Directions for updating the SIP document on your webpage (CMS - Schoolwires)

Use the Spotlight feature to identify the plan’s active indicators.
  1. Go to the Navigation Toolbar in the upper right corner and select Spotlight.

  1. Select Display all Indicators.

  1. Scroll down to find the list of Indicators. Click the checkbox next to the indicators in your plan.

Create the Report
  1. Go to Reports in the Navigation Toolbar. In the list of Monitor reports, choose the Comprehensive Plan Report.

  1. Check the box to Show Spotlight Indicators Only.

  1. Then click on the disk icon and select Word.
  1. Once the report opens in Word, you will want to DELETE:
  2. The Assigned to: information for each indicator.
  3. All tasks and monitoring comments from previous years.
  1. Spell check and proofread the document for publication.
  2. Once edited, go to File > Save As > PDF. Be sure to name your file as xxx_SIP (the “xxx” represents your three letter school code. EX: PFH_SIP.pdf)
    Note: The name of the new SIP must match the name of your currently displayed SIP.

Upload the Report
  1. Log into your school website and click on Site Manager(top center of screen)
  1. Click on the Tools tab and then on Files & Folders to locate the xxx_SIP.pdf file.
  1. Once you have located the active file, do the following:

  1. Select More > Rename to rename the currently displayed xxx.SIP.pdf to something other than xxx.SIP.pdf
    (EX: oldpfh.SIP.pdf). This will “trick” the system and unlink the file from your School Profile.

  1. Scroll back up to the top of this same page and select the Upload option – use the “browse” feature to select and upload the new SIP PDF file and complete the upload process.
  1. Once this process is complete, your new SIP file will be linked on your school’s website.