
Guidelines to write Instruction

•Use the imperative form. Eg. “Close the lid tightly”

•Begin each step with an action verb.

•Frame each step in such a way that it focuses on single task.

•Number the steps.

•Use simple and direct language free from jargon and ambiguity.

•Use words ‘Notes’ Tips, Caution, Warnings whereever necessary.

•Review your document for technical accuracy.

Instructions to be followed in a Chemistry Lab.

•Always wear shoes and lab coats while entering a chemistry lab.

•Use gloves and apron while using concentrated solutions.

•Keep strong acids on sand mound.

•Be careful not to add excess reagents.

•Always wash all apparatus with distilled water before and after use

•Keep the test tube in a slanting position away from the face while using it.

•Switch off the burners when not in use.

•Do not wash glass apparatus in cold water when it is hot.

•Use test tube holders while heating or adding concentrated acids.

•Do not heat the glass test tubes and beakers too much to avoid any cracks or break.

•Always keep the bottles containing chemicals such as ammonia or acids closed.

•Take care while pipetting out the chemicals

•Incase of intake of chemicals while using pipette, rinse mouth with water and suitable emetic.


1.Condition the vehicle: Frequently lubricate the engines

to avoid friction.

2. Condition of the roads: Adapt yourselves to the

existing condition of the roads. If the roads are

bumpy control the speed of the vehicle.

3. Responsibility of the drivers: Never practice drunk

and drive as it leads to many accidents.

4. Use of Mobiles: Do not use of mobiles while driving

as it diverts the attention of the driver.

5.Obeying Traffic Rules: Adhere to the traffic rules strictly.

Any violation results in accidents.

6.Rash Driving: Never involve in rash driving either

to show of your driving skills or out of sheer enthusiasm.

7. Awareness programmes: Create awareness among

the public about the traffic rules.

8. Inexperienced Driving: Don’t allow inexperienced

drivers to drive.