Chabot College
Course Outline for Electronic Systems Technology 62, Page 2
Fall 2011
Chabot CollegeFall 2011
Replaced Fall 2012
Course Outline for Electronic Systems Technology 62
Catalog Description:
ESYS 62 – Home Technology Systems2 units
Hands-on training in digital home networking and systems integration. Includes many, but not all, objectives of CompTIA’s certification exam. Home network design and configuration; home network central components and low-voltage wiring; video and audio fundamentals; audio/video installation and setup; wiring standards, testing and certification; troubleshooting. 1 hour lecture, 2 hours laboratory.
[Typical contact hours: 17.5 lecture; 35 laboratory]
Prerequisite Skills:
Expected Outcomes for Students:
Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:
- define the basic elements and architecture of a “smart home” system;
- describe the legacy, current, and emerging connection standards for home theatre audio, video, and control systems;
- plan, connect, configure, and troubleshoot a typical home theatre installation;
- select appropriate wire and cable for various low-voltage smart home installations;
- configure and troubleshoot typical home automation systems.
Course Content:
1.Course Content, Lecture:
- Home network design and configuration
- Home network central components and low-voltage wiring
- Video and audio fundamentals
- Audio/video installation and setup
- Wiring standards, testing and certification
- Troubleshooting
2.Course Content, Laboratory:
- Configure and test a wired-network home surveillance system
- Add wireless cameras to the home surveillance system
- Optimize target capture and data storage for the home surveillance system
- Home theater video setup, optimization, and troubleshooting
- Home theater audio setup, optimization, and troubleshooting
- Home theater networking setup and troubleshooting
Methods of Presentation:
- Online learning objects
- Small group discussion/lecture
- Laboratory
Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
1.Typical Assignments
a.From specification sheets for the components in a home theatre system, identify the required interconnect cables that conform to the components’ interface standards.
b.Troubleshoot a given structured cabling interconnect problem, correct the fault, and verify the correct operation of the system.
2.Methods of Evaluating Student Progress
a.Homework and laboratory written reports
b. Class participation
c. Observation and critique of laboratory exercises
d. Quizzes, Midterm, and Final Examinations
Textbook(s) (Typical):
CEA-CompTIA DHTI+ : CompTIA Press Student Edition, CompTIA Press, 2008
ISBN: 1-4260-9139-7
Special Student Materials:
Computer with Internet access
wap ESYS62_S11.doc
New: September 2, 2008
Revised: October 11, 2010