(YEAR 6)

The following paragraphs explain the meaning and purpose of the Sacrament of the Sick (AT1 ii) Level 5. In this topic it is possible that some children may achieve this level.

When you read these notes you will see that connections are made across the AT1 strands –

  • with scripture to illustrate Jesus’ concern for the sick and the meaning and symbolism of anointing with oil;
  • with the Catechism of the Catholic Church;
  • with Christian life and the call to care for the sick;

(You may want to make links to hymns, sacred art and the lives of Christians too)

There is an explanation of the rite itself including the importance and meaning of various signs and symbols.

Children who describe what happens in the Sacrament will achieve Level 2.

Children who give reasons for the signs and symbols used will achieve Level 3.

Children who describe and show an understanding not only of the signs and symbols but the liturgy as a whole (but do not explain meaning and purpose) will achieve Level 4.

To help us understand the Sacrament of the Anointing of the sick we need to know a little bit about a Sacrament.

A sacrament is something that uses signs – usually a combination of words and actions. By interpreting these signs correctly we can find out what the Sacrament is doing for those who receive it. The signs are not just words and actions that have a message for those who are celebrating it, they give them a gift. They actually do what they say they are doing!! They are effective. This gift (which Catholics call grace) is given by Jesus whom they meet in the Sacrament, to deepen and develop their relationship with him. Through the Sacraments God helps Catholics grow in friendship with him.

In the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick the key signs are:

  • The anointing which brings the sick person healing and comfort.
  • The laying on of hands which occurs many times during the sacraments. In each case it symbolises the giving of strength and power. When the sign is used in the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, it reminds us of the times when Jesus laid his hands on the sick and healed them.

Through these signs God gives the sick person his power to face illness and even death itself with peace and confidence.

From the very beginning of Jesus’ ministry, he was concernedwith thesick and needy.Heneverturnedanyone awayeven whenhewastiredand weary. In Jesus’day,there weremanysick people and they oftenhadtosurviveby begging at the roadside (Luke 18 –the story of the Blind Beggar; Mark 1 – The Leper).

Christiansarecalled tocare forothers,especiallyforthose mostinneed.Jesusexplainsthisvery clearlyina parable of the Good Samaritan. Part ofthe responsibilityofChristians is tohavecompassionand care for thoseinneedespeciallythesick.This is clearly demonstrated in the work of the hospice movement.

Illness and suffering are not easy to cope with. They makea personfeelpowerlessand realisetheirlimitations. When a personisvery sick, they arenot able todo what they normallydo.Theymaynot be able toworkor toenjoylifeas they used to.Oftenit isan occasionwhenpeople havetimeto reflect on what is important to them in life. It is often a time whenpeople think about God and praymore.Christians remember the suffering of Jesus.

The anointing with oil is a symbol of healing and is used in the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. When Jesussent out hisdisciplestopreachtheGoodNewsthey;

‘anointedwithoilmanywhoweresickandcured them’ (Mark 6: 13).

In the parable theGoodSamaritan anointedthe woundsofthe man who had been mugged and used oil to clean and heal them. He ensured he was cared for.

The personwhoisvery ill welcomestheprayersand kindnessofthosewhovisit them. James’letterhasmany practical suggestions which include reference to anointing thesick.

‘Are anyof youill?Let him callfor the elders of the church, andlet them pray overhim, anointing him withoilin the nameof the Lord. And the prayerof faith willsavethe one whoissick,andthe Lordwillraise him up. And if he has committedsins, he willbe forgiven’. (James5:14-15)

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament for anyonewhoisseriouslyill. It isa sacrament that is commonly given a number of times during an illness, sometimesbecause thepersonbecomesmoreill, orbecause the sick person would benefit from the strength and comfort the Sacrament gives them. The Sacrament of Anointing

‘is meant to lead the person to healing of the soul but alsoof the body if such is God’s will’ (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1520).

Through the Sacrament theHoly Spirithelpstocalm the worry, anxiety and discouragement the sick person may experience.

The ChurchnamestwoSacraments asSacramentsof Healing; the Sacrament of Reconciliation and of the Anointing of the Sick. They are not healing in the sense of making a person physically better, but spiritual healing, or helping them feel closertoGod and betterinthemselves.

The Sacrament is usually administered either in a sick person’s home or in some parishes there may be an anointing of the sick at a special Mass for people of the parish who have need of the Sacrament. Familyand friends,aswell asmembersofthe parish family, will be there supporting those who sick and praying for them.When a personisnear todeath,therearethreeSacraments which they maywish toreceive:theSacrament of Reconciliation, the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and Holy Communion.Ifpossible,theseSacraments will becelebratedseparately,but sometimesthereisn’ttime because the person is very, very ill and possibly dying. In this instance thepriestwill celebrateall threeinoneceremony.

The Greeting and Address

When thepriestentersthe roomwhere thesick personis,he

will greet them with the words:

‘The graceof OurLordJesusChrist andloveof God andfellowshipof the Holy Spirit be withyouall’.

Thosepresent will reply:‘andwithyourspirit’.

He then sprinkles the sick person with holy water, reminding themoftheirbaptism.

The Penitential Rite (or Confession)

At thispoint, ifpossible,thesick person will confesstheirsins and receivetheSacrament of Reconciliation. Sometimesthepersonis tooill tomaketheir Confession,(or this is not possible during mass) however they still receive forgiveness and there will be a penitential rite like the one at the beginning of Mass. The Sacraments are signs of God’s love therefore Catholics want to remove any barriers between themselves and God and so apologise to God for any bad choices they have made.

The Readings

This is followed by a short scripture reading(s). The scripture will be chosen to give the sick person comfort and a sense that they are loved by God.

The Litany and Laying on of Hands

The Litany are prayers in which God is asked to heal the sick person (God’s Story 3 p71).

The priest then places his hand on the sick person’s head. The ‘laying on of hands’ is a very ancient symbol which signifies giving strength and power. Used here, ‘the laying on of hands’ reminds Catholics of the times Jesus laid hands on the sick and healed them.

A Prayer of Thanksgiving is said for the care God gives.

The Anointing of the Sick is the same as when it happens during Mass: after the priest lays his hands on the head of the sick person he anoints their head and hands. Oil has always been associated with healing, and is still the base which is used in ointments.

The Prayer is also thesame(See Church’s Story3 page 71).

The Lord’s Prayer

This prayer can be especially meaningful to the sick as God is called ‘Father’ and loves the sick person especially when they are sick or suffering.

Holy Communion

The priest gives the person Holy Communion in which they are united with Jesus in a special way. (Sometimes the person is tooill toreceiveCommunion).

The Blessing

The ceremony of the Anointing of the Sick ends with a blessing.

Thesethreesacraments preparethepersonwhoreceives them for their final journey to God and marks the end of their pilgrimage of life on earth. They provide spiritual healing, giving the person strength, peace, courage and forgiveness of their sins. They will know that Jesus Christ is very near tothem.It does sometimes happen that the person regains theirhealth and continuesonwith theirlifeonearth.