Class Aves Notes



•Beak, ______

•Flexible ______

•Bones with ______


•______chambered heart

•Amniotic egg

•Highly sexually ______

•Sexual selection

  • Birds have evolved disadvantageous traits in terms of natural selection
  • Instead, these traits are solely for enhancing sexual attraction in potential mates

Body Covering

•Thin layer of ______

  • No ______

•Covering of ______over epidermis

•Legs covered in ______


•Highly advanced respiration

•______and ______air sacs with tube in between

  • Continuous one way flow

•2 functions of the lungs

  • ______tissue
  • ______

Digestive System

  • ______= storage
  • ______= enzymes
  • ______= grind food
  • ______= waste and reproduction

Types of Bird Bills



  • flamboyant coloration to attract a mate

•______is general rule in Aves

  • Seasonal
  • Lifetime—swans, geese


•Birds lack a penis, so ______must meet

•______- eggs are laid and hatch outside of female’s body

ChicksTypes of Feet

Two types:


  • No ______
  • Cannot ______
  • Cannot ______themselves
  • Example: owls and songbirds


  • ______
  • Can ______
  • Can ______themselves
  • Example: chickens, turkeys


•Up to ______keener than human vision

•Each eye moves ______


•Transitional animal ______

•Reptile characteristics

  • ______
  • Bony tail
  • Fingers with claws

•Bird characteristics

  • ______
  • Enlarged ______

Adaptations for Flight

  1. Bones
  • ______reduce the weight of the bone without sacrificing strength along the axis of the bone
  • The bone is much more susceptible to pressure from the side
  1. Skeletal structure
  • Enlarged ______
  • Flight muscle attachment (breast)
  • Long neck

Counter-balance against the beating of wings during flight

  • Elongated ______

Lengthens wing span

  1. Wing
  2. The wing shape is known in engineering as an airfoil design
  3. Air moving above the wing moves faster causing the molecules spread out more than the air below
  4. This creates pressure below the wing and the result is ______lift
  5. Feathers
  • ______strong
  • Branches coming off the central shaft are called ______
  • Barbs are connected across the feather by smaller branches called ______which hook into one another
  • Birds have different feathers for different functions
  • Feather Structure

______– Support during flight

______– Provides shape & color

______– Connected to nerve endings

______– Around the eyes & mouth

______– Insulation

  • Types of Feathers

  1. Reduced body weight
  • Body weight is further reduced by reducing or losing certain structures and organs
  • No ______
  • No ______
  • No penis
  • Only one ______
  • Reduced ______
  1. Highly efficient lungs
  • Able to remove ______of oxygen from each breath vs. ______in humans
  • Needed to sustain muscles during flight
  • ______& ______air sacks store air during each breath
  • During inhalation and exhalation, fresh air is passed across the lungs