November 18, 1999 –

Ness City

ATTENDANCE: Cindy Wallace, Stanley Rice, Gerry Fulwider, Clare Gustin, Margaret VanScyoc, Alison Guthrie, Joann Knight, Carl Folster, Janette Bump, Susan Bittel, Les Depperschmidt, Larry Berg, Alan Oswalt, Steve Miller, Bill Thompson, Jim Knedler, Mendi Latin, Lavern Squier, Scott McGinley, Sharla Krenzel, Carol Meyer, Larry Meschke, DeAnna Gerhardt, Pat Veesart, Hardy Howard, Sandra Wood, Sandy Benoit, June Hart, Tonya Vallin, Mark Bannister, and Dennis Zimmerman.

The Annual Meeting of wKREDA was called to order at 9:20 AM at the Twilight Room in Ness City on November 18, 1999. President Linda Yohon welcomed everybody and introduced Speaker of the House Representative Robin Jennison and Representative Jim Morrison. She also welcomed members of the Kansas Department of Commerce & Housing. Introductions were made by those present.

Steve Miller made a motion to accept the minutes of the September 16th quarterly meeting and it was seconded by Carol Meyer. Motion carried.

TREASURER'S REPORT: Balance in the Treasury is as of October 31st is $46,886.94. Income from January 1, 1999 to October 31, 1999 was $27,713.57. Expenses for the same period was $36,598.19. An income and expense report was distributed to members. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Steve Miller and seconded by Carol Meyer. Motion carried.


Business Development: Carol Meyer reported. She talked about a pilot project done by the American Economic Development Council dealing with site consultants and agreeing on one form for communities to use. She thought wKREDA would be a good testing area for their pilot project and has made a proposal to AEDC. Discussion followed. She also said the committee is looking at a couple types of different trade shows to attend next year including a small manufacturing and aviation show. They are looking at their funds to determine if they would be feasible.

Public Relations: Clare Gustin reported. She handed out copies of the latest quarterly newsletter and discussed it. She also asked if anybody needed name tags or wKREDA shirts to contact her.

Education: Pat Veesart, chairman, said much of what the committee has done is in the newsletter and she was pleased with some of the training sessions held throughout the year. A new committee chairperson will need to be elected when the committee meets next.

Technology Resource: Mark Bannister reported. He reminded members of the Listserv and it will be the main communication tool used by wKREDA to members. He encouraged everyone to get an e-mail address. He also discussed work done on the web site for wKREDA. The ICCM show in Chicago was a joint effort between this committee and the Business Development Committee and thought the show was worthwhile and should be continued. He also mentioned a workshop for E-Commerce coming up in Great Bend on December 8th that Docking Institute is helping to sponsor. There is a discount for wKREDA members who attend. There are two sessions, a day long one and a 1 1/2 hour session that evening.

Legislature: Lavern Squier reported. He talked about some items of concern for the upcoming legislative session, among those transportation issues, school finance, EDIF funds, the tax lid, retail wheeling, job opportunities and telecommunications. He proposed a new approach for the legislative mission and to market our organization more to the legislators, talking about our history, successes and membership and tell them concerns of western Kansas.

Lavern and Linda then asked to hear comments from Representative Robin Jennison and Representative Jim Morrison. Robin talked about his concerns with the present budget situation. He urged us to lobby more this year on particular issues and to think about some of the individual issues we need to protect. He also mentioned a judicial study just completed about consolidating district judges which should be a concern to western Kansas. Representative Morrison said we need to lobby for better telecommunications and technology in western Kansas.

Dues Task Force Report: Lavern reported that a committee made up of Clare Gustin, Larry Berg, Steve Miller and himself were appointed to look at the present dues structure. They came up with three alternatives and passed out a sheet to members listing them. (See attached copies labeled Dues Task Force Report.)

Discussion followed on pay to play, utility companies dues, who gets the leads and the labor study which $8,000 has already been approved to go to that. It was decided that utility companies can pay over and above the dues structure if so desired.

After much discussion Linda took a vote on either option #1, 2 or 3. There was no votes for Option 1. Option #2 had 16 votes and option #3 had 2 votes. A motion to accept Dues Option #2 of each member paying dues of $100 per year and $750 pay to play was made by Les Depperschmidt. Mark Bannister seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Legislative: The meeting took a break at 10:50 AM and reconvened at 11:20 AM. Linda asked Representative Jim Morrison to speak to the group as a whole. He talked about telecommunications, healthcare, the budget, education and agriculture.

Websire: Lavern Squier then showed the group the wKREDA home page. The new address is www.wkreda.com/new. The page is not done and they are working at updating it. To get into the membership directory the user name is wkreda and the password is 2000.

They are working on a feature on the page where you can e-mail all members or just to committee members. Linda said she will try and keep the information current and submit your information to her. Members went over ideas and suggestions on the page. On the home page spell out what wKREDA means, also make the w in small case. The old web page will eventually be eliminated. The old address is www.wkreda.com, the new address is www.wkreda.com/new. Clare recognized and thanked the volunteers who are designing the page.

LUNCH: The meeting broke for lunch at 12:30 PM. The meeting reconvened at 1:07 PM.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE: The nominating committee consisting of Clare Gustin, Pat Veesart and Linda Yohon presented the new slate of 12 Board of Director candidates. From the North section candidates are: Margaret VanScyoc, Lavern Squier, Cy Moyer, Janette Bump, Les Depperschmidt and Scott McGinley. From the South division candidates are: Joann Knight, Alison Guthrie, Cindy Wallace, Stan Rice, Jeanette Siemens and Sharla Krenzel.

The Board will start a rotation beginning this year with terms of 1, 2 and 3 years and they will organize and select an executive committee. Clare Gustin moved to accept the nominating committees report and slate of Directors. Larry Berg seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Linda gave a recap of her past year as President and thanked everyone for their help and cooperation. Stan Rice presented Linda with a plaque for her leadership in wKREDA. Dennis Zimmerman was also thanked for coming and giving the blessing at the lunch. It was suggested to honor him with an alumni membership.

BOARD ELECTIONS: The new Board of Directors met to elect officers and draw for terms. Four will hold terms for three years, four for two years and four for one year. The Board members terms if elected to an office will be for one year. Elections of officers were held first. Janette nominated Stan Rice for President. Les seconded the motion and moved the nomination ceased. Motion passed. Nominations for vice-president was next. Janette Bump nominated Cindy Wallace. Joann Knight seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Nomination for secretary was taken. Joann Knight nominated Margaret VanScyoc. Lavern seconded the motion. Motion carried. Les Depperschmidt nominated Joann Knight for Treasurer. Stan Rice seconded the motion. Motion carried. Discussion on what the treasurer does followed. Officers nominated for 2000 are: Stan Rice - President; Cindy Wallace - Vice-president; Margaret VanScyoc - Secretary; and Joann Knight - Treasurer.

Stan would like to have the books audited before we move on and he will work with Sheryl Davis to get it started.

Board members then drew for terms which will begin this year only so a rotation process can begin.

The following Board members drew the following terms:

North Division - Margaret VanScyoc - 3 years

Lavern Squier - 3 years

Janette Bump - 2 years

Les Depperschmidt - 2 years

Scott McGinley - 1 year

Cy Moyer - 1 year

South Division - Alison Guthrie - 3 years

Jeanette Siemens - 3 years

Sharla Krenzel - 2 years

Joann Knight - 2 years

Stan Rice - 1 year

Cindy Wallace - 1 year

MEETING DATES: Stan said that he will look at dates to set for quarterly meetings and will try and have the Board meet every two months. A full Board meeting for the new Board will be held in December. He also talked about chairs for committees. Tonya Vallin will work on the Public Relations Committee. Scott McGinley and Carol Meyer will co-chair the Business Development Committee, Larry Berg - the legislative committee and Linda Yohon the Technology Resource Committee. The Education committee will need a chair.

The Board of Directors will meet on December 10th in Hays from 11 - 1PM. with location to be announced.

The full Board meeting reconvened with new officers introduced. Discussion followed on the Farm show in Tulare, February 8-11th and people committed to the show. There was no further business and the meeting adjourned.

Cindy Wallace - Secretary

Policy Review Committee Minutes

November 1999

To wKREDA Board Members:

The policy review committee submits the following suggestions and recommendations for your consideration. Since Number 3 will require a by-law change we recommend notices be sent out early in order to vote on the change in September and put into effect at the annual meeting. Please call if you have any questions.

The Policy Review Committee met May 13, 1999 in Stockton with Janette Bump, Nancy Wilkens Margaret VanScyoc present.

The suggestions and recommendations are as follows:

Have a least some time during the wKREDA business meeting to have a short program (20 minutes, max) from either a state person or some individual that can address an area of concern such as Worker’s Comp, Tax Abatement, etc. This will help give the “newbies” and those in far corners “faces” to put with those phone voices. If possible have that individual be available after the meeting for individual questions. Material and business cards should be available for handouts.

The suggestion has been raised about a statewide organization. We recommend keeping our western Kansas identity. We feel going statewide will only result in another eastern Kansas’s organization.

To maintain continuity on the board of directors we recommend the following:

Elect a 12 member board with equal representation from the northern division and the southern division as follows: 2 members from each division elected for 1 year; 2 members from each division elected for 2 years; and 2 members from each division elected for 3 years. An example is found in the chart below:

Chart deleted…

The board of directors elects officers immediately following the annual meeting.

Continue the present practice of committee chairs serving on the board. The executive board would make these appointments after the election.

No individual would serve more than 2 full 3-year terms on the board of directors.

Layoff 1 year before becoming eligible to return to the board of directors.

The retiring board members would become the nominating committee.

To insure prompt printing and delivery of the handbook, recommend membership notices are sent no later than December 15 and returned by January 31. (The handbook could be generated electronically rather than hard copy if the board felt that was a viable option.)

Use of wKREDA members for CD 101 classes, seminars, etc. for regular meetings should be paid only expenses generated for the session (paper used for hand-outs, etc.)

STRONGLY support an organizational retreat that would include the following:

Board members SHOULD attend and all wKREDA members are encouraged to attend.

An agenda is a must but should be flexible enough to allow discussions on issues and problems not addressed in regular quarterly meetings.

Retreat could be as short as one day or as long as board felt necessary.

The place should have a relaxing atmosphere such as a nice Bed & Breakfast or individual’s "Ranch” where the event can be productive.

Budget approved by board and membership.

Authorization to pay by committee chair

Pay only on original invoices – no copies

Treasurer pays bills and makes deposits

A separate record keeper (Financial Recorder, CDC’s, SBDC’s) get month end bank statements directly from bank, copies or originals of invoices marked with check # and date at end of month.

Record keeper prepares financial statements, send detail to committee chairs for approval, then a financial report to board and membership.

With two separate functions could delete requirement for two signatures on checks.

Recommend a corporate credit card with limited authorized signatures.

In addition:

If membership desires to return to the “showcase” each community for the meetings, propose having that time the day before meetings and the meeting and ED 101 the next day. By doing so, those that would need or want to go in the night before would have an activity but those that only wanted a one day event could still come to everything on one day. This would mean returning to the original plan of having wKREDA in different locations each meeting. The “showcase” could also be done on a once a year basis by having the annual meeting at different locations and running it for a two-day period