Title III/ESL Handbook
A school staff guide for complying with state and federal guidelines while serving
English Language Learners
Excellence is the Standard
ESL Meetings
1:00-3:00 PM
TMS (unless notified)
Aug. 24 -8:00-12:00
Sept. 7
Oct. 12
Nov. 9
Dec. 14
Jan. 4
Mar. 18
April 12
May 10
May 31
Guide for Use
This guide was created to answer questions of teachers, office staff, administrators and others may have concerning LEP students. The sections contained in this handbook attempt to answer commonly asked questions, and provide forms in the appendices that are mentioned within the answers provided.
The ESL Program is continually changing. Please note that the contents contained within this handbook are current and complete at the time of publication.
Updates will be provided and shared at appropriate times.
Title III Support Personnel
Dr. Patrice FaisonLuz Lambeth
Superintendent of Thomasville City SchoolsESL Assistant, LD
Dr. Barbara ArmstrongErika Zelaya
Chief Human Resource OfficerTranslator/ Interpreter
Paula GaylordLuz Mena Lopez
ESL DirectorTranslator/ Interpreter
Sylvia DiLorenzo
ESL Teacher, TPS
Maria Pinzon
ESL Teacher, TPS
Juan Ortiz
ESL Teacher, TPS
Tricia Garcia
ESL Teacher, TPS
Amanda Moore
ESL Assistant, TPS
Aralynn McVey
ESL Teacher, LDES
Thomasville City Schools’ staff members have permission to reproduce the
contents of this handbook.
Table of Contents
Program Model
Forms and Processes
Frequently asked questions
ESL Staff and Responsibilities
LEP Identification
Grade Placement
Classroom Modifications
LEP Testing
Parent Involvement
Staff Development
Stages of Language Acquisition
WIDA Standards
Federal Legislation Background
Budget Request Form
Program Model
Thomasville City Schools provides several LEIP types including ESL, Content-based ESL, Sheltered Instruction and Co-teaching for English Language Learners. Students are served within the regular classroom setting and in pull out services as needed to meet student needs. The language of instruction is English. The native language of the child is used only for clarification and not for instruction. Teachers instruct students in all content areas and scaffold instruction to make new concepts comprehensible for LEP students. The content taught reflects the Common Core and Essential Standards for grades K-12. Annual program review and evaluation provides an opportunity to revisit the present program model and its effectiveness and to make changes as needed.
Description of Services
Elementary, middle, and high school LEP students participate in regular education classes. They may also qualify for ESL services in accordance with English proficiency levels. Individualized service delivery plans document the amount and type of ESL services for which students are eligible.
Monitored Former LEP Students
When a student exits LEP status, students will be monitored for 2 consecutive years. Monitoring will be documented and evidence is located in the student’s ESL Accountability Portfolio.
Program Goals
Our goal is to break the barriers of communication. We maintain that all EL students can experience academic success and thus realize their full potential in life.
Program Evaluation
The ESL program is evaluated annually by our ESL department using the ACCESS test scores and AMAO results. Informal evaluation also includes communication with classroom teachers and parents and PCL meeting reviews.
ESL students should be scheduled carefully in order to meet their needs. The advanced students can be
clustered into the classrooms of SIOP trained teachers. The ESL teacher will serve the students collaboratively. The intermediate and intensive students should be clustered into classrooms to ensure that the ESL teacher can provide a schedule to meet their needs.
TCS Language Instruction Education Program Types:
LIEP / Key FeaturesEnglish as a Second Language (ESL) / A program of techniques, methodology and special curriculum designed to teach English reading, writing, listening and speaking skill to ELLs.
Content-based ESL / Uses instructional materials, learning tasks, and classroom techniques from academic content areas as the vehicle for developing language content, cognitive and study skills.
Sheltered Instruction (SIOP) / Adapts academic instruction in English to make it understandable to students’ levels of English proficiency.
ESL Co-Teaching / Shared, collaborative teacher planning time so that teacher that can implement strategies that integrate language acquisition, literacy and academic content at the same time.
Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) Services
CONTEXT*Services are delivered by certified ESL teachers in a combination of methods including ESL, Content based ESL, SIOP and/or Co-Teaching.
*Students are served in both the regular classroom and in pull out sessions as needed.
*Students are clustered as much as possible in regular education classroom by proficiency level to provide services needed.
*There has been district training and emphasis on PLC work, formative assessment and use of data.
*Newcomers will receive intensive, focused language instruction.
*ESL teachers participate in collaborative planning with core teachers.
Category: Intensive / Category: Intermediate / Category: Advanced/Collaborative
Kindergarten: Total W-APT of approximately 14 or below
Students in grades 1-12 may meet 3 of the following criteria:
*ACCESS-Grades K-12- General proficiency level of
*3 years or less in US Schools
* SIFE (Students with Interrupted Formal Education)
*Not meeting HS graduation requirements
* Struggling academically
* Non-literate in 1st language
*Below proficient on standardized tests of reading/writing (EOC/EOG)
*Below grade level on Dibels/MClass (K-3), SRI and Lexile levels
*Below grade level Reading 3D
*Teacher judgment based on data / Kindergarten: Total W-APT score of approximately 15-21
Students in grades 1-12 may meet 2 or more of the following criteria:
*ACCESS -Grades K-2 – General proficiency level of 3.0 -3.9in:
*Grades 3-12 -General proficiency level 3-3.9 in:
*3-5 years in US Schools
* SIFE (Students with Interrupted Formal Education)
*Not meeting HS graduation requirements
*Struggling academically
*Non-literate in 1st language
*Below proficient on standardized tests of reading / writing (EOC/EOG)
*Below grade level on Dibels/ MClass (K-3) SRI and Lexile levels
*Below grade level on Reading 3D
*Teacher judgment based on data / Kindergarten: Total score of approximately 22-26
Student may meet one or more of the following criteria:
*ACCESS -Grades K-2 – General proficiency level of4or more in:
*Grades 3-12 -General proficiency level 4.0-5in:
*5 or more years in US Schools
*SIFE (Students with Interrupted Formal Education)
* At or slightly below proficient on standardized tests of reading/writing (EOG/EOC)
*Near grade level on Dibels/ MClass (K-3), Lexile levels and Scholastic Reading Inventory
*Teacher judgment based on data
SERVICES: Elementary School
Category: Intensive / Category: Intermediate / Category: Advanced/ Collaborative
*Co-teaching models provide for small group instruction, differentiation through teacher collaboration, and joint planning.
Pull out sessions are provided as needed.
*Students receive at least 2 hours of services per week or four 30 minute sessions spread across the week.
*Support from a trained ESL assistant is provided in classrooms and in pull out sessions based on need for grades K-5. Special assistance is provided for newcomers.
*There is adherence by all teachers to EL Plans with instructional modification, testing accommodations, and language goals.
*There is collaboration between ESL and core teachers through PLC groups to analyze data and plan.
*Some after school tutorials are available.
*Students are placed with SIOP trained teachers as often as possible. / *Co-teaching models provide for small group instruction and differentiation through teacher collaboration, and joint planning.
*Students receive at least 1 ½ hours of services per week or three 30 minute sessions spread across the week.
*There is support from an ESL assistant in classrooms based on need for grades K-5.
*There is adherence to EL Plans with instructional modifications, testing accommodations, and language goals.
*There is collaboration between ESL and core teachers through PLC groups to analyze data and plan.
*Some after school tutorials are available.
*Students are placed with SIOP trained teachers as often as possible. / *Collaboration between the ESL teacher and regular education teacher will provide Content based ESL using effective SIOP strategies.
*Students receive support from a SIOP trained teacher in collaboration with the ESL teacher as needed or at least (1)hour of instruction per week.
*Monitoring will include class visits, conferences and written documentation of student progress.
*There is adherence to LEP Plans with instructional modification, testing accommodations, and language goals.
*There will be collaboration between ESL and core teachers through PLC groups to analyze data and plan.
*Students are placed with SIOP trained teachers as often as possible.
SERVICES: Middle School
Category: Intensive / Category: Intermediate / Category: Advanced/Collaborative
*Co-teaching models provide for small group instruction, differentiation through teacher collaboration, and joint planning.
Pull out sessions are provided as needed.
*Students receive at least 2 hours of services per week or four 30 minute sessions spread across the week.
*There is adherence by all teachers to EL Plans with instructional modification, testing accommodations, and language goals.
*There is collaboration between ESL and core teachers through PLC groups to analyze data and plan.
*Students are placed with SIOP trained teachers as often as possible.
*Students are served in the ESL classroom for additional support during a pull out period. / *Co-teaching models provide for small group instruction and differentiation through teacher collaboration, and joint planning.
*Students receive at least 1 ½ hours of services per week or three 30 minute sessions spread across the week
*There is adherence to EL Plans with instructional modifications, testing accommodations, and language goals.
*There is collaboration between ESL and core teachers through PLC groups to analyze data and plan.
*Students are placed with SIOP trained teachers as often as possible.
Students are served in the ESL classroom for additional support during a pull out period as needed. / *Collaboration between the ESL teacher and regular education teacher will provide Content based ESL using effective SIOP strategies.
*Students receive support from a SIOP trained teacher in collaboration with the ESL teacher as needed or at least (1)hour of instruction per week.
*Monitoring will include class visits, conferences and written documentation of student progress.
*There is adherence to EL Plans with instructional modification, testing accommodations, and language goals.
*There will be collaboration between ESL and core teachers through PLC groups to analyze data and plan.
*Students are placed with SIOP trained teachers as often as possible.
SERVICES: High School
Category: Intensive / Category: Intermediate / Category: Advanced Collaborative
*Co-teaching models provide for small group instruction, differentiation through teacher collaboration, and joint planning.
Pull out sessions are provided as needed.
*Students are served in ESL 1 class for 90 minutes daily at least one semester.
*There is adherence by all teachers to EL Plans with instructional modification, testing accommodations, and language goals.
*There is collaboration between ESL and core teachers through PLC groups to analyze data and plan.
*Students are placed with SIOP trained teachers as often as possible. / *Co-teaching models provide for small group instruction and differentiation through teacher collaboration, and joint planning.
*Students are served in ESL 2 class for 90 minutes daily for at least one semester.
*There is adherence to EL Plans with instructional modifications, testing accommodations, and language goals.
*There is collaboration between ESL and core teachers through PLC groups to analyze data and plan.
*Students are placed with SIOP trained teachers as often as possible.
*Students are served in the ESL classroom for additional support during a pull out period. / *Collaboration between the ESL teacher and regular education teacher will provide Content based ESL using effective SIOP strategies.
*Students receive support from a SIOP trained teacher in collaboration with the ESL teacher as much as possible.
*Monitoring will include class visits, conferences and written documentation of student progress.
*There is adherence to EL Plans with instructional modification, testing accommodations, and language goals.
*There will be collaboration between ESL and core teachers through PLC groups to analyze data and plan.
*Students are placed with SIOP trained teachers as often as possible.
ELL/EC / Resource students will be served within the classroom setting or in pull out by the ESL teacher for small group instruction.
EC self-contained students are served collaboratively by the EC teacher and the ESL teacher with joint planning and monitoring of progress. IEPs and EL plans are developed collaboratively.
ELL/AIG / AIG students will be served within the classroom setting and grouped according to need.
Forms and Processes
Prior Approvals
- Prior approvals should be submitted for any staff development off campus or requiring a substitute. It is not necessary for school sponsored staff development. Secure a principal signature before submitting the form to the ESL director. Forms are available online under finance.
- Attach a registration form to the prior approval. Please indicate if there is a need for prepayment and send the form in at least 2 weeks prior to the event.
- Attach a Map Quest report if you are requesting mileage.
- Reservations must be secured by attendee.
- Reimbursements for travel/hotel/food must be submitted within 15 days of return from the conference. Food expenses are provided for overnight stays only. Complete and return the back of the yellow copy to the ESL coordinator after the conference.
- A purchase order must be completed prior to purchasing material.
- No reimbursements will be made without a purchase order.
- Submit a request form materials and supplies to the ESL Director (included).
- All materials will be order through the central office when using Title III funds.
- The funds will be spent on the current year’s students.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the privacy of student education records. All personally identifiable student information should be sent in a secure manner. Encrypt all information containing the name, ID number or other personal information for ESL students.Send the code in a separate email.
The W-APT or WIDA Screener should be given to any student without a previous record from another school. Return the completed tests within 10 daysto the ESL Director. Notify parents within 14 days. Kindergarten Students get the W-APT and grades 1-12 get the WIDA Screener online.
Notification of Eligibility
All students who are eligible for ESL services will receive a Notice of Eligibility within 30 days of the start of the school year. Language Minority Students entering after the start of school without documentation related to ESL qualification and services will be given the W-APT in kindergarten or the WIDA Screenerin grades 1-12 and parents must be notified of eligibility within 14 days of enrollment.
Monitored Former EL Students (MELs)
Former EL students are monitored for 2 years. The EL monitoring form should be kept up to date with monitoring at least each quarter.
EC and ESL Classification
Students identified as eligible for special education may have testing modifications for the ACCESS which should be noted on both the IEP and the LEP.
EL Plans
LEP plans should be created for all ESL students each year. One copy should be returned to the ESL Director, one copy goes to the parents and one copy goes in the ESL folder. All EL plans are due and should be in place within 30 days of the start of school. Make an electronic copy for your file and put the paper copy in the ESL folder. Plans will be audited at the end of Oct. For students entering late the EL plan should be written within 10 days after the W-APT or WIDA Screener is completed. Third grade EL plans should be completed before students start school to ensure that the 3rd grade pretest accommodations are in place.
Parent Notification Letters/ESL Services
Yearly, parents of LEP students receive a Parent Notification Letter. This letter communicates to parents the following:
*ACCESS/WAPT/ WIDA Screener scores
*ESL Eligibility: qualified, did not qualify, or exited
*ESL Program Benefits
*ESL Program Services: Served or Consultative
*Exit Procedures
*Testing accommodations
*Parent Right to waive services
*Classroom Modifications
Waiving of ESL Services
A parent can waive services at any time. If services are waived, the student will not receive ESL instruction; however, they are still eligible to receive the following:
*ACCESS yearly assessment (required)
*Classroom modifications
*Testing accommodations
If a parent waives ESL services it does not mean that they are no longer an English Learner. A student will continue to be considered and EL until he/she achieves exiting scores on the ACCESS test.
ESL Folders
Purpose and Use of ESL Accountability Folders:
- Power School and information contained within the student’s cumulative folder should match all information recorded within the ESL portfolio.
- Students who are placed into the ESL program should have an ESL Accountability folder that will travel with them as they progress through school.
- There should be a green flag-type form placed into all qualifying ESL student’s cumulative folders indicating that the student has an ESL portfolio containing pertinent information.
- The ESL Accountability folder and contents should be copied as the students transfer from our system. Original folders should remain with Thomasville City Schools.
- If a student is retained in a grade, scores should be recorded in the correct year and written in red ink.
- ACCESS stickers will be provided in duplicate. One set should be placed in the student’s cumulative folder and the other placed in the appropriate location on the ESL Accountability folder.
- At a specific date to be annually determined, folders will be transferred between TCS ESL teachers. Receiving teachers are required to verify accuracy and completeness of folders within the first two weeks after receipt. Sending school teachers are responsible for the contents during the same two weeks after transfer. After such time has passed, responsibility for the accuracy and completeness falls with the accepting teacher.
Line-by-Line Instructions for ESL Folders