North East Hampshire Patient Participation Group Meeting
North East Hampshire Patient Participation Group Meeting
Meeting Details
Title: North East Hampshire Patient Participation Group Meeting
Date: 21st March 2012 Time: 19:00 - 21:00
Venue: Rushmoor Borough Council, Farnborough GU14 7JU
Meeting No: 05
Lead GP for the North East Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group / Dr. Olive Fairbairn / √Head of Communications and Engagement / Mel McKeown / √
Hampshire Link / Frank Rust / √
PPG Chairman / John Debenham / √
PPG CCG Representative / Donald Hepburn / A
PPG Secretary / John Baxter / √
Alexander House Surgery / Audrey Goodale / √ / Monteagle Surgery / Tba / -
Branksomewood Healthcare Centre / Tba / - / North Camp Surgery / Colin Masters / A
Crondall New Surgery / Edna Ranger / - / Oaklands Practice / Tba / -
The Border Practice / Denis Shepherd
Peter Smith / -
A / Richmond Surgery / Donald Hepburn
Rikki Willis / -
Fleet Medical Centre / Wolfgang Hamann
Robert Davis / -
√ / Princes Gardens Surgery / Ron Baker
Emma Thompson / √
Giffard Drive Surgery / Marilyn Saker
Robert Mellor / -
√ / Southwood Medical Centre / John Baxter / √
Hartley Corner Surgery / Anne Strong / √ / Southlea Group Practice / Tba / -
Jenner House Surgery / Brian Jupp
Jacqui Suggs / √
√ / Victoria Practice / Peter Williams / -
Mayfield Medical Centre / Eric Mead
Mark Miller
Nicola Jones / -
- / Wellington Practice / Tba / -
Milestone Surgery / John Debenham
Ian Scott / √
√ / Farnham 1 / Tba / -
Farnham 2 / Tba / - / Farnham 3 / Tba / -
Farnham 4 / Tba / - / Farnham 5 / Tba / -
A = Apologies sent
1.0 Welcome and Introductions
2.0 CCG Updates
2.1 CCG Update - Dr. Olive Fairbairn
2.2 Presentation - Mel McKeown
3.0 Sub-Group Updates
3.1 Missing PPG Representatives
3.1.1 Sub-Group Update – Ron Baker
3.2 Community Nursing experience
3.2.1 Sub-Group Update – Anne Strong
4.0 Any Other Business
4.1 Crisis Response for Mental Health emergencies – Brian Jupp
4.2 Nomination Vice Chair and Deputy Secretary
5.0 Date of Next Meeting
Minutes of the Meeting
1.0 Welcome and Introductions
The meeting opened with an introduction of those present.
The previous minutes were read and accepted
2.0 CCG Updates
2.1 CCG Update - Dr. Olive Fairbairn
Correction to the minutes: Donald Hepburn wrote down some initial thoughts on the role of the PPG rep for Olive and they were passed on to the CCG. This was not a formal paper tabled at the CCG.
The Paper was welcomed by the CCB, However since the NEH PPG group had not seen nor approved the thoughts it was felt that any future submissions to the CCB need to be agreed and approved by the representative group before submission. This agreed by the group.
Olive had already advised at the last meeting that we were going to expand the group with the inclusion of Farnham from 1st April and that an additional 5 surgeries would be join the group, Olive has provided the contact details of the practise managers and our sub group lead by Ron Baker was contacting the surgeries. (See Sub-group updates ).
2.2 Presentation - Mel McKeown
Mel distributed a number of slides and talked though the next challenges for CCG Authorisation. Mel highlighted the complication of cross borders collaboration and agreement, between Farnham, Surrey Heath, Bracknell & Ascot to name a few partners. Mel agreed to send an electronic copy of the slide to add to the minutes.
3.0 Sub-Group Updates
5.1 Missing PPG Representatives
5.1.1 Sub-Group Update – Ron Baker
Ron Baker gave an update on his progress in contacting the missing PPG representatives. In particular
Branksomewood Healthcare Centre / Sally Turnball Unaware of PPG Olive to write to the Practice headMonteagle Surgery / Janice Linsall, just setting up a patient group
The Oaklands Practice / Oakland has only set up a virtual group.
The Wellington Practice / Karen Nurse, difficulty in setting up a group.
Crondall New Surgery / Await a patient representative
Southlea Group Practice / Await a replacement representative
Farnham 1 / Practise contacted
Farnham 2 / Practise contacted
Farnham 3 / Practise contacted
Farnham 4 / Practise contacted
Farnham 5 / Practise contacted
Ron has had only had a limited time, prior to his departure for Australia to do the initial contact of the Farnham Surgeries. Emma Thompson will be standing in for Ron and has agreed to continue our welcome to Farnham and try to encourage patient representatives attending our joint meeting.
5.2 Community nursing experience
5.2.1 Sub-Group Update – Anne Strong
Anne Strong had already reported back several concerns over community nursing work loads and was hoping for continued feedback . Anne has only had a limited feedback and many PPGs have not taken the opportunity to respond.
This was discussed by the group. It was felt that perhaps we had not been clear in our intention to support Anne’s sub-group and therefore had not actively encouraged our own PPGs to consider if there was a community nursing shortfall. It was also expressed that some individuals were reticent to come forward with anecdotal evidence. Anne assured that the feed back would remain anonymous.
The intention of the sub-group was to receive feedback from all PPGs and if problems were highlighted , present these findings with the backing of the Patient Groups to the CCB for attention, action and hopefully raise awareness and improvement.
Anne will try to produce a description of service failings and recommendations.
Please can I re-iterate this is an opportunity for our patient groups to communicate with each other and directly support improvements in patient care. I would ask that all Practice managers support raising this with their local PPGs and provide Anne with feedback positive or negative.
4.0 Any Other Business
4.1 Crisis Response for Mental Health emergencies – Brian Jupp
Brian outline some specific issues experienced in trying to obtain help both in and out of hours and the frustration and hopelessness faced when seeking help for a patient and no one wants to take responsibility.
Frank Rust will raised the issue at his next meeting in Frimley Park.
4.2 Nomination Vice Chair and Deputy Secretary
We still need to nominate both Vice Chair and Deputy secretary for the group. There was a discussion where it was felt that with Farnham joining we should hold nominations to allow for Farnham representatives to apply.
8.0 Date of Next Meeting
The meeting was moved to a six weekly cycle . The next meeting will be on 2nd May
Future Meeting Dates: 20th June, 8th August, 19th September, 31st October and 12th December
The meeting Closed
Meeting Minutes Confidential Page | 1