Randolph Hollingsworth

Assistant Provost, Provost’s Office of Academic Excellence, University of Kentucky

112 Frazee Hall, Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0023 U.S.A.
; ; @rhollingsworth; Second Life/ Bella Yan


Ph.D., 1999, American History, University of Kentucky

M.A. in Teaching, 1981, Social Studies, Colgate University

A.B., 1979, History, Vassar College

Employment History:

·  Assistant Provost, University of Kentucky (2007 to present)
and adjunct faculty status in History with faculty affiliation in Gender & Women’s Studies

·  Director of Product Development, Kentucky Virtual Campus [previously Kentucky Virtual University], Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education (2001-07)

·  Director of Special Projects, KY Virtual University, Council on Postsecondary Education (2000-01)

·  Commonwealth Humanities Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Kentucky(1999-2000)
and Project Coordinator for CATalyst Project for Course Redesign (Spring 2000)

·  Adjunct Faculty (graduate class in Ky. History), Eastern Kentucky University (Fall 1999)

·  Associate Professor, Lexington Community College (LCC), Lexington, KY (1988-99)
including administrative release time from regular teaching load to serve as a Faculty/Staff Development Coordinator and then as L.C.C. Distance Learning Liaison

·  Writer-Researcher and TIPS Faculty Consultant, Teaching Improvements Project System, Allied Health Education & Research, University of KY (July 1987-92)

·  Part-time Instructor, LCC (1987-88 & 1985-86)

·  Coordinator/Trainer, Communications Operations, University of KY (May 1986-July 1987)

·  Teaching Assistant, History Department, University of KY (1984-86)

·  Teacher/Choir Director, Murewa Secondary School, Zimbabwe (Mar 1982- Dec 1983)

·  Educator and Project Director for Teen Pregnancy Prevention Project, Sherburne Area Pastoral Counseling Center, Sherburne, NY (Mar-Sept 1981)

·  Teacher, Clinton Junior High School, Clinton, NY (Jan-May 1980)

·  Home and Substitute Teacher, Hamilton and Sherburne-Earlville Central Schools, NY (1979-80)

Postsecondary Courses Taught:

History of Kentucky Women in the Civil Rights Era; Service-Learning and Leadership for #IAmAWomanInSTEM Initiative; University of Kentucky Orientation; Discovery Seminar (focusing on first-year student field research and cosmopolitanism in immersive social networks); Historical Methods and Literature (focusing on Southern Conservatism); Kentucky History (undergraduate and graduate levels); European History introductory surveys, U.S. History introductory surveys, African-American History intro surveys, Sub-Saharan African History, Intro to Women’s Studies (Arts & Humanities)

Honors & Awards:

Elected to H-Net Council: Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine, 2010; President, 2015; Past-President, 2016

Hobsons EMT Excellence Award Winner: Retention Success Award (UK’s rollout of Retain CRM), 2009

Madison Who’s Who Executive and Professional Registry, 2006

EDUCAUSE Effective Practice Showcase: Kentucky Virtual Adult Education portal, 2004

Award of Merit for Electronic Communications, Ky. Assoc. of Government Communicators, 2004

Innovative Use of Technology Award, National Assoc. of State Chief Information Officers, 2003

Commonwealth Humanities Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1999

Ky. Telecommunications Consortium Telecourse Incentive Award, 1999

Recent Grants Awarded:

2017: UK Women & Philanthropy student scholarship awards for #IAmAWomanInSTEM

2010-17: P.I., GEAR UP KY 3.0 Summer Enrichment Program at the University of Kentucky

2015-16: P.I., Am. Assoc. of University Women Campus Action Project: #IAmAWomanInSTEM

2014-15: P.I., KY Oral History Commission, digitizing and indexing oral histories of KY Black women

2009-16: P.I., National Model Center for First Generation College Going Students, Suder Foundation

2012: P.I., Bridging Theory to Practice: Engaged Scholarship at UK, Am. Assoc. of Colleges & Univ.

2012: Project Director, Ky. Assoc. of Teachers of History Annual Meeting, Ky. Humanities Council

2002-06: Steering Committee Member and Partner, Teaching American History Grant from US Dept.
of Education, with Ky. Historical Society, Univ. of Ky. and Harlan Independent Schools

2000-2002: Consultant, NEH grant for Cincinnati Museum Center’s “Liberty on the Border:
An American Civil War Experience” exhibit
1999: Ky. Humanities Council Grant for the Ky. Assoc. of Teachers of History Conference

Recent Professional and Community Service:

National Board Member, Turning Point Suffragist Memorial Association, Fairfax Station VA, 2017
Peer Reviewer, University Press of Kentucky, 2015 - present

Advisory Board Member and Network Editor, H-Kentucky, 2005 to present

Executive Board, Kentucky Association of Teachers of History, 1993 to present

Certified Quality Matters Peer Reviewer, 2007 to present; Master Reviewer, 2010 to present

Board Member, Central Kentucky Council for Peace and Justice, 2009 to present; Co-Chair, 2010-12

Board Member, Race, Community and Child Welfare - Fayette County branch, 2013 to present

Board Member, Central Kentucky Diversity Consortium, 2014 to present

Planning Committee, RCCW Youth Justice Network, 2016 to present

Member, Reviewer Panel, MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT), 2012 to present

Interview on KY Woman Suffrage Project, Lexington Community Radio WLXU93.9FM, March 24, 2017

President, H-Net: Humanities Social Sciences OnLine 2015; President-Elect, 2014; Board 2010-16

Member, Committee on Teaching, Southern Assoc. of Women Historians, 2006-14

Editor/Author, Wikipedia (primarily in category “History of Kentucky Women”), 2012 to present

Consultant, "Dreamers and Doers: Voices of Kentucky Women" documentary (premier March 10, 2015)

Consultant, History of Women at Bryan Station in the 1780s for a Mother's Day Special for "Kentucky

Life" on Kentucky Educational Television (aired May 9, 2015)

Coordinated Constitution Day 2015, 2016, 2017, at the University of Kentucky

Co-Coordinator for THATCamp Kentucky, 2013 and 2014, Lexington KY

Organized Women's Equality Day Celebration, 26 August 2013, University of Kentucky

Current Professional Memberships:

American Association of University Women, since 2006

American Historical Association, since 1998
Ky. Assoc. of Teachers of History, since 1993; Comm. College Rep., 1993-95; President, 1998-99
The Kentucky Historical Society, since 1998

Southern Association of Women Historians, since 1996

Southern Historical Association, since 1999

Current Digital Media Publications:

Administrator: Kentucky Women in Civil Rights Era (open knowledge initiative): www.kywcrh.org

Administrator: KY Woman Suffrage Project portal: networks.h-net.org/KyWomanSuffrage

Web Editor: KY Association for Teachers of History: kath-online.org

Web Editor: Race, Community & Child Welfare, Fayette County: fayetterccw.wix.com/rccw

Author and WikiEditor: multiple Wikipedia articles under the category “History of Kentucky Women”

Recent Scholarly and Pedagogical Publications:

A History of Women in Kentucky, Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, forthcoming.

Review: The Diary of Nannie Haskins Williams: A Southern Woman's Story of Rebellion and Reconstruction, 1863–1890, edited by Minoa D. Uffelman (Knoxville: Univ. of Tenn. Press, 2014). J of Southern History, Aug 2015.

“Mary Lincoln’s Kentucky Roots,” Exhibition Catalog, Indiana State Museum & Historic Sites, 2015.

“‘Mrs. Boone, I presume?’ In Search of the Idea of Womanhood in Kentucky’s Early Years,” in Bluegrass Renaissance: The History and Culture of Central Kentucky, 1792-1852, edited by James Klotter and Daniel Rowland. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2012.

“Memoirs of an Avatar: A Feminist Exploration of Right-Wing Worlds in SecondLife.com” in Women of the Right: Comparisons and Exchanges Across National Borders, edited by Kathleen M. Blee and Sandra Deutsch. University Park: Penn State University Press, 2012.

“Daughters of the American Revolution;” “Governors;” “Peace groups, women’s;” “Second Great Awakening;” Encyclopedia of American Women’s History, edited by Hasia Diner. New York, NY: Facts On File, Inc., forthcoming.

“Lexington, Kentucky;” “Ohio River;” “Hemp;” “Spas and Gardens;” “Northwest Territory” – essays for Encyclopedia of the Early Republic and Antebellum America, edited by Christopher Bates. New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 2010.

“Amo Lucille Powell Peters (b. December 5, 1912, Cynthiana, Ky.),” Encyclopedia of Northern Kentucky, co-edited by Paul A. Tenkotte and James C. Claypool. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2009.

Review: Cora Wilson Stewart and Kentucky’s Moonlight Schools: Fighting for Literacy in America, by Yvonne Honeycutt Baldwin (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2006). <>, August 2006.

Review: Henry Adams and the Southern Question, by Michael O'Brien (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2005). H-South listserv <>, January 2006.

Lexington: Queen of the Bluegrass, Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2004.

Review: Southern Manhood: Perspectives on Masculinity in the Old South, edited by Craig Thompson Friend and Lorri Glover (Athens and London: The University of Georgia Press, 2004) in The Register of the Kentucky Historical Society (Summer 2004): 237-240.

“Mag Preston: Personal Honor in Southern Politics” in The Human Tradition in the American South, edited by James C. Klotter, Delaware: Scholarly Resources Inc., 2003.

“A Case Study of the Kentucky Virtual University,” in Towards Virtualization: The World of Open and Distance Learning, Vol. II, V. Venugopal Reddy and Manjulika Srivastava, eds., New Delhi: Viva Books Private Limited, 2002.

Introductory Essay for Alice Stone Blackwell’s Lucy Stone: Pioneer Woman Suffragist, (orig. pub. 1930), University of Virginia Press, 2001.

Review: Gender and the Southern Body Politic: Essays and Comments by Peter Bardaglio, Kathleen M. Brown, et al, edited by Nancy Bercaw (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2000). (February, 2001).

“Robert J. Breckinridge,” William Wells Brown,” “Speed S. Fry,” “James Guthrie,” “Refugee Home Society” entries for Encyclopedia of the American Civil War, ABC-CLIO, 2001.

“Women of Kentucky: Our Legacy, Our Future” video consultant and interviewee (produced by Peridot Co., and first broadcast on Ky. Educational Television, August 6, 2000).

“Claiming the Commons: Constructing an American Identity,” Chapter 7 of American Dreams and Reality, Vol. I, Abigail Press, 2000. (also 3 chapters in the study guide; now in 3rd edition printing)

Recent Scholarly Papers Presented:

2016: “History of Racism and Anti-Racist Activism in Fayette County, Kentucky,” Bishop & Chase Foundation, Lexington KY

2015: “The Latest, Greatest Generation Gap: Guess Which Side You’re On” co-panelist for “Blogs, Writing Groups, Digital Classrooms, and More: Managing Your Academic Career in the Online Era” session for the Southern Association for Women Historians, Charleston SC

2014: “History of Racism and Anti-Racist Activism in Fayette County, Kentucky,” Race, Community and Child Welfare 2-day training; “College Readiness and the ACT in Kentucky,” UK Admissions college prep workshop; “Wikipedia and the culture of wiki in education” THATCampKY 2014, Lexington KY; (co-presenter) “Assessment and Undergraduate Research” for a Faculty-Administrator Network session, National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Lexington KY; “Women Voters in Lexington and the Power of Kentucky School Suffrage, 1838-1902” Lexington Professional Women's Forum, Lexington KY

2013: “The Ideal College Ready Student in Kentucky” Bluegrass Higher Education Consortium, Lexington KY

2012: Presented “Mary Lincoln: Mad? Or Just Angry?” at the Bluegrass Heritage Museum, Winchester; presented “Kentucky Black Women in the Civil Rights Era” at the USDA Annual African American History Luncheon, Ky. Natural Resources Conservation Service in Lexington, KY

2011: “Kentucky Women in the Civil Rights Era” open knowledge initiative featured in Digital History Lab, Berkshires Conference for Women Historians, Amherst MA

2010: Presented “Kentucky Frontier Women” Bluegrass Heritage Museum, Winchester KY; “Sense(s) and Sensibility,” Baccalaureate Address, Sayre School, Lexington KY

2009: Presented “Gender and Women’s Bodies in Second Life: Exploration and Problem-Solving in a Virtual World” and chaired panel on Kentucky women’s history at Conference for Southern Association for Women Historians, Chapel Hill NC

2008: Keynoter for “Women on the Frontier” weekend at Fort Boonesborough – “Searching for the Real Rebecca Boone: The Idea of Womanhood in Early Kentucky History”; presented “Memoirs of an Avatar: A Feminist Exploration of Right-Wing Worlds Flourishing in SecondLife.com” at Berkshire Conference for Women Historians, Twin Cities MN; presented “Mary Todd Lincoln,” Kentucky Historical Society Brown Bag Series, Frankfort KY; presented “Gender and Race in Ultra-Conservative Groups in Second Life,” Virtual Praxis: A Conference on Women’s Community in Second Life, held on Ohio State University’s Minerva Island, Second Life

2006: Presented “‘Mrs. Boone, I presume?’ In Search of the Idea of Womanhood in Kentucky’s Early Years,” at 2006 Bale Boone Symposium, University of KY Gaines Center for the Humanities

2005: Organized a panel and gave historical overview presentation for “Slavery in Lexington: Its History and Legacy,” hosted by the Lexington Network at the Lexington History Museum

2004: Presented “A Silent Cry: Mary Todd Lincoln’s Last Days,” Annual Archives Institute, KY Department of Libraries and Archives, Frankfort, Kentucky; presented “Polly Todd Russell Wickliffe in Frontier Lexington” at Friends of McConnell’s Springs, Lexington, KY

2003: Presented “Antebellum Slave Owner Polly Todd Russell Wickliffe: Pawn or Political Agent?” Ohio Valley History Conference, Richmond, KY

2002: Presented “History, Women and Politics” to Political Science class (PS479) at U.K.

2000: Presented “A History of Women's Equality Day” at Fort Knox, KY; served as Civil War exhibit consultant on the Underground Railroad at the Cincinnati Museum Center; “A Family Affair: Interweaving Racialized Narratives” for U. of Louisville Commonwealth Humanities Lecture; “Politics of Slavery in KY History” for PS571 at University of Kentucky; presented “Beyond Suffrage: 19th Century Women’s Activism” to Greater Lexington Democratic Women’s League; presented “View from the Pedestal: KY Elite Women” to Woodford Co. Library Associates; presented “Parallel Lives: Marriage and Divorce in Antebellum KY” for Vassar Club of Central KY; presented “Woman Triumphant, an Ideal Group: A Nude, Cupid’s Arrow, and a County Courthouse Cupola” to American Culture Assoc. Conference, New Orleans

1999: Presented “A Conversation about Lucy Stone and the Construction of Women’s History” to University of Kentucky Women’s Studies Colloquium; presented “Truth is Stranger than Fiction: KY Elite Women” for Eastern KY Univ. Lecture Series on KY History and Politics; organized and led KY Assoc. of Teachers of History Conference featuring Gerda Lerner and Elsa Barkley Brown; lectured and wrote bibliography on “Women, Politics, and History” for PS476 at U.K.; presented “Margaret W. Preston and Civil War” to Madison Co. Civil War Round Table

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