Morgan Amateur Radio Club Board Meeting Minutes

17 Aug 2016

1. Attendees

Dee Dostaler, W7DEE George Archibeck, KB7ZCL

Sue Cogger, K7SUZ Doug Thompson, W1DUG

Grant Laughter, K7GL Annette Laughter, K7ALL

Forrest Terrell, KG7NJF Marcie Terrell, KG7QNR

Mike Petz, W7DNI Carol Petz, W7DNH

The meeting was convened at the Morgan County Search & Rescue Building at 6:20 PM.

2. Previous Meeting Minutes – Corrections/Changes

Dee read summary. Approved as read. Current and back files are available on club web site.

3. Financial Report

Sue, K7SUZ, gave a report on the current status of the club’s finances.

4. Repeater Status

a. 147.100: Has been functioning well. Archie was asked to reduce the squelch tail the next time

he gets on site.

b. D-Star: No change to obtaining the computer. Grant was going to attempt to contact Bob

Woods again.

5. Membership Status - No change.

6. Web Site – Needs to be updated. Dee will do his best to get it done in the midst of his move before the

October meeting.

7. Old Business – Reports by Annette, K7ALL

a. Morgan Valley Marathon: This was the first year that we were involved in this event.

5 members supported and the event organizer was very grateful, so much so that we have been

invited to support future events.

b. Pedalfest: Went very well this year. Numerous supporters from both Morgan and Summit

counties. There was only one serious incident which was resolved quickly.

c. Morgan County Fair: Many hours were spent by members but only a few new contacts were


8. New Business

a. Elections: Dee reminded everyone that elections for club offices should take place at the

December meeting. Nominations can be made starting now but can be made in October and

even November. As a minimum, both the President and Secretary positions will be vacant as of

1 Jan. But nominations, including volunteers, can be made for all offices

9. Future Events

a. RACES VHF Net, 18 Aug, 2000, IRLP.

b. Safety Fair, 19 Aug, Riverside Park, 7-9PM

c. WBTCG Eyeball, 10 Sep, in Morgan County. Location not identified yet.

d. Cystic Fibrosis Ride, 17 Sep. No details yet.

10. Next Meeting: 19 Oct 2016

a. Presentation to be on integrating MESH with County Responsibilities.

11. Adjournment: Approximately 1905. Refreshments were served.

12. Presentation: MESH Networks by Doug Thompson, W1DUG

13. Respectfully Submitted by Dee Dostaler, W7DEE, MARC Secretary