Foundations of Nursing 3rd Edition Transition Guide

CONTENTS: This transition guide provides page numbers of corresponding information between Foundations of Nursing 2nd edition and Foundations of Nursing 3rd edition. The page numbers for the split versions of both editions are also provided.

·  Page numbers in Foundations of Basic Nursing 2nd and 3rd edition are the same as the corresponding page numbers in the comprehensive Foundations of Nursing versions.

·  A separate table is provided in this document that correlates page numbers in the Foundations of Adult Health Nursing 2nd edition to the Foundations of Adult Health Nursing 3rd edition.

·  A separate table is provided in this document that correlates page numbers in the Foundations of Maternal & Pediatric Nursing 2nd edition to the Foundations of Maternal & Pediatric Nursing 3rd edition.

Transition Guide for White/Basic Nursing, Second Edition, to White/Foundations of Basic Nursing, Third Edition

* indicates added material

Chapter 1 Student Nurse Skills for Success p 3 - 24 / Chapter 1 Student Nurse Skills for Success p 3
Learning p 3 / Learning p 3
Develop a Positive Attitude p 4 / Develop a Positive Attitude p 3
Develop Your Basic Skills p 5 / Develop Your Basic Skills p 5
Develop Your Learning Style p 8 / Develop Your Learning Style p 7
Develop a Time-Management Plan p 10 / Develop a Time-Management Plan p 9
Develop Study Strategies p 12 / Develop Study Strategies p 12
Practice thinking Critically p 16 / Practice Critical Thinking p 16
Develop Test-Taking Skills p 20 / Develop Test-Taking Skills p 21
Your Program is Almost Completed p 24 / Your Program is Almost Completed p 25
From Student to LP/VN p27 / From Student to LP/VN p28
Chapter 2 Holistic Care p 31 - 40 / Chapter 2 Holistic Care p 33
Interrelated Concepts of Health p 31 / Interrelated Concepts of Health p 33
Providing Quality Care p 34 / Providing Quality Care p 35
Self-Care as a Prerequisite to Client Care p 35 / Self-Care as a Prerequisite to Client Care p 36
Nurture Yourself p 38 / Nurture Yourself p 40
Chapter 3 Nursing History, Education, and Organizations p 41 - 56 / Chapter 3 Nursing History, Education, and Organizations p 45
Historical Overview p 41 / Historical Overview p 45
Practical Nursing Pioneer Schools p 46 / Practical Nursing Pioneer Schools p 50
Nursing in the 20th Century p 47 / Nursing in the 20th Century p 50
Nursing Education p 49 / Nursing Education p 52
Nursing Organizations p 51 / Nursing Organizations p 55
Chapter 4 Legal and Ethical Responsibilities
p 57 – 70 / Chapter 4 Legal and Ethical Responsibilities
p 63
Basic Legal Concepts p 58 / Basic Legal Concepts p 63
The Law and Nursing Practice p 60 / The Law and Nursing Practice p 65
Nurse-Client Relationship p 61 / Nurse-Client Relationship p 66
Informed Consent p 64 / Informed Consent p 70
Advanced Directives p 65 / Advanced Directives p72
Incident Reports p67 / Incident Reports p74
Liability Insurance p 69 / Liability Insurance p75
Impaired Nurse p 70 / Impaired Nurse p 75
HIPAA p 63 / HIPAA Ch 4 p 68
Concepts of Ethics p 71 / Concepts of Ethics p76
Ethical Principles p 71 / Ethical Principles p76
Ethical Theories p 73 / Ethical Theories p78
Ethics and Values p 74 / Ethics and Values p79
Codes of Ethics p 74 / Codes of Ethics p79
Client Rights p 75 / Client Rights p 79
Ethical Dilemmas p 75 / Ethical Dilemmas p81
Ethical Decision Making p 77 / Ethical Decision Making p 81
Nursing and Ethics p 78 / Nursing and Ethics p83
Chapter 5 The Health Care Delivery System
p 82 – 94 / Chapter 5 The Health Care Delivery System
p. 90
Levels of Health Care Services p 82 / Levels of Health Care Services p 91
Health Care Delivery System p 83 / Health Care Delivery System p92
Health Care Team p 84 / Health Care Team p 93
Health Care Economics p 86 / Health Care Economics p 93
Federal Government Plans p 88 / Federal Government Plans p96
Factors Influencing Health Care p 88 / Factors Influencing Health Care p 97
Challenges within the Health Care System p 90 / Challenges within the Health Care System p 98
Nursing’s Response to Health Care Challenges p 92 / Nursing’s Response to Health Care Challenges p100
Issues and Trends p93 / Issues and Trends p 101
Chapter 6 Arenas of Care p 95 - 106 / Chapter 6 Arenas of Care p 105
Licensure, Certification, and Accreditation p 96 / Agency Licensure, Certification, and Accreditation p 106
Acute Care Hospital p 97 / Acute Care Hospital p 106
Long-Term Care p 98 / Long-Term Care p 107
Outpatient Care p 100 / Outpatient Care p 110
Home Health Care p 100 / Home Health Care p 110
Hospice p 101 / Hospice p 111
Rehabilitation p 102 / Rehabilitation p 113
Chapter 7 Communication p 108 - 126 / Chapter 7 Communication p 122
Process of Communication p 109 / Process of Communication p 123
Methods of Communicating p 109 / Methods of Communicating p 124
Influences on Communication p 111 / Influences on Communication p 125
Congruency of Messages p 112 / Congruency of Messages p 128
Listening/Observing p 112 / Listening/Observing p 128
Psychosocial Aspects of Communication p 113 / Psychosocial Aspects of Communication p 128
Therapeutic communication p 114 / Therapeutic communication p 130
Professional Boundaries p 119 / Professional Boundaries p 134
Nurse-Client Communication p 119 / Nurse-Client Communication p 134
Communicating with the Health Care Team p 122 / Communicating with the Health Care Team 137
Communicating with Yourself p 124 / Communicating with Yourself p 140
Chapter 8 Nursing Process/Documentation
p 127 – 139 / Chapter 9 Nursing Process/Documentation
p 161
Nursing Process History p 128 / Nursing Process History p 162
Overview of the Nursing Process p 128
The Nursing Process and Critical Thinking p 137 / The Nursing Process and Critical Thinking p 171
The Nursing Process and Decision Making p 138 / The Nursing Process and Decision Making p 173
The Nursing Process and Holistic Care p 138 / The Nursing Process and Holistic Care p 173
Documentation p 138 / Documentation p 173
Effective Documentation Principles p 142 / Effective Documentation Principles p 176
Systems of Documentation p 146 / Systems of Documentation p 180
Forms for Documentation p 151 / Forms for Documentation p 185
Documentation Trends p 154 / Documentation Trends p 186
Reporting p 155 / Reporting p 190
Chapter 9 Client Teaching p 161 - 175 / Chapter 8 Client Teaching p 143
The teaching-Learning Process p 162 / The teaching-Learning Process p 144
Life Long Learning p 166 / Life Long Learning p 150
Professional Responsibilities of Teaching p 167 / Professional Responsibilities of Teaching p 151
Teaching-Learning and the Nursing Process p 169 / Teaching-Learning and the Nursing Process p 153
Chapter 10 The Life Cycle p 177 - 202 / Chapter 10 Life Span Development p 198
Basic Concepts of Growth and Development p 178 / Basic Concepts of Growth and Development p 199
Dimensions and Theories of Human Development p 179 / Dimensions and Theories of Human Development p 199
Holistic Framework for Nursing p 182 / Holistic Framework for Nursing p 201
Stages of the Life Cycle p 182 / Life Span Stages p 201
Chapter 11 Cultural Considerations p 203 - 219 / Chapter 11 Cultural Considerations p 229
Culture p 203 / Culture p 230
Cultural Influences on Health Care Beliefs and Practices p 205 / Cultural Influences on Health Care Beliefs and Practices p 231
Cultural and Racial Influences on Client Care p 208 / Cultural and Racial Influences on Client Care p 242
Cultural Aspects and the Nursing Process p 213 / Cultural Aspects and the Nursing Process p 247
Chapter 12 Stress, Adaptation, and Anxiety p 220 – 233 / Chapter 12 Stress, Adaptation, and Anxiety
p 257
Stress p 220 / Stress p 258
Adaptation p 222 / Adaptation p 258
Anxiety p 224 / Anxiety p 262
Effects of and on Illness p 225 / Effects of and on Illness p 262
Change p 226 / Change p 263
Nursing Process p 227 / Nursing Process p 264
Stress-Management for the Nurse p 230 / Stress-Management for the Nurse p 267
Chapter 13 Loss, Grief, and Death p 234 - 254 / Chapter 13 End-of-Life Care p 273
Loss p 234 / Loss p 274
Grief p 235 / Grief p 274
Death p 240 / Death p 279
*End-of-Life Care p 282
Chapter 14 Wellness Concepts p 256 - 269 / Chapter 14 Wellness Concepts p 300
Health p 256 / Health p 301
Wellness p 257 / Wellness p 301
Health Promotion p 257 / Health Promotion p 302
Healthy People 2000 p 258 / Healthy People 2010 p 304
Illness Prevention p 261 / Illness Prevention p 304
Factors Affecting Health p 262 / Factors Affecting Health p 306
Making a Genogram p 266 / Making a Genogram p 309
Guidelines for Healthy Living p 266 / Guidelines for Healthy Living p 309
*Chapter 15 Self-Concept p 315
*Self-Concept p 316
*Components of Self-Concept p 316
*Development of Self-Concept p 318
*Factors Affecting Self-Concept p 320
*Nursing Process p 322
*Chapter 16 Spirituality p 326
*Spirituality p 327
*Spiritual Distress p 330
*Nursing Process p 331
Chapter 15 Complementary/Alternative Therapies p 270 – 285 / Chapter 17 Complementary/Alternative Therapies p 342
Legal Aspects p 270 / Legal Aspects p 343
Historic Foundation p 271 / Historic Foundation p 343
Current Trends p 272 / Current Trends p 344
Complementary/Alternative Therapies p 273 / Complementary/Alternative Therapies p 345
Use of Complementary/Alternative Approaches p 282
Iridology p 352
Chapter 16 Basic Nutrition p 286 - 322 / Chapter 18 Basic Nutrition p 363
Physiology of Nutrition p 287 / Physiology of Nutrition p 364
Nutrients p 288 / Nutrients p 366
Promoting Proper Nutrition p 300 / Promoting Proper Nutrition p 378
Factors Influencing Nutrition p 303 / Factors Influencing Nutrition p 380
Nutritional Needs During the Life Cycle p 305 / Nutritional Needs During the Life Cycle p 383
Nutrition and Health p 310 / Nutrition and Health p 388
Weight Management p 311 / Weight Management p 389
Food Labeling p 313 / Food Labeling p 390
Food Quality and Safety p 313 / Food Quality and Safety p 391
Nursing Process p 315 / Nursing Process p 392
Chapter 17 Rest and Sleep p 323 - 333 / Chapter 19 Rest and Sleep p 403
Rest and Sleep p 323 / Rest and Sleep p 404
*Nocturnal Sleep Related Eating Disorder p 409
Nursing Process p 329 / Nursing Process p 409
Chapter 18 Safety/Hygiene p 334 - 355 / Chapter 20 Safety/Hygiene p 416
Safety p 335 / Safety p 417
Factors Affecting Safety p 335 / Factors Affecting Safety p 417
Hygiene p 337 / Hygiene p 419
Nursing Process p 337 / Nursing Process 420
Chapter 19 Infection Control/Asepsis p 357 - 372 / Chapter 21 Infection Control/Asepsis
p 440
Flora p 358 / Flora p 441
Pathogenicity and Virulence p 358 / Pathogenicity and Virulence p 441
Colonization and Infection p 359 / Colonization and Infection p 442
Chain of Infection p 359 / Chain of Infection p 442
Breaking the Chain of Infection p 362 / Breaking the Chain of Infection p 445
Body Defenses p 364 / Body Defenses p 447
Types and Stages of Infections p 366 / Types and Stages of Infections p 449
Nosocomial Infections p 366 / Nosocomial Infections p 449
*Hospital-Acquired Infections p 449
Nursing Process p 366 / Nursing Process p 450
Chapter 20 Standard Precautions and Isolation
p 373 - 380 / Chapter 22 Standard Precautions and Isolation
p 458
Historical Perspective p 373 / Historical Perspective p 459
Standard Precautions p 374 / Standard Precautions p 460
Isolation p 376 / Isolation p 461
Client Responses to Isolation p 379 / Client Responses to Isolation p 464
*Chapter 23 Bioterrorism p 467
*Understanding Bioterrorism p 468
*Biological Bioterroristic Agents/Diseases p 468
*Chemical Bioterrorist Agents p 473
*Bioterrorism Preparedness p 477
*Emergency Response Teams p 478
Chapter 21 Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance p 382 - 404 / Chapter 24 Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance p 484
Homeostasis p 383 / Homeostasis p 485
Chemical Organization p 383 / Chemical Organization p 485
Water p 385 / Water p 488
Gases p 386 / Gases p 488
Acid, Bases, Salts, and pH p 386 / Acid, Bases, Salts, and pH p 488
Buffers p 387 / Buffers p 489
Substance Movement p 388 / Substance Movement p 490
Fluid and Electrolyte Balance p 389 / Fluid and Electrolyte Balance p 492
Disturbances in Electrolyte Balance p 392 / Disturbances in Electrolyte Balance p 494
Acid-Base Balance p 394 / Acid-Base Balance p 499
Disturbances in Acid-Base Balance p 395 / Disturbances in Acid-Base Balance p 500
Nursing Process p 396 / Nursing Process p 505
Chapter 22 Medication Administration & IV Therapy p 405 – 434 / Chapter 25 Medication Administration & IV Therapy p 515
Drug Standards & Legislation p 406 / Drug Standards & Legislation p 516
Drug Nomenclature p 406 / Drug Nomenclature p 517
Drug Action p 407 / Drug Action p 517
Factors Influencing Drug Action p 410 / Factors Influencing Drug Action p 521
Medication Orders p 410 / Medication Orders p 521
Systems of Weight and Measure p 411 / Systems of Weight and Measure p 522
Approximate Equivalents p 412 / Approximate Equivalents p 523
Safe Drug Administration p 414 / Drug Administration Safety p 525