Approved 6-14-2016

St. John Paul II Parish Pastoral Council Minutes – Tuesday – 05-10-2016

Members Present: Fr. Mike Ignaszak, Fr. Mauricio Fernandez, Beth Eichman, Chris Grambling, Herman Guzman. Roger Hagen, Vicki Kegel, Maggie Lynch, Janice Patrowsky, Dean Pluskota, Alice Palacio-Gomez and Anita Wucherer.

Excused: Bob Lynch and Maria Josefina Ruiz Martinez.

Vice-Chairman Herman Guzman called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. with an opening prayer from Chris Gramling.

Approval of March 8th Pastoral Council Minutes

The minutes of 03/08/2016 were reviewed and no additions or changes were made. Vicki moved to approve the minutes and Roger seconded the motion. All present approved the minutes.

Pastoral Staff Ministry Report: Sharon Dahle, Director of Administrative Services

·  Sharon provided hard copies of the 3 budgets and went over the 3 budgets with the Council members. On SJK Budget Sharon mentioned a share Math teacher and that the principal Dan

Jorgensen’s wish list would be taken care of this year rather than next year. On the HWA Budget that a 3rd Grade teacher has been hired for next year, a 6th grade Math and Science teacher is needed and a 7th and 8th grade home room teacher is needed. Two teachers are retiring; one the Math teacher Allison Zbikowski from HWA but she will be coming back part time in September, 2016 and Lynn Kison K5 at HWA. On the SJP II Parish Budget, Sharon went over staff, envelope giving and that the Rental income amount is down because our renters in the parish office are leaving at the end of June, 2016. This was the most difficult budget to work on.

·  Vicki thanked Sharon and Roger for all of their hard work done with the budgets for 2016-2017.

·  Fr. Mauricio asked Sharon about the fence at SJK School that was damaged by the wind. A claim has been submitted for the repairs with the insurance company. We have to pay a deductible of $2,500.00.

Council Chair Report: Herman Guzman

·  Fr. Mike said that we are declining the Knights of Columbus project to order crosses in support

of persecuted Christians in the Middle East because Blest Art is coming in September, 2016 to our parish.

Synod Implementation Update: Bob Lynch - Nothing to report by Herman from Bob.

Pastor’s Report: Fr. Mike Ignaszak

·  Proxy Requests:

SJK Rectory Demolition

SJK School Window replacement: West side of Old School Building

Fr. Mike reported that it was the Finance Council’s decision to seek a proxy for the demolition of the SJK rectory rather than repair it after the water damage due to the annual cost of maintenance on a building for which we are having difficulty finding a tenant.

·  Catholic Stewardship Appeal: Video is available in Spanish. Fr. Norberto Sandoval filmed it at SJK using much of my translation. Fr. Mauricio said he was sent a copy. Fr. Mike originally made the appeal at the Spanish Masses. It is available for streaming at We are at $24,600 or 48.71% of our goal of $50,500.00. Last year in May we were at $25,825 or 51.14%.

·  Rentals: SSND sisters have given notice. I reissued the available spaces to religious communities in the area and to Fr. James Lobacz who is acting as a clearing house for priests. Two priests have come and looked at what’s available.

·  Pastoral Associate Position Open: No applicants so far for Maritza’s position.

·  Sacristan Reorganization need. Fr. Mike is planning a meeting with the sacristans to discuss what they do as sacristans and to put together a Sacristan manual.

·  Volunteer needed to coordinate farewell’s for Fr. Mauricio. Herman and Alice volunteered. They will be the weekend of June 11-12, 2016 for the English Masses and June 18-19, 2016 for the Spanish Masses.

·  I have a Pastor’s meeting Tuesday, May 17th, 2016.

Associate Pastor’s Report: Fr. Mauricio Fernandez

Holy Week

·  I am pleased with the collaboration offered from some groups within the Hispanic groups in the organization and planning of some new activities of Holy Week.

·  I think that we had good attendance and participation at each one of the Celebrations.

·  I have received great inputs in regard to the play of “The Way of the Cross” with the faces of

the suffering Christ.


·  On April 17th, we had a presentation with INTERFAITH at St. Helen’s Hall. Around 25 people were present. It was a general presentation and promotion in order to outreach volunteers to help the elderly in our community.

·  The same day, the group of couples “Buscando el Verdadero Amor” organized an event called: “Celebration the Resurrection with the families.” They had a great turn out. I enjoy celebrating with the families this special season.

Certificate Program

·  On May 20th, two of our parishioners Maria Ibarra and Laura Perea (8:30 a.m.-SH) are going to graduate from St. Clare Center. This is a certification in pastoral ministry. I acknowledged them this past Sunday.

New Mission

·  I have been sent to a new mission at St. Adalbert’s, Prince of Peace and St. Vincent de Paul Parishes. I am grateful to SJPII Parish for the generosity and learning. I would appreciate your prayers. My last day is going to be June 19th, 2016. My first day with my new mission is Tuesday, June 21st, 2016.


·  My oldest nephew was ordained a priest on Saturday May 7th, 2016 in Venezuela.

Schools Report: Beth Eichman

·  Forward Wisconsin Testing is going well.

a.  Tool Training is going well.

b.  Some classes have testing started.

·  School Budgets are a challenge.

a.  Teacher Salaries

·  All Teachers are returning.

a.  Retiring Lynn Kison K5, HWA

Semi-retiring Allison Zbikowski HWA Math and Science

b.  HWA 3rd Grade Sub will take the position.
Need 6, 7, 8 Math and Science

·  Arbor Day/Earth Day Celebration April 29th.

a.  City of Milwaukee will plant a tree on 10th Street.

b.  Prayer Service

c.  Grounds Clean up with Deputy Felix.

·  I will be attending a Seton Update meeting on May 24th, 2016 on the progress of the 9 schools in Phase 1. Individual contracts were prepared with each pastor. The nine schools will be accredited separately. The parishes will still be responsible to have audits and prepare budgets.


Finance Council Report: Vicki

·  The two school budgets and the parish budget were approved and passed for 2016-2017 at our meeting of April 26th, 2016. As Sharon said the parish budget was not easy to do.

·  Fr. Mike said that he is working on a Leadership Handbook. I have asked Anita to proofread.

Committee Reports:

Lifelong Faith Formation: Dean

·  No Report.

Human Concerns: Janice

·  I was not able to attend the last meeting so Janice asked Dean to report. Dean said that on Sunday, June 12th, 2016 Maritza was planning an ice cream social. Fr. Mike will talk to Maritza because this is the same day a farewell celebration is planned for Fr. Mauricio.

Prayer and Worship: Herman

·  Our next meeting is Tuesday, May 17, 2016.

Stewardship: Janice

·  Fr. Mauricio discussed in his report about the meeting with INTERFAITH on April 17th, 2016.

·  It is hard to get people to join the Stewardship committee. I do not know if it is because the meetings are on a Thursday.

New Business:

·  Anita mentioned what a great job Robert Martin did at his concert at Gesu Parish on Tuesday April 12, 2016. Some members of council attended plus Fr. Mike added 30 of our parishioners attended; a total of 80 people attended. Janice said Robert will be doing an encore concert at SSSF Chapel on Layton.

·  Maggie Lynch thanked everyone for the prayers and get well wishes on her resent surgery. Welcome Back Maggie!

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. with a closing prayer (the “Our Father”) said by all.

Respectfully submitted by,

Anita L. Wucherer, Parish Pastoral Council Secretary