Hello everyone

Star Workers

Our star workers this week are:

Ms Brown (FEB) / Azaan / Mrs Taylor (FST) / Sara
Mrs Freeman’s Class (1F) / Izzah / Mrs Robinson’s Class (1R) / Umar
Miss Le Page’s Class (2L) / Aiza / Mrs Robinson’s Class (2R) / Hasan
Mrs Khan’s Class (3K) / Dylan / Miss Tonge’s Class (3T) / Inayah
Mrs Greenhough’s Class (4G) / Furayah / Mrs Hornby’s Class (4H) / Farhaan
Mrs Brunskill’s Class (5B) / Bilal / Mr Scholes’ Class (5S) / Aamina
Miss Harwood’s Class (6H) / Amaan / Mr Tracey’s Class (6T) / Mario

Junior Choir

A big well done to our junior choir who performed so brilliantly at both Spring Hill Care Home and Oswaltwistle Mills this week. Everyone watching commented on how well the children sang and how well behaved they were. A big thank you to Miss Benson and Mrs Holdroyd for all the time and effort they put into practising and preparing the choir for their performances.

Snow White

Next week we will be having two performances of Snow White in school, one for the infants and one for the juniors. We’re sure that all the children will enjoy it.

Application for primary school

Please make sure that you have completed your application for a primary school place by 15th January. Any queries please speak to the school office.

Christmas Parties

These will take place on Monday 18th December. This will also be a non-uniform day.

End of term

A reminder that school closes at the end of term on Thursday 21st December at 2.00pm. School will reopen after the holidays on Monday 8th January at the normal time of 8.50am.

Parental Questionnaire

Thank you to all those parents who have returned their questionnaires. We are in the process of working through all the responses. Once this is done we will let you know the feedback. Your feedback will help us plan further improvements at Spring Hill.


We are currently collecting for Oswaldtwistle Foodbank. If you are able to donate an item of food e.g. a tin of soup, or you are able to donate any item of toiletries e.g a bottle of shampoo, then we would be most grateful. Thank you to those people who have already donated.


As we move forward we would like to send the newsletter by email rather than a paper copy. If we have your email address on our school record we will start sending this newsletter electronically from after the Christmas holidays.


Mrs Taylor 83.7% / Miss Brown 96.2% / Mrs Freeman 97.3% / Mrs Robinson 95.3%
Miss Le Page 98.5% / Mrs Robinson 97.3% / Mrs Khan 95.6% / Miss Tonge 97.3%
Mrs Greenhough 95.3% / Mrs Hornby 95.5% / Mrs Brunskill 96.5% / Mr Scholes 98%
Miss Harwood 98.8% / Mr Tracey 98.1%