Mid-East Career and TechnologyCenter

GovernmentConstitution (Syllabus)

Mid-East Career and Technology Center

57090 Vocational Road

Senecaville, Ohio 43780

(740) 685-2516 (740) 685-2518 (fax)

Mrs. Warehime

Preamble (Introductory statement of goals)

I, as the teacher, in order to encourage my students to take an interest in their governments, become responsible citizens, pass the OGT if needed, learn the benefits of community service, analyze current issues, master 12th grade Ohio state standards, and gain the necessary tools to navigate through the Constitution of the United States,create this Constitution for my students to follow.

Article IGrading System

Section 1All assignments will be given a point value. A student’s grade is a straight percentage of the total points. Grades will be posted on Progress Book within one week with the exception of large projects which may take slightly longer.

Section 2All assignments turned in late, without an excuse, will be graded for half credit. Assignments will be accepted for 2 weeks after due date, after that date, they will not be accepted.

Section 3 The grading scale is the school wide scale:

92-100 A

83-91 B

74-82 C

65-73 D

Section 4 Their is no extra credit in this class.

Section 5 Failure/Refusal to Complete Assignment Policy
The opportunity to choose not complete a summative assessment will not be an option. Assignments such as tests, projects and writing samples will be requires and reported as an incomplete until successfully completed. An incomplete will prevent the credit from being issued. An incomplete may impact athletic eligibility.This policy is intended to encourage students to complete classroom assignments on-time. I design and give assignments to help students achieve at higher levels. These assignments come in a variety of formats (classroom, homework, projects, etc.) and, if a student fails to or chooses not to complete them, they lose the intended achievement benefit. This loss is neither desirable nor acceptable. Students who fail to or choose not to complete an assignment will receive lunch detention. Students who receive 3 or more lunch detentions within a nine week grading period will be referred to the director for more serious disciplinary actions. The lunch detention count resets to 0 at the beginning of each new 9 weeks grading period.

Section 6 You will take an end of the 9 weeks assessment that will cover the current 9 weeks competencies plus the previous. There will be a final exam at the end of the year that will cover the entire schools year’s competencies.

Section 7Make up work. In the event of a student absence, there are often times that work missed is not able to be made up exactly as done in class (class projects, etc.). When that happens the absent student will be given book work to make up for material missed in class.

Article IIMaterials

Section 1All students are required to keep a notebook with all notes and handouts. Notebooks will be provided, however students are welcome to use their own. Notebooks must be kept in the classroom unless given permission to take them. There will be random notebook checks occasionally during a 9 week period.

Section 2Students MUST bring a writing utensil to class. Failure to do so may result in a warning and referral to the office for repeated offenses.

Article III Topics Covered

Mid-East Career and Technology Center

Yearly Scope Government

Unit 1 Power, Authority and Government20-25 days

This unit will focus on the purposes and need for a government, political behavior in a society and examples of this behavior throughout history. It will also focus on the advantages and disadvantages of various political systems, economic systems and types of governments.

Unit 2 Foundations of American Government40-50 days

This unit will focus on historical ideas and political philosophies that shaped U.S. government, summarize key principles expressed int he foundational documents of the U.S. This unit will also focus on the distribution of power in the U.S. Constitution, the application of the Bill of Rights and the flow of power through the national, state and local governments.

Unit 3 Political Participation and Behavior 40-45 days

This unit will focus on ways to participate in a democracy, political parties, interest groups and public policy. This unit will also focus on the workings of polical campaigns and elections

Unit 4 The Legislative Branch 20-25 days

This unit will focus on lawmaking at the national, state and local levels. It will analyze roles of Congress in relation to the U.S. Constitution as well as the actual process Congress utilizes to move a bill to a law. This unit will also focus on external factors that effect the lawmaking process.

Unit 5 The Executive Branch20-25 days

This unit will focus on the executive branch at the national, state and local levels. It will compare the informal and formal qualifications for president and the responsiblities and roles of the modern president. This unit will also focus on the role and impact of government bureaucracies as well as the budget making process.

Unit 6 The Judicial Branch20-25 days

This unit will focus on the judicial branch at the national, state and local levels. It will focus on the structure, function and process of the Supreme Court. This unit will also focus on the constitutional rights of individuals in the criminal justice system.

Unit 7 Current Events/Election 20-30 days-depending on election cyles

This unit will focus on current issues as they relate to government. It will also focus on general and primary elections and the various candidates running in each. Students will register to vote, if applicable and focus on preparing themselves for voting. This unit is spread throughout the course of the year as events/elections occur.

Article IV Community Service Requirement

The purpose of Community Service is to assist the various adult groups within our society that work to volunteer time and effort in order to give it back to those in need within the community. It is hoped that the student after witnessing such selflessness will wish to continue this behavior after graduation.

In order to receive credit for Government class each student must complete a minimum of 6 hours Community Service.

**Note: This is a change from previous years. Students will NOT EARN CREDIT for Government without the completion of Community Service.At least 3 Hours must be complete by the end of the first semester.In order to receive credit students must perform a service to a community organization. Some examples are:

  • Working a Mid-East Event (Fall Festival, Breakfast with Santa, Cook-Off, Spring Car Show)
  • Volunteering at the Dog Pound
  • Volunteering at the Salvation Army (each Christmas, there is a food giveaway that requires many volunteers)
  • Volunteering at a Rotary, Lions Club, Kiwanis (or any other service organization) fundraiser
  • Volunteering at a local elementary school (either reading and assisting teacher or working at area festivals)
  • Service projects performed by National Honor Society, SADD, or any Labs
  • Working after school “latch key” type programs
  • Other activities as approved

When wondering if something is Community Service, the following test should be applied:

Is it voluntary?

Is it an organized, adult activity?

Does it benefit some sector of society in need?

Does it require at least an hour of physical activity?

If the answers to these questions is “yes” the activity will count toward the requirement.

Student must turned in COMPLETED Community Service Form (attached) to receive credit for activity.

Some activities that DO NOT COUNT toward Community Service are working for a neighbor, helping parents or relatives, bringing in food or other items for class project

Article VBehavior Standards

Section 1NO FOUL LANGUAGE IS ACCEPTABLE. Any foul language will result in referral to office to follow office procedures. This includes anything loud enough for me to hear. If in doubt: Don’t say it.

Section 2NO CHEATING IS ACCEPTABLE. Students committing academic dishonesty will be required to redo the assignment receiving 50% of the credit they earned on the assignment. Students will be disciplined according to the Code of Conduct established in this handbook

Section 3STAY AWAY FROM THE AREA BEHIND MY DESK. There is no reason for any student to be around my desk. This is to protect you. If you are not in that area, you are not responsible for anything that might come up missing.

Section 4 ALWAYS BE ON TIME. I keep track of tardies. After 3 you will be referred to the office to follow office procedures. Please do not test me. Also, using the restroom counts AGAINST your three tardies. Use the restroom at lunch, before and after school, NOT during my class.

Section 5 DO NOT TOUCH ANYONE. This includes joking with a friend and holding hands with your boy/girl friend. Yuk, no one likes to see that.

Article VIAmendment Process (Changes)

I reserve the right to add to or change these procedures as necessary and proper to the well-being of this class. You will be notified in the event that happens.

I have read and understand this syllabus and understand what is expected of my son/daughter.


Parent Signature