Market Place Loughborough LE11 3EB

A celebration of quality Artists and Makers - An Arts and Crafts Purchase and Commission Fair

10am-4pm, Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd March 2014


To be received no later than Friday 29th November 2013

Company Name (if applicable):


Contact Telephone Number:

Email address:

Website address:

Category of work [E.g. Ceramics, Jewellery, Mixed Media]:

Please provide a brief description of your work:

Please tell us the prices and sizes of the pieces you have submitted with your application:

Please tell us a little about yourself

Will you require access to an electrical socket? Yes No

Please note that ALL electrical equipment must be PAT tested before being used within the venue

Are you a 2D Artist? Yes No

If yes, is your first choice a pitch in the Gallery, agreeing to the 30% commission fee?

Yes No

The information provided on this Application Form will be used for administration purposes only by LoughboroughTown Hall, and will only be passed to our partners at Design Factory, Ferrers Gallery and Creative Leicestershire. Please tick this box if you do NOT want us to pass on your details.

For convenience, stallholders may wish to leave their goods overnight on the Saturday of the Sock Fair, in the Main Hall which will be securely locked when the event closes at 4pm. However Stallholders are responsible for their providing their own insurance. The Sock Gallery will be staffed until 5pm when the building is closed to the public.

Please sign and date below to confirm that the information provided on this Application Form is correct. By signing this form you will be agreeing to the terms stated on this form and to the relevant fee for your two-day stall, and the 30% commission fee for Sock Gallery sales, should your application be successful. Charnwood Borough Council will invoice successful applicants for the full amount 6 weeks before the date of the event.

Signature: Date:

Please return your completed Application Form to LoughboroughTown Hall by Friday 29th November 2013. If you are submitting your application images by CDby post, and would like us to return this to you after the application process, please enclose a stamped addressed envelope with sufficient postage.

All applicants will be notifiedby Friday 13th December 2013

Email: Tel: 01509 634775