Draft Minutes of OASIS TOSCA TC Meeting
EVENT: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/tosca/event.php?event_id=34069
DATE: March 7th 2013
TIME: 9am PT
Scribe: Georg Dittmar (SAP)
Meeting was quorate: YES
Observers: None
[The co-chairs maintain the roster based on the TC Process rules. Since rights are gained/lost at the end of a meeting and the co-chairs update between meetings, the roster should be accurate at the start of each meeting. You can view it at: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/tosca/members/roster.php]
Approval of Minutes
The chair motioned for the below draft minutes to be approved. Seconded by Frank.
Date of meeting: 28 February 2013.
Minutes at:
Approved Agenda:
Based on review and discussion of the proposed agenda, the chair motioned for the below agenda to be approved. Seconded by Simon.
Other Motions and Results (broken out from below):
Motion: TOSCA-39,TOSCA-40, TOSCA-51, TOSCA-44, TOSCA-45 to v.next AND move from just Primer to Spec (and possibly Primer) components. - Passed unanimously
TOSCA_34 tabled until Paul Zhang (Huawei) will attend
Motion: Change TOSCA-60 title to be Tier / Layer / Grouping Discussion and expand to spec and primer with version being v.next - Passed unanimously
Co-chairs will decide offline if meeting on 14th will be canceled or not
Motion to Adjourn:
MOTION to adjourn by Paul. Second by Frank. Motion PASSES by unanimous consent. Meeting adjourned at 10:32am PT
Raw Chat Log:
Paul Lipton (Co-Chair): Hello and welcome to today's meeting of the TOSCA TC (starting promptly at 5 minutes after the hour)!
Attendance Recording: Participants are responsible to log their attendance on the Kavi calendar event at
https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/tosca/event.php?event_id=34069. This page also has phone bridge, proposed agenda, links to resources and more. Please look now, if you have not already done so.
When you join the meeting, use this page to record your attendance by clicking "Record My Attendance". If you are not on the internet, you can request the co-chair to record your attendance on your behalf.
Scribe Queue (We need volunteers to scribe for upcoming weeks (please volunteer in the chat room or speak up now, please!).
Georg Dittmar (7 Mar)
Krishna Raman (14 Mar)
Last 6 Scribes:
Georg Dittmar (07 Mar)
Koert Struijk (28 Feb)
Frank Leymann (21 Feb)
Ted Streete (14 Feb)
David Bainbridge (7 Feb)
Efraim Moscovich (31 Jan)
IMPORTANT: No TC Meeting on March 21st
Georg Dittmar (SAP) morphed into Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP)
anonymous1 morphed into David Bainbridge (Zenoss)
anonymous2 morphed into Frank (IBM)
Koert Struijk (Scribe - CA) morphed into Koert Struijk (CA)
anonymous1 morphed into Michael Schuster (SAP)
Paul Lipton (Co-Chair) WebEx: P R O P O S E D A G E N D A
Welcome / Roll
Co-chair appoints a scribe
Review/approve draft proposed agenda
Review/approve draft minutes
* February 28: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=48412&wg_abbrev=tosca
* Thanks to Koert Struijk for scribing
IMPORTANT: No TC Meeting on March 21st
Chair Report on Committee Spec Request
* Also, see "heads-up," forward-looking email on Statements of Use for when/if the TC chooses to submit the Committee Spec to the OASIS membership: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/tosca/email/archives/201303/msg00001.html
Interoperability Subcommittee Report
Note that there was no Interop SC meeting on 3/4
* See minutes of 2/25: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=48209&wg_abbrev=tosca-interop
* Implementer's Interop Guide (non-normative) WD01 Rev 02: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=47967&wg_abbrev=tosca-interop
** Currently evolving as a WD. Will shift to Standards Track Work Product at a later date
* Navibability for Model Processing by Dale Moberg: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=48203&wg_abbrev=tosca-interop
* Proposed Definition of a Tier Concept by Derek Palma: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=48202&wg_abbrev=tosca-interop
Proof of Concept Observations by Dale Moberg: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=47967&wg_abbrev=tosca-interop
Editors status report and editorial input
** Use TOSCA-10 to submit Spec editorial suggestions that do NOT change semantics, e.g., grammar, spelling, readability
** When practical, spec JIRA issues/proposals will be evaluated in the context of use cases detailed or subtasked in TOSCA-8
Done with creating RC responses to 30-day Public Review of Dec. 14-Jan. 13
* Candidate final TC comments spreadsheet: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=48347&wg_abbrev=tosca
* Clean version of spec reflecting all TC decisions: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=48397&wg_abbrev=tosca
* Redline version reflecting all TC decisions: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=48396&wg_abbrev=tosca
* Announcement with all links: https://www.oasis-open.org/news/announcements/30-day-public-review-for-topology-and-orchestration-specification-for-cloud-appli
* See TOSCA-79 (Process Comments from 30-Day Public Review CSDPRD1): https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/TOSCA-79
* See Guidelines and Process at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/tosca/email/archives/201211/msg00003.html
* Use TOSCA-60 for all MATERIAL contributions such as paragraphs, diagrams, examples, etc. (https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/TOSCA-60)
* Use TOSCA-16 to submit Primer editorial suggestions that do NOT change semantics, e.g., grammar, spelling, readability (http://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/TOSCA-16)
* See TOSCA Primer, Working Draft 7, Revision 01: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=48201&wg_abbrev=tosca
* TOSCA-39 (Define core set of DeploymentArtifact Types)
* TOSCA-40 (Define core set of ImplementationArtifact Types)
* TOSCA-51 (Define core set of Requirement and Capability Types)
** TOSCA-44 (How to use Requirements and Capabilities for Monitoring)
** TOSCA-45 (Capacity Requirements and Resources Use Case and Example Discussion)
* TOSCA-34 (Section/Appendix: Mapping Service Template data to OVF Envelope Elements)
* TOSCA-62 (Discussion on the OVF)
* Lastly, circle back to TOSCA-16 and TOSCA-60 (see above)
* GENERAL REMINDER: While a general approach can be decided by motion, specific concrete/material proposals and contributions need to be JIRA issues
Dug (IBM): oasis site is so slow....
Dug (IBM): we are quorate
Dug (IBM): i wish
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Paul calls meeting to order
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Motion to approve agenda
Frank (IBM)1 morphed into Frank (IBM)
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Simon seconds
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Agenda approved unanimousely
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Minutes from last week to approve
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Frank seconds
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Approved unanimously
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): No TC meeting on March 21st
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Chair Report on Committee Spec Request
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Electronic ballot will be sent out next week
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Approval by 2/3 of voting members needed
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Paul explain Statement of Use in WebEx
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): More clarification will follow via mail
Paul Lipton (Co-Chair) WebEx: A TOSCA Definitions document conforms to this specification if it conforms to the TOSCA schema and follows the syntax and semantics defined in the normative portions of this specification. The TOSCA schema takes precedence over the TOSCA grammar (pseudo schema as defined in section 2.5), which in turn takes precedence over normative text, which in turn takes precedence over examples.
An implementation conforms to this specification if it can process a conformant TOSCA Definitions document according to the rules described in chapters 4 through 16 of this specification.
This specification allows extensions. Each implementation SHALL fully support all required functionality of the specification exactly as specified. The use of extensions SHALL NOT contradict nor cause the non-conformance of functionality defined in the specification.
Dug (IBM): its my understanding that the definition "use" is up to each OASIS member to decide. They could "use" it as a door stop and that counts.
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Statement of Use needs to be reviewed by TC
Marvin Waschke (CA)1 morphed into Marvin Waschke (CA)
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Report of Interop SC by Richard
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Interop demo took place at IBM pulse (vnomic and IBM)
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Steve Fanshier asks if demo could be shown to TC
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Link to demo video will be provided by Matt as soon as available
Alex Heneveld (Cloudsoft): Hi folks -- sorry late, flight (from pulse) just landed. excellent promotion and description of TOSCA there.
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Moving on to editors status report
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Derek: No update
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Next topic: Specification
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Moving on to TOSCA_39
Dug (IBM): these are more like "todos" than issues. Would it not be more effective to turn these into "action items" so its naggging someone to actually propose a concrete proposal?
Paul Lipton (Co-Chair) WebEx: Possible Motion: TOSCA-39,TOSCA-40, TOSCA-51 to v.next AND move from just Primer to Spec (and possibly Primer) components.
Marvin Waschke (CA): I have to go. Bye all, Marv
Paul Lipton (Co-Chair): Possible Motion: TOSCA-39,TOSCA-40, TOSCA-51, TOSCA-44, TOSCA-45 to v.next AND move from just Primer to Spec (and possibly Primer) components.
Paul Lipton (Co-Chair): Motion: TOSCA-39,TOSCA-40, TOSCA-51, TOSCA-44, TOSCA-45 to v.next AND move from just Primer to Spec (and possibly Primer) components.
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Richard seconds
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Motion passed unanimously
Aaron(Huawei): I'll talk to my colleague
Aaron(Huawei): see whether he'll attend to explain the issue
Aaron(Huawei): may attend
Aaron(Huawei): No problem
Aaron(Huawei): I'll let him know
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): TOSCA_34 tabled until Paul will attend
Aaron(Huawei): Let me discuss with my colleague what to do for TOSCA-34. Thanks.
Paul Lipton (Co-Chair): @Aaron, can we just close 62, as it seems to be a general call for discussion, which was done?
Aaron(Huawei): Sorry, I left just now. My baby is waking up for milk.
Dug (IBM): keep in mind, closing an issue doesn't delete it - we can still look it up later
Aaron(Huawei): Agree to close 62
Paul Lipton (Co-Chair): Motion: close TOSCA-62.
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Dug seconds
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Motion passed unanimously
Paul Lipton (Co-Chair): Suggested Motion: Change TOSCA-60 title to be Tier / Layer / Grouping Discussion and expand to spec and primer with version being v.next
Matt Rutkowski (IBM): Matt 2nds
Paul Lipton (Co-Chair): Motion: Change TOSCA-60 title to be Tier / Layer / Grouping Discussion and expand to spec and primer with version being v.next
Matt Rutkowski (IBM): Matt 2nds actual motion
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Motion passed unanimously
Aaron(Huawei): Video is highly expected and appreciately
Dale Moberg, Axway: ok to cancel with me
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Co-chairs will decide offline if meeting on 14th will be canceled or not
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Motion Paul to adjurn the meeting
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Frank seconds
Georg Dittmar (scribe SAP): Motion passed unanimously