University of Cincinnati Department of Family and Community Medicine
2010-2011 Global Health Elective Offerings
The Global Health Course and Field Experiences are open to fourth year medical students, allied health provider students, residents and faculty from University of Cincinnati and outside institutions.
For more information, UC medical students and medical students from outside schools should visit or contact Sherry Weathers ().
Residents and other allied health provider students may contact Sharon Mullen ().
Faculty should contact Christy O’Dea, MD () for more information.
Global Health Course
Dates: October 4-14, 2010, and April 18-29, 2011
Times: The course is held every morning 8:30-12 at The Christ Hospital. There are two afternoon field experiences held on the Monday afternoons during the course. The rest of the afternoons are open for independent study and reading (patient care for residents).
Open to: Medical, nursing and allied health professional students, and residents.
Description: The Global Health course focuses on the health of vulnerable populations, wherever they may live, whether domestically or internationally. The course is organized around the Determinants of Health model, and examines how economic, cultural, biochemical, psychosocial factors effect health. Faculty with extensive experience with vulnerable populations are involved with the course. The course is required for UC medical students who are going on field experiences, and recommended for all medical and nursing students and residents who go on field experiences.
Course Directors: Joe Kiesler, MD, and Christy O’Dea, MD
Honduras Field Experiences
Dates: October 16-28, 2010, April 2-14, 2011
Description: The Honduras field experience is set in rural Santa Lucia, Intibucá, at the Shoulder to Shoulder clinic. The clinic provides 24 hour service to the residents in the area including dental services, x-ray and lab services, maternity services and inpatient care. The clinic is an eight hour bus ride from the airport, and three hours over dirt roads from the closest hospital. Every brigade member will have a variety of experiences, including outpatient clinic work, overnight call in the clinic, public health projects, and home visits. Students and residents are supervised by faculty with experience in global health. Nightly conferences are held to discuss the events of the day, interesting cases and presentations by residents, students and faculty.
Accommodations: Brigade members stay in dorm type housing near the clinic. All food is prepared especially for brigades by trained Honduran cooks.
Brigade Limit: The brigade is limited to 30 participants.
Organization: The brigade is organized through Shoulder to Shoulder, Inc. For more information regarding their work, see their website,
Cost: The cost for the experience is $900, plus airfare (usually $500-$800). This includes all in country food, lodging and transportation. The brigade fee is tax deductible.
Ecuador Field Experience
Dates: April 2-14, 2011
Description: The Ecuador field experience is set in the poor barrios of Quito and Santo Domingo. Working with Shoulder to Shoulder Ecuador and other on the ground organizations, brigade members will learn to set up field clinics and attend to patients who have limited access to health care. Brigade members will also have the opportunity to visit patients in their homes, and participate in public health projects. Students and residents are supervised by faculty with experience in global health. Nightly conferences are held to discuss the events of the day, interesting cases and presentations by residents, students and faculty.
Accommodations: Brigade members stay in hotels or dorm type housing. Cultural experiences are offered by the organization, Quito Eterno, including tours of Old Quito and local artisan markets.
Brigade Limit: The brigade is limited to 20 participants.
Organization: The brigade is organized through the University of Kentucky and their on the ground organization, Shoulder to Shoulder Global. For more information about their work, visit their website at
Cost: The cost for the experience is $1000, plus airfare (usually ranges $700-$900). This includes all in-country food, lodging, and transportation.
Tanzania Field Experiences
Dates: October 9-24, 2010, June 2011
Description: TheTanzania field experience is set in rural Shirati Region, Rorya District, Tanzania. Village Life works in the three villages of Roche, Nyambogo, and Burere, wherewe have been partnering with each community since 2004. Participants will have a variety of experiences, including outpatient clinic work, mobile field clinic work,public health projects, andwork with ourwater and education projects. Students and residents are supervised byfaculty with experience in global health. Nightly conferences are held to discuss the events of the day, interesting cases and presentations by residents, students and faculty.
Accommodations: Brigade members stay in dorm type housing provided by Village Life's sister organization, the Shirati Health, Education, and Development Foundation (SHED.) All food is prepared especially for brigades by trainedTanzanian cooks.
Brigade Limit:The brigade is limited to28 participants.
Organization: The brigade works with the organization, Village Life Outreach project. For more information on this organization, please see their website,
Cost: The cost for the experience is $3300, which includes airfare, ground transportation, room and board, visas, and safari fees for the Maasai Mara Game Reserve. The brigade fee is tax deductible.