Terms of Reference for Services
Coordinate Training for 60 Teachers and Instructors of VET Public Providers – “Didactics in VET”
Type of contract: / Local Consultant CompanyCompany reports to: / Component 1 manager
Location: / Berat, Fier
Expected starting date: / November, 2017
Expected ending date: / May 2018
1. Background
Skills for Jobs (S4J) project is implemented by Swisscontact. The project commenced in October 2015 and will run until February 2019. It addresses the main challenges of the Albanian vocational skills development system: quality and status, financing, labour market orientation and private sector involvement. The project interventions build on the 20 years of Swisscontact's experience in Vocational Skills Development (VSD) in Albania and are divided in three components:
1- Improvement of the quality of formal and non-formal VSD in selected sectors, benefiting the private sector and increasing accessibility to women and youth.
2- Multi-functional Centres establishing sustainable and innovative relations with the private sector functionality at the provider level of inclusive labour market insertion facilities and instruments
3- Functionality at the provider level of inclusive labour market insertion facilities and instruments main challenges of the Albanian vocational skills development system: quality and status, financing, labour market orientation and private sector involvement.
Five providers in the three selected regions benefit from the project: The industrial ‘Pavaresia’ School, the ‘Commercial’ School and the Vocational Training Centre in Vlora; ‘Kolin Gjoka’ School in Lezha; and ‘Kristo Isak’ School in Berat. The latest will serve for replicability assessment and will only benefit from selected activities.
Component 1: Quality formal VET and new ways of inclusive learning
Under the first area of intervention, the project facilitates development of labour market oriented and gender-sensitised formal vocational education in Hospitality and Tourism, Construction, Textile and ICT in VET partner providers. These offers will be delivered based on a blended learning approach that makes use of new technology, contributing to the attractiveness of VET offers and make them more accessible at the same time, also for special needs groups. Factors such as location, time, gender, age or other limiting factors for making best use of the training system are less significant for training success. The longer-term intention is that such training offers support young women and men in finding decent jobs, and in supporting Albania in becoming a modern and smart economy. New concepts of delivering teaching will be streamlined through this intervention line by capacitating teachers and institutions in developing individualised and inclusive learning plans, applying student centred techniques, integrating innovative schemes of practical learning and exposure to the world of work, reconceptualising learning outcomes and learning materials, as well as designing effective assessment tools.
Component 2: Innovative employer relations and school management
Under the second area of intervention, the project, being market-oriented, aims to support VET providers in cooperating with the private sector in view of strengthening the employer’s role in designing and delivering quality formal and non-formal VET. This component focuses on the institutional development of the selected providers turning them into Schools of Excellence serving as multi-functional providers at regional level. Management Information System will be introduced at partner VET providers and a supporting IT platform will be developed for this purpose.
Component 3: Labour Market Insertion and non- formal training
Under the third area of intervention, the project facilitates development of innovative labour market insertion facilities and instruments at VET providers, namely career centres, gradual development schemes and personalised development plans. Women and men and special needs groups attending trainings at VET providers (non-formal VET / short-term courses) will benefit from early interventions for assuring their successful integration into the labour market. ICT solutions such as on purpose designed platforms, apps etc., will be introduced to support labour market insertion activities and a variety of short term courses such as MOOCs or e-learning platforms. The VET providers will be capacitated to offer targeted coaching, and they will offer easy-to use guiding instruments to their students for developing their competencies and for successfully making their pathway to jobs. Also, VSD providers will be capacitated to offer highly relevant non formal training offers in close cooperation with local businesses and National Employment Service offices. They will follow-up on their results and continuously adapt and improve their offers and services.
2. Background on Consultant Company task
National policy on skills development and employment in Albania based on the National Employment and Skills Strategy 2014-2020 (NESS) with the vision toward “higher skills and better jobs for all women and men” and 4 strategic priorities: A. Foster decent job opportunities through effective labour market policies; B. Offer quality vocational education and training to youth and adults; C. Promote social inclusion and territorial cohesion, and D. Strengthen the governance of the labour market and qualification systems. The NESS is being implemented under the leadership of the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth, in close cooperation with other Ministries and with the support and technical assistance provided by many international development partners operating in Albania.
In 2015, the European has selected this policy area for receiving Budget Support through a Sector Reform Contract (SRC) 2016-2018 up to 30 Million Euro. This budget is divided in tranches to be disbursed upon achievement of target value in each of 9 indicators. Improvement of competences of VET teachers and teacher trainers is on indicator and target value to be achieved till the end of 2017 and at least 300 VET teachers/instructors have to be trained through the “Basic didactics training programme in VET”. National Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Qualifications (NAVETQ) is coordinating the work to achieve this Sector Reform Contract Result Indicator. MoSWY invited the active international agencies and donors in skills development to support the achievement of this goal and Swisscontact, GIZ and KulturKontakt Austria responded positively to the request.
Skills for Jobs, under component 1, foresees teachers’ capacity development to integrate new ways of inclusive learning. Initial assessment of staff quality revealed that majority of vocational teachers and instructors lack initial teacher training. New ways of learning capacity development should build on basics of pedagogy as a prerequisite. In this regard, S4J is committed to support provision of “Didactics in VET” in the selected regions, Vlora, Berat and Lezha. After the successful training of the first 2 groups of teachers & instructors in Lezha and Vlora in April – October 2017, S4J will continue to support didactic training of around 60 vocational teachers and instructors of public VET providers in Berat and Fier. S4J will combine this training with other project capacity building activities and when the program curricula allows, integrate elements of new ways of learning in the training content and methodology.
3. Scope of work
Scope of work of the Consultant Company is to coordinate provision of 24-days training programme on basics of didactics in VET for 2 groups (approximately 30 participants per group) of vocational teachers/instructors, one in Berat and one in Fier), based on the approved “Pedagogical In-Service Training Programme of VET Teachers and Instructors in Albania (PK-Y-1-15)”. The Consultant Company will work closely with S4J and NAVETQ on this assignment.
4. Tasks of the Consulting Company and role of other actors
Coordination of this training programme delivery should be based on a predefined modus operandi. Technical issues such as training programme curricula and materials, list of potential trainers, list of participants, training venue, and monitoring and evaluations system; and financial aspects such as trainers’ fee, per diem and travel cost are predefined. The consulting company main task is to coordinate the organisation of training programme.
More specifically, the Consulting Company will:
- Coordinate all the logistics for the training events in line with the approved calendar by NAVETQ and Swisscontact.
- Maintain regular communication with Swisscontact and NAVETQ representatives, trainers and trainees.
- Prepare the notifications for each training event and share prior to each module the agenda and training materials, based on the defined list of participants provided by NAVETQ.
- Notify trainers and trainees assigned by NAVETQ and Swisscontact in each module
- Prepare files for each trainer and confirm availability of seminar facilities for smooth running of the training process.
- Create the personal training file for each trainee and make sure it is updated with the evaluation and individual works after each module (trainee portfolio).
- Organise regular meetings with NAVETQ and Swisscontact to ensure that training outlines/materials and methodology are relevant to the module and are harmonised between the modules and trainers.
- Prepare the budget based on defined schedule, list of trainers and trainees and monitoring plan.
- Ensure the administration of financial resources according to the predefined tariffs and rules provided by Swisscontact.
- Report to Swisscontact according to the predefined format and frequency, the T&A, DA, and administrative costs of trainers, trainees, NAVETQ according to the predefined format.
- Suggest a trainees’ satisfaction evaluation form
- Prepare a training report on trainees’ satisfaction, logistic and financial issues.
- Ensure the training venue and coffee/lunch breaks are available as per agenda and standards in coordination with Swisscontact.
- Coordinate with the Swisscontact for the stationary costs.
Assigned trainers for each module will:
- Prepare the training programme outline for each module in line with the approved training curricula and resource materials (Training Manual).
- Prepare the agenda for the assigned module to be distributed to all participants
- Deliver the training programme for the assigned module with high professionalism, ensuring trainees participation and collaborative learning, and when possible integrating innovative ways of learning.
- Develop assessment instruments and assess every participant during and at the end of each training module according to the agreed assessment scheme.
- Submit the assessment results to the Personal File of each trainee.
- Prepare module training delivery Report and deliver it to NAVETQ and the consulting company.
NAVETQ will:
- Ensure and share with the consulting company and Swisscontact the standard set of documents and templates developed to deliver the training programme (e.g. training regulation, registers, portfolio format, template of agenda etc.), including the printed book for each trainee.
- Provide the list of suitable trainers for each training module. Indicate flexibility in engaging other trainers and provide the needed profile.
- Ensure the training will be hosted in one of training providers premises.
- Define together with Swisscontact the composition of trainee groups considering regions/schools/centers and efficiency criteria in consultation with the ministry responsible for VET.
- Approve the draft calendar of trainings for all groups of trainees.
- Prepare the supervision/monitoring plan for own purposes and share logistic aspects of it with Swisscontact and the consulting company.
- Participate in regular meetings with Consulting Company and Swisscontact and contribute to harmonisation and relevance of training outlines/materials and methodology between the modules.
- Supervise and monitor training delivery.
- Develop the overall assessment scheme and communicate it to all trainers.
- Evaluate the summative written tests for each trainee.
- Prepare the written exam for the final assessment and administrate the process together with the Consultant Company.
- Define the final mark for each trainee based on a composite/pondered assessment scheme and inserted it in the database (Personal File).
Swisscontact will:
- Coordinate with the Consultant Company the stationary costs and training venue
- Participate and contribute to the coordination meetings with the Consultant Company and NAVETQ.
- Suggest training content and approach aligned with S4J vision and implementation plan on new ways of learning (e.g. New Ways of Learning; Gradual Skills Development Schemes as teaching and learning activities in VET; Virtual Learning Platforms; etc.)
- Suggest trainers according to the predefined criteria and profile. The final decision on appointment of trainers will be agreed and decided upon with NAVETQ.
- Monitor regularly the training delivery.
5. Time frame and payment terms
Contract with the Consulting Company will start in November 2017 and end in May 2018. Training will be organised mostly on Fridays and weekends.
The payment will be effectuated in three instalments after Swisscontact acceptance of the quality of the trainings and receipt of the invoice from the Consulting Company.
6. Reporting and deliverables
The Consulting Company will report regularly to Component 1 Manager or the assigned person at Swisscontact.
Deliverables under Consulting Company responsibility are:
Deliverable / DeadlineWork plan based on ToR & trainees’ satisfaction evaluation form / 3rd week of November 2017
Progress training report (narrative) / March 2018
Final training report on trainees’ satisfaction, logistic and financial issues / May 2018
7. Profile of the Consulting Company
- Extensive experience and track records of organizing training activities. Previous engagement in teacher training experience is an advantage.
- Previous experience in covering administrative and coordination function in donor funded projects involving multiple stakeholders, including state agencies.
- Previous experience in cooperating with policy makers, preferably in education and training.
- Ability to mobilize assigned persons suitable to cover the tasks as described in the ToR.
- Ability to financially manage a budget approximately 30.000 CHF within the consultancy timeframe.
- Very good reporting and communicating skills in English and Albanian
8. Application and contact details
The applicant should send within:
- Motivation letter explaining the reason to apply for this constancy contract
- Organisation description, including the profile, organisational structure and short description of relevant projects indicating the company role.
- Extract of company status from National Registration Centre.
- Curriculum Vitae of key personnel to be involved.
- Financial offer in CHF indicating (please refer to annex 1):
o Budget for training coordination disaggregated in working days per each assigned role and other related costs in each city.