IAF Test Form

Name: Jack Matatula

Test Date: 12/30/2014

Administered by: Elaine Pascoe

Method utilized to administer the test: Interview E-mail Other______

IAF Code: 10 ISO 14000

IAF Test Revision: 1

Level: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Test Score: 100%

Auditing and leading the audit team. / Answer / Correct / Partially Correct
(Indicate% deducted) / Wrong / Remarks (if applicable)
1. What is a Jack-Up Rig? / An offshore rig with retractable steel legs that are placed on the ocean floor to raise the rig above the water line. / x
2. What is Water flood? / An improved oil recovery technique that involves injecting water into a producing reservoir to enhance movement of oil to producing wells. / x
3. What is environmental metric? / Environmental metrics generally measure potential environmental burden in terms of inputs and outputs of materials and energy, i.e.:
·  Materials Use—Quantities and types of materials used (useful for tracking resource inputs and distinguishing their composition and source).
·  Energy Consumption—Quantities and types of energy used or generated (provides the analog to materials use; made even more useful when fuel types are differentiated).
·  Non-product Output—Quantities and types of waste created before recycling, treatment, or disposal (most useful in distinguishing production efficiency from end-of-pipe control solutions).
·  Pollutant Releases—Quantities and types of pollutants released to air, water, and land (can be differentiated according to whether hazardous or nonhazardous or of global or local concern). / x
4. What is indicator? / An environmental indicator is a parameter, or a value derived from parameters, that points to, provides information about and/or describes the state of the environment, and has a significance extending beyond that directly associated with any given parametric value. / x
5. Are there any legal regulations to measure this metric? What are they? / Yes, so far ISO 14031:2013 - Environmental management - Environmental performance evaluation – Guidelines used as guideline, however link between other legal requirements may applies. / x
6. How do you assess equipment used for monitoring and measuring of environmental aspect?
6. How do you assess the maintenance program and calibrate equipment for measuring environmental aspect? / ·  Check the personnel competence who conduct monitoring and measurement
·  Check the availability documentation, i.e. documented procedure or instruction
·  The equipment used have maintenance program and calibrated
·  Check the maintenance program whether its planned regularly
·  Check the calibration status
·  Check the calibration certificate
·  Check maintenance record, etc / X
7. What kind of records are to be examined for maintenance and calibration of measuring and monitoring equipment? / ·  Check legal and other requirements
·  Check the criteria that to be calibrated
·  Calibration certificate
·  Record of calibrated equipment
·  Training record / x
8. How do you assess significant aspect and impact? / ·  Check the method to determine significance aspect and impact
·  Check whether there is legal and other requirements may applies for those significant aspect, and how they comply with those aspects / x
9. What will you assess as an auditor if there are any significant aspects and impact? / ·  Check whether they have an objective and program how to control those significant aspect and impact
·  Check whether the organization have a program to reduce the risk of aspect?
·  Check that the operational control in place
·  Check whether they determine the criteria and follow / x
10. Does the company have to identify all environmental aspects and impact? How do you assess that? / No, it does not. The company have to identify environmental aspect and evaluate the impact for those can control and influence.
How to assess:
·  There is mechanism for identifying of environmental aspect and impact
·  The personnel who conduct identifying environmental aspect and impact has been received proper training
·  Check that the environmental aspect and impact have been done for all process, activity and product that can control and influence / x
11. What will you ask to the auditee to prove that environmental performance evaluation has been conducted? / ·  Check whether they set program for environmental performance evaluation?
·  Check document and record of monitoring achievement and progress?
·  Check whether performance achieve? / x
12. How do you assess the legal and other requirements that are applicable for Coke and Refined Petroleum business? / As the name implies, these audits are intended to review the site's/company's legal compliance status for coke and refined petroleum products business. Compliance audits generally begin with determining the applicable compliance requirements against which the operations will be assessed. This tends to include federal regulations, state regulations, permits and local ordinances/codes. In some cases, it may also include requirements within legal settlements.
Compliance audits may be multimedia or programmatic. Multimedia audits involve identifying and auditing all environmental media (air, water, waste, etc.) that apply to the operation/ company. Programmatic audits (which may also be called thematic or media-specific) are limited in scope to pre-identified regulatory areas, such as air.
Audits are also focused on operational aspects of a company/site, rather than the contamination status of the real property. Assessments, studies, etc. that involve property contamination/ remediation are typically not considered an environmental audit. / x
13. How do you assess compliances of the company to the legal and other requirements? / As the name implies, these audits are intended to review the site's/company's legal compliance status for coke and refined petroleum products business. Compliance audits generally begin with determining the applicable compliance requirements against which the operations will be assessed. This tends to include federal regulations, state regulations, permits and local ordinances/codes. In some cases, it may also include requirements within legal settlements.
Compliance audits may be multimedia or programmatic. Multimedia audits involve identifying and auditing all environmental media (air, water, waste, etc.) that apply to the operation/ company. Programmatic audits (which may also be called thematic or media-specific) are limited in scope to pre-identified regulatory areas, such as air.
Audits are also focused on operational aspects of a company/site, rather than the contamination status of the real property. Assessments, studies, etc. that involve property contamination/ remediation are typically not considered an environmental audit. / x
14. How do you assess emergency conditions that are identified by company? / Check whether the organization has establish and maintain procedure to identify potential for and respond to accidents and emergency situations? / x
15. How do you assess that the company already tested the emergency situation? / ·  Check whether the organization conduct a simulation or test such emergency procedures where practicable?
·  Do they have program or plan for emergency simulation?
·  Check whether the organization already establish emergency response team? Responsibility documented and available? / x
16. How do you assess operational control for identified significant environmental aspects? / ·  Check whether identify aspect and impact evaluation are available?
·  Control in place, i.e. documented procedure, maintenance of equipment.
·  Evaluation of effectiveness of its control
·  Check whether the organization establish and maintain documented procedures to cover situations where their absence could lead to deviations from the environmental policy and the objectives and targets?
·  Check whether the organization stipulating operating criteria in the procedures?
·  Check whether the organization establish and maintain procedures related to the identifiable significant environmental aspects of goods and services used by the organization and communicating relevant procedures and requirements to suppliers and contractors? / x
17. How do you assess the company’s contractor that works in company premises to ensure company achieves the target and objective to prevent environmental pollution? / ·  Check whether the organization has a mechanism to control vendor/contractor?
·  Check whether permit to work system available?
·  Check whether identify aspect and impact evaluation are available for the contractor’s work?
·  Check that control in place, i.e. documented procedure, maintenance of equipment.
·  Evaluation of effectiveness of its control
·  Check whether the organization establish a mechanism for inspection or control contractor’s work? / x
19. How do you assess factors related to the site during environmental aspect and impact assessment? / ·  Check whether identify aspect and impact evaluation are available? It includes related site surrounding area of the organization premises?
·  Is significant aspect and impact identified? Is it control by establish objective and program to control significant aspect and impact?
·  Control in place, i.e. documented procedure, etc. / x
20. How do you assess operational control relating to this matter? / ·  Check whether identify aspect and impact evaluation are available?
·  Control in place, i.e. documented procedure, maintenance of equipment.
·  Evaluation of effectiveness of its control
·  Check whether the organization establish and maintain documented procedures to cover situations where their absence could lead to deviations from the environmental policy and the objectives and targets?
·  Check whether the organization stipulating operating criteria in the procedures?

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