Considerations for 2018 ILS Budget results from May 18, 2017 All Director’s Meeting
2018ILS Advisory Exercise 1
Fund Half Time LTE Data Services Position
From Contingency: @ $20,000
No additional fees for ILS (uses Contingency)
There is still residual database cleanup to do from the Randolph and Portage County migrations, as well as authority control catchup. In addition, ILS staff can use assistance with various system setup projects.
Option 1: Yes, fund half time LTE Data Services Position from ILS Contingency: 26 votes
Option 2: No, do not fund half time LTE Data Services Position from ILS Contingency: 3 votes
2018ILS Advisory Exercise 2
Novelist Linked Library Service (Zepheira)
Additional fees may apply.
The following resources will help you understand this service:
Web site:
Recorded webinars (most comprehensive):
Streaming recording link:
Download recording link:
Real search examples (provided by Larry Oathout (Portage County Public Library; thanks Larry!)
Try in a browser: molly brown papers
Try in a browser: Scarlett O’Hara EVPL
Also, here are some links to resources that were mentioned in the demo:
- You are very welcome tosign up for the Library.Link network newsletter that Jeff Penka mentioned, which includes product updates, webinar info as well as information such as the case study Jeff mentioned.
- Information about linked data and NoveList Select for Linked Data:
- Information about the embeddable widgets, with the examples:
- Highlights of the HALAN Library System that implemented Select for Linked Data:
Option 1: Include Novelist Linked Library Service ($26,000) in 2018 ILS budget: 0 votes
Option 2: Include Novelist Linked Library Service + Novelist Select for Linked Data (extra enriched data like “Appeals” and “Read-alikes”) ($39,000) in 2018 ILS budget: 22 votes
Option 3: Do not include Novelist Linked Library Services or Novelist Select in 2018 ILS budget: 7 votes
201ILS Advisory Exercise 3
Boopsie Virtual Library Card
Additional fees may apply.
Boopsie is a mobile app that provides access to a variety of features, including searching the library catalog, calendaring software (Evanced) and summer library program management (Wandoo Reader). Some LINKcat/SCLS libraries are already considering these features as individual library subscriptions. At this time, we are considering only the Virtual Library Card feature as a LINKcat subscription. Check out the COOL Consortium if you would like to see the Boopsie app:
A virtual library card would allow patrons to use a digital library card on their phone for checkout. This feature would require that patrons use a PIN, where applicable.
Option 1: Yes, fund the Boopsie Virtual Library Card ($11,995): 13 votes
Option 2: No, do not fund the Boopsie Virtual Library Card, but allow libraries to pursue individual subscriptions under the purview of the ILS Circulation Services SubCommittee: 18 votes
2018ILS Advisory Exercise 4
EBSCO Discovery Service
Additional fees may apply.
The EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) would provide the ability to integrate the LINKcat catalog searching with the resources in BadgerLINK: Full integration would not happen until after the LibLime Codebase Fusion is complete some time in the next year. The codebase fusion software will have the capability to integrate with EDS. EDS is required to search the BadgerLINK databases even with the Codebase Fusion.
Option 1: Yes, fund the EDS in 2018 ($26,500): 13 votes
Option 2: No, do not fund EDS in 2018: 18 votes
2018ILS Advisory Exercise 5
Most Likely To Fund
Indicate which of the following services your library would be most likely to fund in 2018.
Option 1: Novelist Linked Library Service ($26,000): 0 votes
Option 2: Novelist Linked Library Service + Novelist Select for Linked Data (extra enriched data like “Appeals” and “Read-alikes”) ($39,000): 17 votes
Option 3: Boopsie Virtual Library Card ($11,995): 8 votes
Option 4: EBSCO Discovery Service ($26,500): 4 votes
2018ILS Advisory Exercise 6
Most Likely To Advocate Use of 2018 LSTA Funds
Indicate which of the following services your library would advocate using LSTA Funds to support on a trial basis in 2018.
Option 1: Novelist Linked Library Service ($26,000): 0 votes
Option 2: Novelist Linked Library Service + Novelist Select for Linked Data (extra enriched data like “Appeals” and “Read-alikes”) ($39,000): 21 votes
Option 3: Boopsie Virtual Library Card ($11,995): 6 votes
Option 4: EBSCO Discovery Service ($26,500): 0 votes