Minutes of the General Meeting on July 7, 2014 of the Cocoa Amateur Radio Society

Meeting was called to order at 7pm by Pres. Conklin, who led in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Secretary’s report of the June meeting was read and accepted.

Treasurer reported a balance of 251.39. Report read and accepted.

Mr. Kassis gave the Field Day report. Field Day went well, but he noted that he wished that more people had shown up. Many contacts were made including 10 on 6 meters by our visiting operator from Nova Scotia, Canada.

4 Bands were operated with 269 total contacts. Bands operated were:

6, 10, 20, and 40. Thanks again to Mr. Kassis for providing the awesome food and drink. Ray also mentioned that Glenn Edmondson has his Aluma-Tower for sale for 3000.00.

Dave Slawson spoke about the upcoming BEARS meeting, June 8, in which the County Emergency Manager will give a presentation on ‘The Role of Social Media in Emergency Communications”. He also spoke about the new testing procedures for new hams.

We welcomed 2 new members into the fold, KM4CVB, Larry Anders, and K4JTT, Ricky DeLuco. If you have not met these fine upstanding citizens,

please introduce yourself and make their acquaintance.

Proposed By-Laws revision

Kathy Slawson, as Chair of the By-Laws Committee led the discussion.

Pat Geran has made some suggested changes, and it was decided to add the Founding members names into the By-Laws. Motion made and seconded, vote carried.

At this point Mr. Kassis made a motion to accept the By-Laws as written, motion seconded and vote carried.

We then went into discussion of the other two changes recommended by Mr. Geran.

In Article VIII, Committees, Section 2.a, he noted that some wording changes be made. Membership would like verification of the wording that was proposed. This was tabled for next meeting.

Article IX, Finance, Section 1. There was some back and forth on this, perhaps the wording seemed limited, and it did not specifically amend, delete or replace present wording. Again we would like precise wording from Mr. Geran. This was tabled as well.

Article IX, Finance. Section 4, Club Assets.

Mr. Geran noted that donation ‘for use only’ of any software or equipment, should require approval by the membership in a general meeting and shown in the minutes, and written into a special log maintained by the Secretary.

Also the donor shall receive an agreement stating the loan and use of said equipment, with a complete description of the item(s), including serial numbers etc., with a copy being maintained by the Secretary in the files.

The membership supports this because many have suffered from lack of proper receipting.

Mr. Conklin offered to devise forms for this, and further directed the Secretary to inventory the assets of C.A.R.S. and to record and provide receipts for any items that fall into this section that may already be on hand..

In general, it was decided to hold off on any action, until Mr. Geran can be at a meeting and give us his thoughts orally.

New Business


Training discussion was deferred for a month due to By-Laws discussion.

There was no member round-table and Mr. Conklin called for a motion to adjourn; motion was made, seconded, carried.

Meeting adjourned until the next reg. meeting on Aug. 4, 2014.

Curtis Taylor, KK4PYP, Secretary.