Application Number:


Job Application Form

The short-listing process is carried out solely on the basis of what is written on this form. Please answer the questions as fully as possible, attaching additional information where appropriate. Please do not include a CV as we will not consider it.

Job title:Community Centre Manager

Completed application forms should be returned by 5pm on Tuesday, 12 May 2015 to the following address:

Newcastle Tenants and Residents Federation,

Fawdon Community Centre, Fawdon Park Road,

Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 2PL.

Alternatively, you can return your completed application form by email to:

Telephone: 0191 285 2724

Please complete this form in black ink or by typing in the spaces on the form.Please include all the same information, in the same order.

Last Name: Initials:


Telephone numbers on which you can be contacted:


Present employment(or last employment if you are unemployed).

Name of employer:

Address of employer:

Job title:Date appointed:

Salary / wage:Date employment ended:

(If applicable)

Brief description of duties and responsibilities:

Reasons for leaving, or wishing to leave:

Notice required:

Previous employment

(Tell us about your other work, over the last 10 years, starting with the most recent)

Employer Address Job title From To Reasons for leaving

Education, qualifications and training

(Please tell us about any relevant qualifications and training you have undertaken, including any informal training courses)

From To Training provider Course attended /

Qualifications gained


Please give the names and addresses of two people who should not be related to you, from whom a reference may be obtained. The first should be your present or last employer.



Telephone number:Job title:



Telephone number:Job title:

Further information - this is one of the most important

parts of your application

Please use this section to tell us how your skills and experience are relevant to this job. In doing so you MUST refer to the requirements set out in the person specification. Remember to include experience of things such as voluntary work and other unpaid work.

If you need more space, please continue on a separate sheet.

Because of the nature of our work, employees are not permitted to be, or stand as, Newcastle City Councillors.

Are you a Newcastle City CouncillorYes / No

If yes, would you be willing to resign if offered the post? Yes / No

Please tell us where you saw the advertisement for this post.

I declare that the information contained within this application form is true.
