FONSS. Meeting 2nd November 2015 8pm Village Hall
Attendees: Lindsay, Sarah Mc G, Louise S, Joe M, Amanda K, Sharron C
Apologies: Mrs Watts, Lisa W, SB
Minutes taken by:
Roles agreed as follows:
Sharron Cooney – Chair,
Sarah McGavin – Secretary
Louise Smith / Joe– Treasurers
Amanda King, Sarah Blenkinsop, Sue Barnett – Marketing
Jo, Lindsay, Ann, Lauren, Mrs Watts – Operations
Discussion / ActionPumpkin competition a great success with £66 raised. Thank you to Beauty at the Grange for kindly donating prizes. / ALL
Link to Facebook -check if this can be on the school website
Chase up badges with Mrs watts / EW
Treasurer role is Louise and Joanne (with occasional assistance form Aimee)
Domino drive is on the 11th of December, sel3ectedtion of quality raffle prises required for Anne.
CAN any FONSS members attend?
The Domino group are a valuable resource of people and raise funds regularly for the school, we are very lucky to have Anne Horner to co ordinate this. / J
Louise and Joanne to take on shopping duties where possible / J
Promote , as asset to parents and the school, we we can all benefit. Need to highlight & sell the benefits to all, maybe good for the new year, when people want to save money and have more time to act/engage. / AK
Request for a school to have a representative at 6 of the 12 meetings please, held at the school 3.30pm PLEASE???, its goods to have the school input and share what FONSS is doing for the school wish list.
Mrs Watts, Joanne and Lauren are school reps
3.30 Monday meeting dates, we are seeking commitment for Nov 30th,Feb 1st,April 18th, June 6th. Thank you in anticipation / School
LWV run- Sharron is taking over as Race Director and will start working on organising things ASAP. (no one else came forward for this position)
Schedule of help required will be published nearer the date.
Race date yet to be finalised, expect it to be 05/03 ( 3RD date to date!) Consequently SC asked that her sole focus, input to be on this project.
All agreed
Help needed from 5pm Friday to set up the hall...
8am Saturday morning until 2pm Saturday afternoon ... Action list available for 30/11 meeting,
SC Suggested we put out a shout out request for 30min help slots, to recruit helpers on the day.
Order Xmas ornaments for children to decorate an to be sold at the fair with extra ones available to buy on the day
Advertising/promotion the event is in hand by Amanda! / ALL
Christmas Fayre 17 Stalls to fill
Stalls are still available if anyone knows of someone who would be interested please pass on Amanda's details.
SC gave details to Amanda; regarding stalls that can we created by the school, if we are not able to recruit enough stall holders.
Share stall offer on Facebook FONSS, invite people to share the request
Joanne's husband has kindly donated a signed Leeds rhino top we are auctioning this off publicly an currently stands at £300 which is amazing!!!!!!!!
/ J
Non uniform day 06/11
Any donations for the raffle/tombola/domino drive please give to a member of the FONSS group.
Social Media Code of Conduct, agreed, FB to be updated to reflect this / SM/SB
Outstanding from Prev meetings
Website to be updated with details of new committee, spends, achievements, wish list, mission, and welcome / invite to FONSS, as well as immediate challenges / requirements / SB
Fundraising barometer / notice board could be put into playground to regularly update on FONSS news / events / fundraising. Look into recycled plastic option / ALL
Recipe Book – Jo suggested collating favourite recipes for a printed book to be available to purchase on Mothers’ Day 2016. / JOE
Talent show – FONSS talent show to be explored, potentially in February 2016 / ALL
Online shopping vouchers to be investigated / LS
Events schedule to be formulated, based on evidence of previous success / SC/LS - ALL
School Production raffle/refreshments / ALL
Dates for your diary
Next Meeting Monday 30/11 School 3.30pm
Christmas Fayre 05/12
Domino Drive 11/12
School Productions 9/12 2pm, 10/12-5pm