Soldier Hollow Charter School Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Board Members: Erin M., Robert C., Jamie B., JoAnne M.
Crystal M.
Admin/Faculty/Staff: Brenda H., Shannon P., Nancy C., Samantha H., Patty H., Collette B., Lindsay B., Mike B., Rich E., Erin P.
Called to Meeting 6:40pm held at the Charleston Town Hall
1Motion Board Appointed Member- Tony Hull
Robert C. motion. JoAnne 2nd All in favor
Tony Hull has to leave 7:00
2. UAPC presentation
1Open Meetings law and requirements
2Business of public in the public
3State Procurement Law of $5000 limit for and within budget.
-Brenda maintains a $2000 limit
e. Recordings need to be made public within 3 days on the site.
F. Minutes need to be posted within 3 days on site.
G. Roles and Responsibilities of the Board
Look out for public funds
Evaluate the school leader
Roles and responsibilities of Board and School Leader need to be defined with measurable accountability.
H. Board meeting packets- information from Board/committees given to prepare for board meetings.
3. Motion- change the date of meeting to 2nd Thursday of every month at 6:30- JoAnne M.
Robert C. 2nd ; All in Favor
4. Rich Eccles- did not have budget. Reported that the missing direct payment was found and went through Founders Title not SHCS bank account.
1Rich and Erin Preston will coordinate budget 7/12/17.
5. Audit July 28th over budget
1Erin M., Robert C., Brenda H., Rich E.
2Robert clarified that there were “no concerns about budget from Rich, Brenda.”
6. Bob C. will certify FY17 final ending and FY18 proposed budget by July 15, 2017.
7. Principal's Report
1Lara Graham will not be PTO president but wants to be involved.
2July 24th Charleston celebration is coming up. We will have a snow cone booth, Frisbee Golf and possible Dunk tank.
3Teachers- waiting for certificate of two candidates. Interviews will be thursday July 13, 2017. Hired Stephen Cooper.
4Arts Grant- Beverly Taylor Sorenson
5Riich and Brenda will talk about how to pay for Arts/music
8. Construction- Erin Preston
1USDA and Budget are not adding up. On high priority list to figure out. Many unknowns in the budget ie. moving, impact fees, etc.
2USDA wants to stick to original budget. Any other funds will need to come out of general fund.
3Waiting for approval of sprinklers
4Still working on actual septic costs from EZ treat
9. Questions about 2nd grade portable
1How long can we leave it at current location?
ACTION ITEM- future of 2nd grade portable
10. Bob was going to take lead on lease with ULOF.
1Attorney may need to look at contract
MOTION- to change school calendar to start Sept. 6, 2017. Hold school Feb 20-23, 2018, Dec. 21, 2017 subject to hours. Ending June 8, 2018.- Robert C. JoAnne second, All in favor
11. Staff salary increase denied at this time. Too many unknowns to make an educated decision at this time. Will revisit in October when we know more details of finances.
12. Nancy C. question: “ We will stay on Step and Lane?”
Robert C. answer. “Yes.”
13. Patty Hayes question: “Are there going to be changes to benefits?”
Robert C. Answer. “There will be no changes to benefits, unless we have too.”
14. Samantha Hugh’s question: “What about contracts?”
Robert C. Answer. “You will receive an employment agreement, not a contract allowing adjustments to be made at anytime.”
15. Shannon Poirier question: “What is our salary?”
Robert C. answer. “Brenda will get our letters of employment with S and L.”
16. Mike Bronson. Buses are available on public surplus for $500
1Asked about purchasing a tractor
17. Question regarding ski program and fees through soldier hollow
1Bob will include in his discussion with Stuart.
MOTION FOR CLOSED SESSION 9:20- JoAnne, Jamie 2nd, All in favor
Out of closed session 9:53- Bob C. motion, JoAnne 2nd, All in favor
MOTION to EXIT meeting 9:54 JoAnne, Bob 2nd, All in favor