Science 9 weeks’ test Study Guide
- Why is science important? Give 3 examples
- Science is important because it is everywhere, it also gives you knowledge. Science helps us decide if something is true or false.
- What are inquiry tools?
- Inquiry tools help you learn and investigate questions in science.
- What are some examples of inquiry tools?
- Some examples of inquiry tools are:
- Microscope
- Hand lens
- Beaker
- Spring scale
- Balance scale
- Thermometer
- Ruler
- Measuring tape and cup
- Graduated cylinder
- What is inference?
- Inference is an untested interpretation of observations
- What is observation?
- Gathering information with your senses is observation.
- What is standard measure?
- Standard measure is an accepted unit of measurement.
- What is prediction?
- Predication is a statement of what will happen, based on observations and knowledge of cause and effect relationships.
- How is a bar graph used?
- A bar graph is used to compare data.
- How is a pie chart used?
- A pie chart is used to show data has a whole.
- How is a line graph used?
- A line graph is used to show data over a period of time.
- What is melting?
- Melting is the process of changing a solid to a liquid.
- What is a phase?
- A phase is a state of matter/water with certain properties. The act of moving from one state to another.
- What is a liquid?
- A phase in which matter/water has a definite volume but no definite shape.
- What is boil?
- Boiling is changing water from a liquid to a gas.
- What is condensation?
- Condensation is changing gas to a liquid
- What is freezing?
- Freezing is changing a liquid to a solid.
- What is a solid?
- A solid is a phase in which matter/water has a definite shape and a definite volume.
- What is water vapor?
- Water vapor is the gas form of water. Example Steam from a shower.
- What is sublimation?
- Sublimation is when a solid goes directly to a gas. Example: Dry Ice
- What is evaporation?
- Evaporation is when a liquid becomes a gas.
- What is gas?
- Gas is a phase in which matter/water has no definite shape or volume.
- What temperature does water boil? 212
- What are the characteristics of a solid?
- A solid has definite shape and volume. They also have particles that vibrate in place, but you cannot see them moving. They do not take the shape of a container in which it is placed.
- What are the characteristics of a liquid?
- Liquids take the shape of the container it is in, but the volume remains constant. The particles have enough energy to move out of their fixed positions, but not enough energy to move far apart. Liquid has definite volume but no definite shape.
- What are the characteristics of a Gas?
- Gas does not have definite shape or volume. Most are invisible. They spread out evenly, as far apart as possible. Particles in gas move at a high speed in all directions.
- What causes phase changes?
- The increase or the decrease in heat energy.