Chapter Leader Call Agenda–3rd Quarter
12:00 PM PT, 2:00 PM CT, 3:00 PM ET
- Roll Call
Volunteer Leaders / Staff
Kim Suda, Chapter Facilitator / Stefanie Carbone, Account Administrator
Rachel Malloy, Chapter Co-Facilitator
Missy Moreda, Board Liaison
State / Chapter / Representative(s)
AZ / Arizona
CA / Bay Area (San Francisco)
CA / Greater Sacramento / Tiffany Alves
CA / Orange County
CO / Rocky Mountain / Reggie Thompson
FL / Gold Coast
FL / Northeast Florida
FL / Tampa Bay
GA / Peachtree
GA,SC / Georgia-Carolina
IA / Eastern Iowa
IL / Central Illinois
IL / Northern Illinois
IN / Central Indiana
IN / Northwest Indiana
IN, KY / Kentuckiana
KS / MoKan Blues / Rachel Malloy
LA / Louisiana
MA / Greater Boston / Carole Atkinson
MD / Chesapeake Bay
MI / Southeast Michigan
MI / West Michigan Neuro Nurse
MO / Southwest Missouri
MS / Greater Mississippi
NC / Charlotte
NC / Triad
NC / Triangle / Megan Clark
NC / Western North Carolina
NH VT / Green & White Mountains / Mary Jean Mueckenheim
NV / Northern Nevada
NV / Southern Nevada / Krystal Coffman
NY / Central New York / Michelle Vallelunga
NY / Greater New York / Elaine Kopp
NY / Greater Rochester
NY / Upstate New York
NY / Western New York
OH / Central Ohio
OH / Greater Dayton
OH / Northeast Ohio
OH, MI / Northwest Ohio
OK / Oklahoma / LeighAnn Brown
OR / Rose City
PA / Eastern Pennsylvania
PA / Philadelphia
PA / Pittsburgh / Thomas Moore
PA / Susquehanna Valley / Kim Suda; Sandi Brettler
SC / Coastal Carolina
SC / South Carolina Upstate
SD / Great Plains
TX / Central Texas
TX / Dallas
TX / Houston-Galveston
TX / Panhandle
TX / Tarrant County
VA / National Capital
VA / Southeast Virginia
WA / Inland Northwest
WA / Northwest Seattle
WI / Madison Area
- Reminders
Chapter news in Neuroscience News – Content due each Monday by 10 am CST—Free for ANN Chapters
- Chapters can submit their chapter news to AANN Senior Marketing Manager Allison Begezda nd it will be included in the next issue of Neuroscience News
- Be sure to submit your content on Monday by 10:00 AM CST in order for it to be included in that week’s issue; otherwise, it will be in the next week’s issue.
AANN Calendar of Events – Free for AANN chapters
- Complete an AANN Calendar Posting Order Form, found on the Calendar of Events page of the AANN website, and submit to Stefanie Carbone a chapter benefit, your event will be posted free of charge. Please note the calendar blackout policy noted on the form.
- Chapter Leader Resource Center
Updated materials available in the Chapter Leader Resource Center
- AANN Advances in Stroke Care Conference
September 25-26
Conference is completely sold out
- Updated AANN Chapter Leader Calls
New call format of every other month
Upcoming Calls
- Thursday, November 12th at 3:00 PM Central Time
- Wednesday, January 6th at 3:00 PM Central Time
- Interacting with Sponsors
- Speaker vs. Vendor
- Reach out to a vendor and ask if they would be willing to sponsor/support a meal, chapter event, or chapter meeting. Offer them a booth for their product line.
- You can always limit your attendance.
- You have to be careful with verbiage; sponsor and support have two different meanings for Vendors.
- Vendors cannot work with CE
- AANN Updates
- Advances in Stroke Care Conference is completely sold out
- Apply for the AMWF Travel Grants through
- Keep donating to the Agnes Marshall Walker Foundation
- Nominate colleagues for the AANN Awards
- Deadline is October 31st
- Apply for the Outstanding Chapter of the Year award
- Save the Date for the 48th Annual Educational Meeting in New Orleans
- April 9-12, 2016
- Stay active on the Chapter Leader Listserv
- Elections in November
- Choosing Wisely Campaign
- to identify 10 areas of healthcare that every nurse should be aware of talking about
- SFGs have been asked to submit with a deadline of September 30
- Consider holding a certification review as a chapter; CNRN or SCRN
- Strategic Planning Meeting coming up for the AANN Board and Leaders in November
- Future Chapter Leader Calls
Calendar appointments to come via Chapter Leader Listerv
- Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 2:50 PM CT.
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