Orana 2017 Spring Fair Class 4 Roster Guide

2017 Spring Fair – Class 4 Roster Guide

Spring Fair Roster Guide

Class 4's role is to ensure the smooth running of the fair, and - in addition to 'set-up' and 'knock-down' -to provide constant attention throughout the day to the operations of stalls. For this reason, many of our tasks will require us to work in teams for several hours.

This guide provides details of each task. Most are on the Spring Fair weekend but several are both before and after the weekend. Most stall related tasks are to support the other classes however we have full carriage of the Information stalls.

If you have any questions, please ask (contact details on the website). Your participation is both gratefully accepted and expected.

2017 Spring Fair Committee

NB: To reflect the high workload on the Saturday, lunch is provided via a BBQ.

Task List by Area – Table of Contents


2 weeks before



Sunday – during fair

Sunday – after fair


Following week



Sunday – after fair


Sunday 9am – 11am

Sunday 3pm – 5pm

4.Parents Room

Saturday, anytime between 9am and 2pm

Sunday – after fair

5.2nd Hand Books


Sunday – after fair

6.2nd Hand Clothes


Sunday – after fair

7.Children’s tent

8.Children’s Activities

9.Craft stall


Sunday – after fair


Sunday setup


Sunday - after fair


Sunday – during fair

Sunday – after fair

12.Plant stall

Sunday from 7am

Sunday - after fair

13.Food stalls


14.Entertainment – Amphitheatre


Sunday – before and during fair

15.Entertainment Muso Corner

Sunday – before fair

Sunday – during the fair

Sunday – after fair

16.P&F Shop


Sunday – after fair


When /

2 weeks before

What / Place street signs
Where / Refer map allocation
Equipment required / Cars
Timeframe / Starting from Sunday 29 October, several hours
Number Class 4 parents / 3
Tasks / Note: we are only allowed to place signs 2 weeks prior to event
Collects signs, map instructions and TAMS guide
Place signs (please be careful)
Check on signs in lead up
Key Contact
When /


What / Offsite collection
Where / Storage in P&F shed
Equipment required / Trailers, utes
Timeframe / Anytime Friday
Number Class 4 parents / 3
(School grounds staff also provide some assistance)
Tasks / Collect Llama pen
Trestles to be collected from Montessori
BBQ to be collected from Barlens Fyshwick
Gas Bottles (store in P&F shed)
Collect Shade sails
Receive food deliveries
Key Contact
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile

When /


What / Setup
Where / Meet at P&F shed
Equipment required / Trailers, utes
Timeframe / Saturday from 9am until completed
Number Class 4 parents / 8-12
(ideally some of you roster on for the pull down for continuity)
Tasks / Tasks include but are not limited to:
Move bins to high school
Move tables
Stall signs
Move couches to parent’s room
Check fridges still turned on
Place trestle table in finance room
Key Contact
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile
  1. Name Mobile

When /

Sunday – during fair

What / Maintenance crew
Where / Meet at High School
Equipment required
Timeframe / 8am– 10am / 12pm – 3pm
Number Class 4 parents / 4 / 2
Tasks / Setup shades
Move gas bottles from shed
Last minute tasks / Empty bins in Parents room
Check toilets etc
Key Contact
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile
  1. Name Mobile

When /

Sunday – after fair

What / Pull down
Where / Around High School
Equipment required / Trailers, utes
Timeframe / Sunday from 3pm
Up to three hours
Number Class 4 parents / 8-12
(ideally some of you roster on for the set up for continuity)
Tasks / Tasks that ensure everything is moved back to where it came from, e.g.
Heavy items to P&F shed
*one person to coordinate at P&F shed from 3pm as equipment arrives *
Key Contact
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile
  1. Name Mobile

When /


What / Return offsite equipment
Equipment required / Trailers, utes
Timeframe / Monday, anytime
Number Class 4 parents / 2-3
Tasks / Return BBQ to Barlens
Return trestles to Montessori
Key Contact
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile

When /

Following week

What / Collect street signs
Where / Refer map allocation
Equipment required / Cars
Timeframe / Anytime during the week
Number Class 4 parents / 2
Tasks / Collect signs
Bring back to P&F shed
Key Contact
Roster / Refer ‘Place street signs’ roster


** this is still being reviewed ** Peter S 23/10

When /


What / Set up
Where / Overture
Equipment required
Timeframe / Friday from 3pm until complete
Number Class 4 parents / 3
Tasks / Arrange screens (they are stored in the Overture)
General setup tasks
Key Contact / tba
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile

When /

Sunday – after fair

What / Pull down
Equipment required
Timeframe / Sunday from 3pm until complete
Number Class 4 parents / 2
Tasks / Pull down
Tidy up
Screens set to one side for removal by grounds staff
Key Contact / tba
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile


When /

Sunday 9am – 11am

What / Set up
Where / Meet at Amphitheatre
Equipment required / Provided
Timeframe / 9am until complete
Number Class 4 parents / 1
Tasks / Hold ladder
Key Contact / Kay Dwyer 0431 886 916
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile

When /

Sunday 3pm – 5pm

What / Pull down
Where / Meet at Amphitheatre
Equipment required / Provided
Timeframe / 9am until complete
Number Class 4 parents / 1
Tasks / Hold ladder
Key Contact / Kay Dwyer 0431 886 916
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile

4.Parents Room

When /

Saturday, anytime between 9am and 2pm

What / Set up
Where / Parents Room (Refer map)
Equipment required
Timeframe / 1 hour
Number Class 4 parents / 1
Tasks / Move classroom furniture out of way
Place couch, set room up etc
Key Contact / Peter Snares, 0407 181 961
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile

When /

Sunday – after fair

What / Pull down
Where / Parents Room (Refer map)
Equipment required
Timeframe / 1 hour
Number Class 4 parents / 1
Tasks / Couch back to teachers’ lounge
Chalkboard back to P&F
Nappy bin
Move classroom furniture back into place
Place bins outside classroom for collection
Clean room (mop floors) if required
Key Contact / Peter Snares, 0407 181 961
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile

5.2nd Hand Books

When /


What / Set up
Where / 2nd hand books room (refer map)
Equipment required
Timeframe / 2 hours
Number Class 4 parents / 1
(Most work is undertaken by Kindergarten parents)
Tasks / Move books to classroom
Move tables in classroom into rows
Put books into categories
Hang signs
Key Contact / TBC
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile

When /

Sunday – after fair

What / Pull down – coordinate where unsold books are moved
Where / 2nd hand books room (refer map)
Equipment required
Timeframe / 1 hour
Number Class 4 parents / 1
Tasks / 
Key Contact
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile

6.2nd Hand Clothes

When /


What / Set up
Where / At 2nd hand clothes room (refer map)
Equipment required / Signs from previous year
Clothes racks
Timeframe / 2 hours
Number Class 4 parents / 1
(Most work is undertaken by KG parents)
Tasks / Move clothes to classroom
Move tables in classroom into rows
Put clothes into categories
Hang signs
Key Contact
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile

When /

Sunday – after fair

What / Pull down – coordinate where unsold clothes are stored
Where / At 2nd hand clothes room (refer map)
Equipment required
Timeframe / 1 hour
Number Class 4 parents / 1
Tasks / 
Key Contact
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile

7.Children’s tent

Details to be confirmed – at this stage no assistance is required from Class 4 for set up or packup outside of ensuring equipment to and from shed occurs.

8.Children’s Activities

Class 4 has no involvement in setup or shut down – except for ensuring equipment is delivered and picked back up (covered by Operations team)

9.Craft stall

When /


What / Set up
Where / Craft stall (refer map)
Equipment required / -
Timeframe / TBC
Number Class 4 parents / 1(supervise and assist task)
Tasks / Assist setting up of stall
Link to Class 4 if issues arise
Key Contact / TBC
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile

When /

Sunday – after fair

What / Pull down
Where / Craft stall (refer map)
Equipment required
Timeframe / 1 hour
Number Class 4 parents / 1
Tasks / All equipment packed up ready for collection by Operations (to take back to P&F shed)
TBC :All unsold items to be craft group?
Key Contact / TBC
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile


When /

Sunday setup

What / Set up two information stalls
Where / Refer map
Equipment required
Timeframe / 9:30am – 10:30am
Number Class 4 parents / 2
Tasks /  Posters around school
Ensure information supplies are taken to stall
Key Contact
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile

When /


What / Run stalls (Note one stall is shared with the school)
Where / Refer map
Equipment required
Timeframe / 10:30am – 2:00pm
Number Class 4 parents / 8
Tasks / One hour shift on an information stall (there are two of them) providing directions and information
Key Contact
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile
  1. Name Mobile

When /

Sunday - after fair

What / Pull down
Where / Refer map
Equipment required
Timeframe / From 2pm
Number Class 4 parents / 2 (one per stall)
Tasks / All items back to P&F shed
Trestles will be picked up by Operations
Key Contact
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile


When /

Sunday – during fair

What / Money collection
Where / Meet at counting room (after school room – upper campus)
Equipment required
Timeframe / 10 am – 3:30 pm
Number Class 4 parents / 6
Tasks / Pick up collector ID and collection bags
Be introduced to allocated stalls (stall holders will also be given a copy of collectors information)
Visit allocated stalls every 30 - 40 minutes
Leave a copy of the receipt showing amount collected at the stall and a keep copy left with the funds that are brought in for counting
Key Contact
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile

When /

Sunday – after fair

What / Money Count
Where / Meet at counting room (after school room – upper campus)
Equipment required / Nimble fingers and patience
Timeframe / 3:30 pm until finished
Number Class 4 parents / 3
Tasks / Assist with the counting of the money
Remain until the count is complete
Remove trestle table from room
Tidy room
Key Contact
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile

12.Plant stall

When /

Sunday from 8am

What / Set up
Where / Vegetable Garden
Equipment required / Dropped off on Saturday by Operations:
6- 8 x Trestle tables
Hessian for fencing
Straw bales
Star pickets for fencing and 15 extra for signage
Timeframe / From 7am until stall is set up and open for business @ 11am
Number Class 4 parents / 1 – most work done by Class 3
Tasks / On Sunday morning set up stall and move plants from vegetable garden down to stall location – should already be sorted and priced
Set up produce table
Set up large sales area
Key Contact / TBC
When /

Sunday - after fair

What / Pull down
Where / Trestle tables & equipment packed up for transport back to P&F shed by Operations
Take unsold plants to the vegetable garden
Equipment required / 1 – most work done by Class 3
Timeframe / until complete
Number Class 4 parents
Tasks / Overseeing pack up of plant stall
Key Contact / TBC

13.Food stalls

When /


What / Check each food stall is ready
Where / Food stalls
Equipment required
Timeframe / From 9:30am
Number Class 4 parents / 2
Tasks / Ensure food stall has everything they need et cetera
Key Contact / Gail Wright 0405 577 011

14.Entertainment – Amphitheatre

When /


What / Set up
Where / Amphitheatre and adjacent class rooms
Equipment required / Backdrops, Props, PA, 2 mikes, 6 chairs with no armrests,
Timeframe / 1.5 hours
Number Class 4 parents / 2
Tasks / Move everything to amphitheatre and adjacent classroom for safe storage over night
Arrange backdrops, props on stage – weather permitting
Key Contact
When /

Sunday – before and during fair

What / Set up
Where / Amphitheatre
Equipment required / Backdrops, Props, PA, 2 mikes, 6 chairs with no armrest
Timeframe / 2hour (longer if the weather didn’t permit set up on Saturday)
Number Class 4 parents / 2
Tasks / Arrange backdrops, props on stage
Set up and test PA and mikes
MC event
Assist set up entertainers
Distribute vouchers
Backup for any eventualities
Key Contact
When / Sunday – after fair
What / Pull down
Where / Amphitheatre
Equipment required / -
Timeframe / 1 hour
Number Class 4 parents / 2
Tasks / Put equipment back into storage, chairs into class room
Disassemble backdrop and put into storage
Clean stage
Key Contact

15.Entertainment Muso Corner

When /

Sunday – before fair

What / Set up
Where / Muso Corner near Canteen
Equipment required / PA, 1 mike, 2 chairs with no armrests, 2 stools
Timeframe / 1 hour
Number Class 4 parents / 2
Tasks / Set up and test PA and mikes
Install blackboard
Set up chairs & stools
Key Contact
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile

When /

Sunday – during the fair

What / Greeting Entertainers and Supervision Open Mike
Where / Muso Corner near Canteen
Equipment required / PA, 1 mike, 2 chairs with no armrests, 2 stools
Timeframe /
  • Greeting entertainers on arrival
  • Fulltime supervision of any acts during open mike times
  • Times as per running sheet

Number Class 4 parents / 3
Tasks / Set up and test PA and mikes
Set up chairs & stools
Key Contact
When /

Sunday – after fair

What / Pull down
Where / Muso Corner near Canteen
Equipment required / -
Timeframe / 1 hour
Number Class 4 parents / 2
Tasks / Disassemble and take equipment to storage
Clean Up
Key Contact

16.P&F Shop

When /


What / Setup
Equipment required
Timeframe / 2pm-4pm
Number Class 4 parents / 4
Tasks / Help move stock and set up stall
Key Contact / TBC
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile

When /

Sunday – after fair

What / Pull down
Equipment required
Number Class 4 parents / 2
Tasks / Help pack up and move stock back to shop
Key Contact / TBC
Roster /
  1. Name Mobile

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