84th Little International Committees

  1. Ad Design: Will design ads, along with assisting the Layout committee in producing the Little I Catalog.
  2. Ad Sales Task Force: Consisting of a chair and a handful of members, devoted to calling past ad buyers, selling, collecting and billing of ads.
  3. Agriculturalist of the Year: Coordinate the selection of the Agriculturalist of the Year.
  4. Arena: Accountable for setting up, decorating and getting Shepperd Arena ready for the show.
  5. Art: Duties include repainting, creating new signs, and related art work in the arena; must work in conjunction with the Arena Committee.
  6. Banquet: Responsible for working with the Vice President to coordinate the Ag of the Year Banquet and social.
  7. Booth: Organizing the booth competition between the various student organizations.
  8. Concessions: Must organize and set up concessions along with serve the judging contest meal.
  9. Contestant Feed: Arrange the contestant feed for the judging contest.
  10. Entertainment and Flowers: Coordinate the dance in the chips and order
    flowers for the banquet and the show.
  11. Ethics: Will construct and enforce a code of ethics for Little I.
  12. Fundraising: Responsible for coordinating fundraising for Little I; selling sausage has been successful in the past.
  13. Ham Curing: Organize and set up the ham curing contest.
  14. Hippology: Responsible for arranging and running a horse education contest.
  15. Lamb Lead: Organize a competition combining production, showmanship, and interviewing on process of making a garment made of wool.
  16. Layout: Responsible for the arrangement of pictures, ads, contestant lists, proofing, and printing the show catalog.
  17. Pictures: Taking pictures of Little I winners for the catalog, slide show, and scrapbook. Also in charge of contacting a photographer and organizing the club group picture.
  18. Public Speaking: Organize the public speaking contest. (Judges, criteria, etc.)
  19. Publicity: Making the public aware of the Little International; must work in conjunction with the Little I Royalty, Layout, and Ad Sales committees.
  20. Special Events: This year they will be responsible for creating the screen presentation for the evening show. Will work along with technical committees.
  21. Species Superintendent and Asst Superintendents: Coordinate the respective species contest, select judges, assign animals and work directly with the herdsmen in animal selection, care, etc. (Includes: Beef, Sheep, Swine, Dairy, and Horses)
  22. Technical: Accountable for organizing the PA system, hand-held radios, and lighting; will work closely with the arena committee and be responsible for the projector and screen.
  23. Queen: Set up and coordinate the selection and interviewing of the queen candidates.