Here’s the bad news: Stress can make you sick.

  • Up to 90% of the problems that send you to the doctor are related to stress.
  • Stress has been linked to:

back paincolorectal cancerdiabetes

heart problemshigh blood pressureheadaches

smoking drug abusealcohol abuse

increased angerinfectious diseasepoor interpersonal relations

poor attentionpoor concentrationpoor sleep

weight gain

Here’s the good news: You can do something about.

  • You canbe calmer
  • You canbe healthier
  • You can concentrate better, focus better, be more creative
  • You can sleep better
  • You can be happier

The Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course can teach you how.

In the MBSR STRESS REDUCTION COURSE, you’ll learn to:

  • Calm your body, to focus better, to quiet your overly busy mind
  • Keep cool under pressure and to bounce back quickly even if you “lose it.”
  • Be more resilient, handle hassles and challenges more effectively.
  • Be kinder to yourself.

How does the MBSR COURSE work?

  • This is a skills-training course, not group therapy. No personal disclosure is required.
  • 8 weekly classes, 2.5 hours each, plus a special “all-day class.”
  • Small classes, to ensure lots of individualized attention and training.
  • Workbook, handouts, CDs with guided instructions, and individualized teacher support.
  • You commit to practice these techniques daily for about 45-60 minutes per day.

Course Location:Baka, Jerusalem.


Registration is now open for Winter 2018.

Courses will meet on Tuesdays unless otherwise noted. See course details on page 3

  1. Winter-Spring 2018: January-February 2018

* Options for daytime or evening courses.

**Opening a class depends on number of registrants.

Language of instruction:Primarily English. All written materials and guided instruction for home practice (CD or mp3) will be available in Hebrew for Hebrew-speakers.

Course Fee:NIS 2,500 including VAT. Fee includespre-course individual orientation/consultation session, all classes, all course materials (handouts and recordings of all meditations).

Special discounts:

  • For couples (married or living together, i.e. single household) signing up together for the same course: Second registrant is entitled to a 20% discountand the fee is NIS 2,000.
  • Forreturning graduates: 20% discount and the fee is NIS 2,000.

*Payment schedules are available

Registration involves the following steps:

1)Completing the Application and returning that to Dr. Dina Wyshogrod.

To apply, please go to and complete the online application form found under “Why Take an MBSR Course” or click here tocontact me directly.

2)The personal consultation (free & mandatory)

3)Once we’ve met, you’ll be asked to:

  1. Review and sign the course contract and return it to Dr. Dina Wyshogrod, and
  2. Arrange payment, according to the terms spelled out in the contract)

Other options:If the course isn’t right for you, other options include individual work, or intensive immersion programs, tailored to fit your needs. This can be discussed at the FREE consultation.

About your instructor:Dina Wyshogrod, PhD, Founder and Director of MBSR-ISRAEL.

I’m a U.S.-trained clinical and medical psychologist, licensed in Israel and New York State, specializing in anxiety and stress disorders and behavioral medicine. I’ve extensive training and experience in a variety of state-of-the-art mind-body techniques (TAT, EFT, SE, and EMDR). I’m certified by the Center for Mindfulness, USA to teach and train people in MBSR.

It’s been my delight and honor to have brought MBSR to Israel in 2002 and to have taught it to thousands of Israelis since then. I hope to have the pleasure of introducing you to this powerful, life-changing approach, too.


A calmer, more peaceful you is possible. Let’s make that happen.

Contact me nowfor info and a free consultation.

Detailed Dates of Upcoming MBSR Course

January-February 2018. Tuesdays.

Daytime course:9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Class 1:January 9, 2018 (attendance is mandatory for this class)

Class 2: January 16, 2018

Class 3: January 23, 2018

Class 4: January 30, 2018

Class 5: February 6, 2018

Class 6: February 13, 2018

Class 7: February 16, 2018 from 08:00-13:00**

Class 8: February 20, 2018

**All-day class

Dina Wyshogrod, PhD.Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Founder/Director, MBSR-ISRAEL

12 Dan Street Jerusalem 93509 Israel +972 2 672 7261