DaimlerChryslerChrysler LLC Construction Standards

GEMA South Plant GC-122 revised 08/03/0407




A.  This Section specifies cast-in place concrete, including formwork, reinforcing, mix design, placement procedures, and finishes.

1.  Pits and trenchesInterior slab on grade as detailed.

2.  Elevated floor slabs.

3.  Polish finish of designated floors slabs.


A.  Slabs to receive Diamond Grind and Polish Process must have a minimum 1/8” of cream & fines @ surface. Proof of cream and fines will be required via core samples taken @ random perimeter locations @ 2’ from edge of any pour by testing agency. Locations of cores will be determined by CM, & Owner. Visual inspection and approval by testing agency, CM and Owners Representative will validate required deliverable.

B.  Definition: Concrete polishing is a process of “cracking the cap” by diamond grinding the concrete surface & removing imperfections left by concrete installer, spraying on deep penetrating lithium chemistry densifier per manufactures instructions, grinding off any densifier residue from surface of slab, begin diamond polishing to desired gloss meter reading requirements, spraying on final lithium poly silicate concrete sealer per manufacturer instructions followed immediately with finish cleaning of polished slab(s) using common scrubber, soft white nylon heads and neutral PH soap specifically designed to clean Polished Concrete surfaces per polishing provider recommendations/requirements. The result is a polished concrete floor that will not dust, is resistant to penetration from oils, and provides an additional 35% or more of reflected light and slip coefficients that surpass standard code requirements/recommendations.

1.  Process may be either a proprietary system from specialty contractor or use of specified products with acceptable detailed process in compliance with definition above and approved by CM and Owners Representative.

2.  Acceptable Grinding Methods: Equipment and techniques defined above that .produce documented results of concrete finishes meeting or exceeding the following: Required FF, FL, Gloss Meter readings, slip coefficient minimums and light reflected percentages as measured with a specular gloss measurement device defined in this specification. Specifically a min diamond grind of not less then 1/64” or as required will be removed from the slab surface to eliminate imperfections on surface of slab from the concrete finishing process i.e.: float ridges including swirl patterns from pan and black scorch marks from concrete finishing.

C.  Finish Sheen: Gloss Meter reading of min 54 to optimal 68 measured at a 60 deg angle @ floor surface; as achieved with a metal bonded diamond grind up to an 800 dry grit resin bonded polish.

1.  Polishing shall be dry diamond method utilizing direct connect HEPA filtration system, Metal bonded diamond heads for grind w/ resin and or epoxy bonded diamond heads for polishing on a multi-orbital planetary action opposing rotational head machine(s) acceptable to CM and Owner’s Representative.

D.  Coordination: Contractor shall coordinate the following:

1.  Concrete placement, floating, vibrating, panning, pure wet curing, location of cores and review of cores providing evidence of 1/8” cream & fines @ slab surface will be coordinated with the Polisher, CM & Owners Representative for approval prior to beginning grind and polish procedure.

2.  Schedule of slab pore sequence in conjunction with grind and polish sequence as well as detailed specific grind & polish procedures, means & methods will be placed in writing and provided to CM & Owners Representative for approval prior to beginning work.

3.  Grind & Polishing Process can begin at 7 to 10 days after wet cure when slab has attained sufficient strength so not to displace aggregate or fiber reinforcing as determined by the Polishing provider after field inspection.

4.  Scheduling of joint sealant installation will be provided to CM and owners Representative for approval. Joints will be places at specified time after Polish completion.

5.  Cleaning of all concrete surfaces prior to Polishing Process and immediately after completion of the Polishing Process; as defined in paragraph B of this section 1.2, is required.

E.  Slip Resistance: Static coefficient of friction shall be 0.6 for level floors and 0.8 for ramped surfaces as recommended by the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG).

1.  Testing shall be in accordance with ASTM C1028 or use of similar devices recognized by ADAAG.


A.  Definition: Process of Hepa filtration vaccumm dry grind the floor removing not more then 1/8” w/ metal bonded diamond counter rotating heads attached to a planatry floating head concrete polishing machine 7 – 10 days after wet cure providing a flatter floor and removing any minor imperfections and cement paist from the surface from the slab left by the concrete finisher to expose the polishing only the cement paste and fine aggregate brought to the surface of the concrete during final finishing. Apply densifier with spray gun completely covering ground area and let dry. Switch to reson bonded diamond counter rotating heads to polish concrete up to desired gloss level.troweling that has a natural shine and result a finish that will not dust, is resistant to penetration from oils and is aesthetically pleasing.

1.  Process shall be by specialty trade with documented experience of not less then 3 years compleating not less then 100,000 sq ft of polished new concrete slab as defined above andw/ equipment and procedures reviewed and acceptable to the Owner.

2.  Acceptable Methods:

a.  Grinding to expose agerate and flatten floormachine shall utilize a planetary orbital head where the individual diamond metal bonded diamond headsgrit disks counter rotate separately on of the entire plate assembly.

b.  Plate assembly shall not be “floating” independently of the machine.

c. Where concrete slab has been blackened and or imperfections deeper then 1/16” deep are identified prior to grinding and polishing the material and labor required to prep the floor for polish will be documented and the concrete finisher will be responsible for all associated prep costs.

B.  Finishes:

1.  Medium Sheen: Gloss meter reading of not less then 60.. Visual expectation being at a distance of 30 to 50 feet the floor shall clearly reflect side and overhead lighting without f.

2.  High sheen. Visual expectation looking straight down at your feet overhead and side lighting will be clearly seen; the floor will actually look wet.

C.  Coordination: Concrete polisher shall:

1.  Be present at Preinstallation Conference.

2.  Observe the concrete placement, floating, and trowelling. Immediately report to the Construction Manager placement or finishing procedures that will not produce surfaces acceptable for polishing.

3.  Be responsible for scheduling of joint sealant installation in areas to be polished.

4.  Clean concrete surface prior to performing polishing.

D.  Slip Resistance: Static coefficient of friction shall be 0.6 for level floors and 0.8 for ramped surfaces as defined by the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG).

1.  Testing shall be in accordance with ASTM C1028 or use of similar devices recognized by ADAAG.


A.  With the Bid, submit the following:

1.  Name of trade to perform diamond grind & polishing.

2.  Synopsis of concrete polishing process and description of equipment intended to be used.

3.  Qualification data for those to perform concrete polishing.

B.  Product data for proprietary materials and items, including reinforcement and forming accessories, admixtures, patching compounds, water stops, joint systems, curing compounds, dry-shake finish materials, and others if requested by Owner’s Representative.

C.  Shop drawings for reinforcement detailing fabricating, bending, and placing concrete reinforcement. Comply with ACI 315 "Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures" showing bar schedules, stirrup spacing, bent bar diagrams, and arrangement of concrete reinforcement. Include special reinforcing required for openings through concrete structures.

D.  Laboratory test reports for concrete materials and mix design test.

E.  Concrete Mix Design: Submit concrete supplier's concrete mix design information based on requirements specified in "Concrete Mix Proportions".

1.  Submit a concrete mix design prepared by either the “laboratory trial batch” or the field experience” method as specified in CSA A 23.1 for approval. Provide proportions of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water.

2.  Submit SFRC design proposal for the floor slab indicating the dosage, type, size and the shape of the virgin polypropylene fiber. Verify the number of fibers per unit volume and provide information on mechanical characteristics of the chosen fiber and its identity chart.

3.  Mix design shall be sealed by a professional engineered registered in the State of Michigan.

F.  Samples of aggregates shall be furnished by the Contractor as required, together with tests for hardness, durability, density, absorption, etc., referenced in ASTM C33.

G.  Certificates: Each load of ready mixed concrete shall be accompanied by triplicate certificates (batch tickets) submitted for approval for each batch discharged indicating project identification name and number, mix type, and listing ingredients, including quantities and types of admixtures, total water, time when water was introduced into the mix, place and date of delivery, amount of concrete in cubic meters, mix time, reading of revolution counter at first addition of water, etc. Identify separately amounts of water added at batch plant and water added on site.

H.  Completed pre-pour sign-off cards.

I.  Qualification Data: For those performing concrete polishing.


A.  Codes and Standards: Comply with provisions of the following codes, specifications, and standards, except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified:

1.  American Concrete Institute (ACI) 301, "Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings."

2.  ACI 318, "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete."

3.  Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) "Manual of Standard Practice."

B.  Concrete Testing Service: Engage a testing agency acceptable to Owner’s Representative to perform material evaluation tests and to design concrete mixes.

C.  Materials and installed work may require testing and retesting at any time during progress of Work. Tests, including retesting of rejected materials for installed Work, shall be done at Contractor's expense.

D.  Concrete Testing Services Engage a testing agency acceptable to Owner to perform material evaluation tests and to design concrete mixes.

E.  Pre-installation Conference: Prior to start of work, conduct conference at Project site with all parties associated with work of this Section. Notify participants at least 5 working days before conference.

1.  Meet with representatives of the Owner; Architect/Engineer; testing and inspecting agency; concrete producer; concrete slab installer/finisher; steel fibervirgin polypropylene fiber manufacturer; admixture manufacturer; and others whose work interfaces with or directly affects floor slab placement.

2.  Review methods and procedures related to work of this Section.

3.  Examine subgradesub grade conditions for compliance with requirements, including flatness and modulus of subgradesub grade reaction.

4.  Discuss plans to execute the work, scheduling, equipment, assignments, and storage procedures.

5.  Discuss the following as a minimum:

a.  Concrete mix design and control of same.

b.  Trial batching.

c.  SubgradeSub grade and subbasesub base preparation.

d.  Placement procedures for:

1)  Form work

2)  Reinforcing

3)  Concrete placement methods

4)  Concrete finishing procedures

5)  SawcutSaw cut methods and timing

6)  Curing procedures

7)  Joint sealing

8)  Slab protection

6.  Document proceedings, including corrective measures or actions required, and furnish copy of record to each participant.

F.  Concrete Polisher Qualifications: An installer who has documented experience and proven techniques and/or processes of diamond grinding & polishing concrete. When a system is used, installer shall be certified or licensed by the system manufacturer.

1.  Only the following are acceptable; others will not be considered.

a.  Perfect Polish : Contact Mr Jeff Yates 865-803-4917

b.  Convergent Concrete Technologies: Contact Arn Ottme 979-277-4534

c.  Titan Industrial Floors Contact Steve Buchanan 248-433-8178

d.  Concrete Polishing Technologies Inc: Contact Dan Grady 865-803-5041

e.  Concrete Arts: Contact Tom Graf 612-369-1074

2.  Submit the following for review and confirmation prior to contract award by the Construction Manager:

a.  Certificate of training from an Owner acceptable source.

b.  List of Diamond ground and polished concrete projects completed including:

1)  Company name, address, phone number, specific description of work procedures, means and methods as preformed including cut sheets of specific grinding and polishing equipment used including diamond pad types/grits as well as cut sheets and MSDS sheets of specific densifier and sealer/stain blocker used, Define existing conditions of concrete pre grind & polish, define age of slab when diamond grind and polish process was begun, total sq ft ground & polished, Post polish Gloss Meter readings, slip coefficient measurements, reflected light % data and photos of finished surface from a distance and close up, to show aggregate exposure,

c.  Must prove 3 years minimum experience with 7 to 10 day wet cured concrete dry polishing system.

d.  Must have successfully completed at minimum 500,000 sq.ft of 7 to 10 day wet cured exposed aggregate dry polished concrete work completed to date.

e.  Must provide the maximum sq.ft of Polished Concrete completed in one 8 hr shift.

f.  Must provide data on relationships and affiliations with local unions relative to specific grind & polished concrete process including but not limited to diamond grind & polish and cleaning of PC slab.

G.  Polished Concrete Sample Areas: Build a sample slab of minimum 500 square feet by full thickness following all defined concrete requirements for Polished Concrete in this specification in the area directed by the Construction Manager.

1.  Acceptable sample area of concrete; pre grind and polish process, may be incorporated into the Work. However, if the concrete finish is not acceptable to the polisher, the sample shall be removed or incorporated as directed by the Owners representative at no expense to the Owner.

2.  Acceptable sample area of Polished Concrete may be incorporated into the Work. However, if the polished finish is not acceptable to the Owner, the sample shall be removed or incorporated as directed by the Owner at no expense to the Owner.

3.  Sample area will be used to demonstrate & set quality standards for the execution & workmanship of concrete placement, concrete finishing procedures, concrete curing procedures, slab protection, diamond grind & polish process including Level of polish achieved, % of reflected light measurements & slip coefficient measurements of the phased work.