘blue book’. (most info will be found in classroom book)
- Unification of Italy. Pgs 514-518 in classroom book; pg 694 in ‘blue book’
- Balkan nationalism and the decline of the Ottoman Empire: pg. 522 in classroom; pg. 693 in ‘blue book’
- Russian social structure that existed in Russia during the 1800s.
- Pg. 524-525 in classroom; Pg 690 in ‘blue book’
- Bloody Sunday – pg 528 in classroom book; pg869 (Ch 30) in ‘blue book’
Chapter 23 – Growth of Western Democracies 1815-1914
(Chapter 26 in ‘blue book’)
- Reforms of the Liberal and Conservative parties in England:
- Pg 536 – 537 in classroom book; pg 747-748 in ‘blue book’
- Social welfare reform in England during the 1800s and early 1900s?pg 541-543 in classroom book; pg 747-748 in ‘blue book’ (most info will be found in classroom book)
- English policies toward Ireland and Irish nationalism: pg 543 – 545 in classroom book; pg 754-755 in ‘blue book’.
- Zionist movement and the Dreyfus case. pg. 551 in classroom book; Pg 750 in ‘blue book’
- Civil War and African Americans. Pg 555 in classroom book; Pg 759-760 in ‘blue book’
Chapter 24 – The New Imperialism 1800 – 1914
(Chapter 27 in ‘blue book’)
- Imperialism: pg 564-567 in classroom book; pg 773 – 775 in ‘blue book’
- Christian missionaries flocked to Africa to win new converts. Pg. 570 in classroom book; pg ???? in ‘blue book’
- The “scramble for Africa?” pg. 570 – 573 in classroom book; pg. 774-776 in ‘blue book’
- Ottoman Empire and Turkish nationalism: pg 577-578 in classroom book; pg 786-787 in ‘blue book’
- The Sepoy Rebellion: pg. 582-583 in classroom book; pg 793-794 in ‘blue book’
- British exploitation the of Indiapg 581 in classroom book; pgs 791-792 in ‘blue book’
- Westernersattitudes towards the people of India. Pg. 585 in classroom book; pg. 794 in ‘blue book’
- The Taiping Rebellion. pg 588-589 in classroom book; Pg 807 (Ch 28)in ‘blue book’
- The Boxer Uprising andpg 590-591 in classroom book; pg 808-810(Ch 28)in ‘blue book’
- Opium Wars and extraterritoriality pg. 587 in classroom book; pg 806 (Ch 28)in ‘blue book’
Chapter 25 – New Global Patterns 1800-1914
(Chapter 28 in ‘blue book’)
- The Panama Canal and theUnited States. Pg 621 in classroom book; pgs 819-821 in ‘blue book’
- Japan to begin trading with western countries. Pg. 599 – 600 in classroom book; pg 810 in ‘blue book’
- The Tokugawa – pg 598-599 in classroom book; pg 810-811 in ‘blue book’
- The Japanese new modernized government. Pg. 601-602 in classroom book; pg 810 and 811 in ‘blue book’
- Zaibatsu pg. 602 in classroom book; pg 811(?) in ‘blue book’
- Japan andwestern imperialism pg 602-603 in classroom book; pg 811-812 in ‘blue book’
- the Meiji Restoration pg. 601-603 in classroom book; pg. 810-811 in ‘blue book’
- Siam and western imperialists. Pg 606 in classroom book; pg. 797-798 (Ch 27)in ‘blue book’
- The Spanish American War 1898 –pg 607 in classroom book; pg 798 in ‘blue book
- Reasons why American, French, and British were interested in territory in the Pacific?pg. ??? in classroom book; Pg. 796 ‘blue book’
- England defeats the army in India. The British government then appoints an Indian president to govern, with the best interests of the English Parliament.
- Know the four different types of imperialism and be able to give examples of each.