Central Iowa EMS Directors Meeting

September 27, 2009

Mercy West Lakes



Ryan Young Altoona FD

Rex Heisdorffer Newton FD

Rob Light Urbandale FD

Frank Prowant Ankeny FD

Katy Hill Iowa Health DSM

Deb Wilkinson Polk City FD

Dan Gubbins Polk City FD

Brian Helland Clive FD

Mike Cox Fraser Transportation

Jerry Whetstone Altoona FD

Dan Keough Mercy

Jordan Van Ness Pleasantville FD

Todd Caulkins Pleasantville FD

A J Mumm Polk County EMA

Rob Dehnert WDM EMS

Brian Seymour Indianola FD

Rick Roe Clive FD

Matt Porter DMFD

Clint Robinson Waukee FD

David Edgar WDM EMS

James Sargent WDM EMS

Lamar Hudson Mercy Ambulance

Dennis Cochran Mercy One

Special training on the EMS & Hospital Resource System started at 6:15. www.emresource.emsystem.com Instructor was Megan Staszak. Regional Admin is Peggy Reelitz, 286-2107

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 by President Dan Keough

Dan Keough welcomed everyone and thanked Mercy West Lakes for hosting the meeting.

Introductions were made.

Meeting Minutes Minutes from the September meeting were approved as written on a motion by Frank Prowant, 2nd by Mike Cox.

Agenda – no additions or corrections

Treasurer's Report Checking $1103.36 Savings $5046.13

Committee Reports

Education Committee – Frank Prowant

See www.ciemsd.org for meeting minutes

·  Committee has a full agenda

·  NREMT Refresher. Will possibly partner with the EMS in Action Conference Feb. 26 – 28. Recommendation to association is to partner for the basic weekend and then sponsor the advanced weekend in March for a cost of $75.00. Cost will double for basic weekend to $150.00. Also recommend we split the cost of mailings – approximately $300.00. Frank Prowant made motion to fund #300 from CIEMSD funds for mailing, 2nd by Rex Heisdorffer – discussion – passed.

·  QA/QI initiatives project. Working on adding a computer in the EMS room to log into the CIEMSD website and submit a request to that hospital for a follow-up of the patient you just brought them – types of patient would be cardiac, trauma, CVA. Log into the CIEMSD website to see of demo of the form. Any EMS provider can fill out the form and submit it to the receiving hospital for follow-up information. A database could be built on the website with data pulled from those request forms.

·  Next meeting Oct. 2oth at WDM station 19 @ 1330 hours

Operations Committee – Dan Gubbins

See www.ciemsd.org for meeting minutes

·  Still working on MCI plan for Polk County – revision # 6. Making sure definitions & language match ICS 300

·  Newsletter – Synergy – printed new edition. This one was sponsored by Mercy.

·  EMS Teams cards are done at Polk County dispatch

·  1st Watch – it runs online behind the scene of CAD system. Monitors types of calls – notifies of overly huge # of same type of calls.

·  Have request to work on BBP Plan. Will come up with generic plan that each service can customize to themselves.

·  Next meeting Oct. 13th Clive FD at 1330 hours

·  Need more people to serve on the operations committee.

·  New website is available for use now – www.ciemsd.org

Medical Director Committee – Dan Keough

·  Discussed use of Lasix. Going to try to insert CPAP into protocols and remove Lasix by the end of the year.

·  Please forward to Dan your protocol for psych or agitated patients.

Communication Center Reports

Mercy – no report

Polk County – no report

WestCom – no report

Des Moines – no report

Polk County Fire Chiefs Report – Brian Helland

No report

IEMSA – no report

Website: www.iemsa.net

Metro Trauma Committee – Brian Helland

See www.ciemsd.org for meeting minutes

·  Met with group Firefighters Against Destructive Decisions. They offer education promoting good decision making for teens such as drinking, texting while driving, getting in car with drunk driver, etc

·  Would like to encourage more people to attend meetings

Metro ED – Dan Keough

See www.ciemsd.org for meeting minutes

Last meeting focused on H1N1 & flu. Next meeting is Nov. 19, 8 am

IDPH – Kirk Schmitt

No Report

MMRS – AJ Mumm

·  Money for EMS System training

·  Developing Polk County multi-disciplinary group – purchase supply of mask, gowns, gloves & emergency supplies

NDMS – No report

Polk County Emergency Management: AJ Mumm

·  $1.8 million I-Jobs grant was successful – 1907 Carpenter

·  Setting up County-wide EOC

·  Steve Noland – has good weeks and bad weeks

Polk County Medical Examiner - no report

Hospital Reports

Mercy – Dan Keough Installed electronic software system

·  Call in radio reports as soon as possible

·  Purchased pressure washers for Main and WL garages to disinfect your cots, LBB, ambulances, etc.

·  Let Dan know if you see problems or processes that aren’t working at WL

·  Mercy WL takes all patients except cardiac alerts, trauma alerts and CVA alerts

·  Received grant money for 12 lead transmission upgrades. Send to Dan what type of AED your service has and how old it is.

Methodist – Katy Hill

·  Opening date for Methodist West is Oct. 26th. Ortho and OB areas are not opening yet. Still need to take stroke & trauma alerts to IMMC downtown. Will take cardiac alerts.

·  Oct 5th is the unveiling of the new helicopter at 10 am.

·  Security in the garage will be similar to what is in place at Lutheran. IMMC will also be upgrading to the same type of security.

Lutheran – no report

Blank – no report

Broadlawns – no report

VA – no report

Other – no report

Member Counties:

Boone – no report

Dallas – Scott Gavin - no report

Jasper – Rex Heisdorffer – no report

Madison – no report

Marshall – no report

Marion – no report

Story – no report

Warren – Doug Richardson – no report

Polk County - no report

Old Business – no report

New Business -

·  Dan Keough – stepping down as president of association at the end of the year. By-laws say election should be held in January of even # years. President appoints a nominating committee.

·  Nominating committee – appointed Frank Prowant, Ryan Young & Brian Helland. Come back to Nov meeting with a list of candidates. If interested in a position, please contact some on the nominating committee.

·  Meeting locations for 2010

·  Dues letter – is $25 enough for dues? Maybe raise them to $50. Discussion. Tabled to Nov. meeting


·  AJ Mumm – assistant coordinator position closed Friday, had 150 applicants. Hope to have candidate by 3rd week of October

·  Dan Gubbins – PCFD is having benefit pancake breakfast and silent auction Oct. 31st for Deputy Chief Roy Bingham. Going to be held from 7 am – 11 am

·  Ankeny pancake breakfast 7 am Oct. 10th

·  Waukee pancake breakfast Oct. 3rd

·  Clive fire is holding a PEPP class on Saturday Oct. 3rd

Upcoming Training Opportunities - none

2009 Meeting schedule

Monday, November 23rd, 2009

Location: Urbandale Fire Department

3927 121st St

Dinner: 1800

Meeting Time: 1830-2030

Meeting adjourned at 2020

Respectfully Submitted,

Deb Wilkinson, Secretary/Treasurer