Humberside Fire Authority25 May 2012
25MAY 2012
Representing East Riding of Yorkshire Council:
Councillors Chapman MBE, Engall, Hodgson, Ibson, Mole, Moore, Suggit and Turner
Representing Kingston upon Hull City Council:
Councillors Gemmell OBE, Mathieson, S. Walkerand Williams
Representing North Lincolnshire Council:
CouncillorsBriggs, Vickers and Waltham
Representing North East Lincolnshire Council:
Councillors Baxter, Sutton, Wallace and T. Walker
Chief Fire Officer & Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Officer/Director of Operations, Secretary/Director of People, Director of Finance & Assets/Section151 Officer, Assistant Chief Officer/Director of Safetyand Committee Manager were also present.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Shipley and Swift.
The meeting was held at the Humberside Fire and Rescue Service Headquarters, Kingston upon Hull. Meeting commenced at 10.30 a.m.
3847NEW MEMBERS – The Secretary/Director of Peoplewelcomed the following new Members (including those who had previously served on the Authority):
Councillors Baxter, Hodgson, Mathieson, Suggit, Sutton, Turner, S. Walker, Wallace and Vickers
The Secretary/Director of People reported that there remained a vacancy in the appointments to be made by Hull City Council and that it was his understanding that the vacancy would not be filled until the next meeting of the City Council in late June 2012. He added that there would be 10 changes to the Fire Authority, with 4 of the 10 Members having served previously.
(The Secretary/Director of People took the Chair for the following items (Minutes 3848 and 3849).
3848DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - No declarations were made in connection with any of the items to be considered at the meeting.
3849ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON –The Secretary/Director of People submitted a report on the election of a Chairperson for 2012/14. Councillors Briggs was nominated and seconded.
Resolved - That Councillor Briggs be elected Chairperson of the Humberside Fire Authority until the Annual General Meeting of the Authority in 2013.
(Councillor Briggs took the Chair and thanked Members for their support and welcomed new and returning Members)
3850ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRPERSON - The Secretary/Director of People submitted a report on the election of a Vice Chairperson for 2012/13. Councillors Engall and T. Walker were nominated and seconded.
Upon being put to the vote the voting was
Councillor Engall – For (11)
Councillor T. Walker– For (6)
Resolved - That Councillor Engallbe elected ViceChairperson of the Humberside Fire Authority until the Annual Meeting of the Authority in 2013.
3851FIREFIGHTER M DUNN – The Chairman referred to the recent death of Firefighter Mick Dunn following a long illness and expressed his sympathy to his family and friends and former colleagues at such a sad time. Councillors stood in silence as a mark of respect to his memory.
3852PETITIONS AND DEPUTATIONS - The Secretary/Director of People stated that no petitions had been received and no requests for a deputation had been received under Rule 12, Part 4 of the Constitution.
3853COMMUNICATIONS - The Secretary/Director of People stated that no communications had been received.
3854QUESTIONS BY MEMBERS - The Secretary/Director of People stated that no questions had been received from Members in accordance with Rule 12, Part 4 of the Constitution.
A Member queried whether the Authority might wish to consider the term of office of the Chairperson of the Authority and suggested that it might be appropriate to make provision in the Constitution for a Councillor to hold the post for a full four year term. The Chairperson stated that there were other opportunities for the matter to be discussed initially, such as the Member Days. The Secretary/Director of People reminded Members that Councillors were appointed by the Unitary Authorities on an annual basis and also that the Authority had only just approved a revised Constitution at its meeting on 17 April 2012 following a review of the governance arrangements of the Authority, and suggested that it would be appropriate to apply the new arrangements for a period before considering any further revisions.
3855COMPOSITION OF THE FIRE AUTHORITY 2012/13 - The Secretary/Director of People submitted a report on appointments to the Humberside Fire Authority made by the Constituent Authorities for the period 2012/13. An updated copy of Appendix 1, taking account of appointments made since the original report, was circulated at the meeting.
Resolved – (a)That the membership of the Authority for the period 2012/13 as set out below be noted:
East Riding of Yorkshire Council (8):
Councillor M Chapman MBE / (Conservative)Councillor D Engall / (Conservative)
Councillor A Hodgson / (Conservative)
Councillor A Ibson / (Conservative)
Councillor C Mole / (Conservative)
Councillor P Turner / (Conservative)
Councillor K Moore / (Labour)
Councillor A Suggit / (Independent)
Hull City Council (6):
Councillor D Gemmell OBE / (Labour)Councillor J Shipley / (Labour)
Councillor S Walker / (Labour)
(Vacancy) / (Labour)
Councillor K Mathieson / (Liberal Democrat)
Councillor A Williams / (Liberal Democrat)
North East Lincolnshire Council (4):
Councillor A Baxter / (Conservative)Councillor R Sutton / (Labour)
Councillor T Walker / (Labour)
Councillor A Wallace / (Labour)
North Lincolnshire Council (4):
Councillor J Briggs / (Conservative)Councillor R Waltham / (Conservative)
Councillor P Vickers / (Conservative)
Councillor S Swift / (Labour)
3856COMMITTEE STRUCTURE AND COMPOSITION 2012/13 - The Secretary/Director of People submitted a report on the committee structure adopted by the Authority as part of its Constitution and setting out a proposed Committee structure and composition in respect to 2012/13. At the meeting of the Authority held on 17 April 2012 the Authority had approved a new Constitution which took into account the matters arising from the third review of corporate governance – principally that the Fire Authority should be the sole decision making body and a new Committee would be formed called the Governance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee. The Authority agreed that the Committee should comprise only Independent Co-opted Members and that the Committee shall have no decision making powers. In these circumstances the rules regarding political proportionality in relation to appointments to this Committee did not apply. Other than the Governance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee the new Constitution provided that should the need arise the Authority will establish an Appointments Committee (to deal with the appointment of Senior Officers and make recommendations to the Authority), and an Appeals Committee (to hear any appeal against dismissal under the current Conduct and Performance Procedure). In respect to these Committees regard shall be had to the rules on political proportionality. It was suggested that the Authority should confirm the structure of its Committees (proposed as currently adopted and set out in the new Constitution) and then consider the size of each Committee. Rules of proportionality would then be applied to the allocation of the seats and Group Secretaries would then confirm with the Secretary the nominations to fill the allocated seats.
In line with discussions at the previous meeting of the Authority, it was proposed that the Governance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee should comprise 8 IndependentCo-opted Members. The Fire Authority on 17 April 2012 had agreed that delegated authority be granted to the Chairperson and the Secretaries of the 3 political groups (or their nominees) to help the Secretary/Director of People and Corporate Management Team in identifying Independent Co-opted Members to serve on the Governance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee. In respect to the Appointments Committee, the number of seats allocated in 2011/12 was 7 seats. It was recommended that the same size be approved for 2012/13. Similarly it was recommended that the Appeals Committee should comprise 3 Members. The report set out the allocations as between the respective political groups to the respective Committees. With regard to the adjustment identified in the report, the Authority was reminded that it could if it so wishedsimply agree the Committee allocations with no adjustments. The Committee Chairpersons would be elected at the first meeting of the relevant Committee.
Resolved -(a) That the Authority approves the Committee structure as set out in the report;
(b)that the size of the committees as set out below be approved:
AppointmentsCommittee7 Members (Conservative 3, Labour 3,
Liberal Democrats1)
Appeals Committee3 Members (Conservative1, Labour 1,
Liberal Democrats 1)
(c) that the Authority approves the allocation of seats on Committees as set out in part (b) above,
(d)that the respective Group Secretaries consider the appointment of Members to each Committee (except the Governance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee) by their Groups and submit details as soon as possible to the Secretary.
(Details of committee membershipssubsequently notified to the Secretary by Group Secretaries are set out in Appendix 1 to these minutes)
3857APPOINTMENT OF GROUP SECRETARIES 2012/13 - Resolved - That the following appointments be noted:
Political Group / Group SecretaryConservative / Councillor Ibson
Labour / Councillor T. Walker
Liberal Democrats / Councillor Williams
3858APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER REPRESENTATIVES ON EXTERNAL BODIES –The Secretary/Director of People submitted a report on the appointment of Member representatives,and where applicable substitutes, to external bodies for the period 2012/13.
Resolved – That the following appointments be approved:
Body / Representative(s)The Local Government Association Fire Services Forum / Chairperson (Councillor Briggs)
Substitute: Vice-Chairperson
(Councillor Engall)
Local Government Yorkshire and Humber (LGYH) / Chairperson (Councillor Briggs)
Substitute: Vice-Chairperson
(Councillor Engall)
LGYH Employers’ Committee / Chairperson (Councillor Briggs)
3859APPOINTMENT OF NOMINATED SPOKESPERSONS FOR EACH CONSTITUENT AUTHORITYFOR 2012/13 - The Secretary/Director of People submitted a report on the appointment of a nominated spokesperson for each Constituent Authority to answer questions concerning the Fire Authority at meetings of their respective authorities.
Resolved - That the following nominated spokespersons be appointed for the period 2012/13:
East Riding of Yorkshire Council - (to be notified to Secretary/Director of People)
Kingston upon Hull City Council - Councillor Shipley
North East Lincolnshire Council - Councillor T. Walker
North Lincolnshire Council - Councillor Waltham
3860CALENDAR OF MEETINGS 2012/13- The Secretary/Director of People submitted a report outlining a proposed Calendar of Meetings for 2012/13 and stated that no dates were proposed for meetings of the Governance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee as the composition of that Committee had not yet been populated.
Resolved –That the Calendar of Meetings for 2012/13be approved as set out in Appendix 2 to these minutes.
Meeting closed at 10.50am
Appendix 1
GOVERNANCE, AUDIT AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE (8Co-opted Independent Members - non-voting)
To be appointed
Conservative:Councillors Briggs, Chapman and Hodgson
Labour:Councillors Gemmell, Swift and T. Walker
Liberal Democrats:CouncillorWilliams
Conservative:Councillor Baxter
Labour:CouncillorS. Walker
Liberal Democrats:Councillor Williams
Appendix 2
Ordinary meetings of the Humberside Fire Authority and its Committees during 2012/13 will be held on the dates and times set out below. Meetings are held at the Headquarters of the Humberside Fire and Rescue Service, Summergroves Way, Kingston upon Hull.
Date / Meeting / TimeFriday, 25 May 2012 / Humberside Fire Authority AGM / 10.30am**
Friday, 1 June 2012 / Member Day 1 / ***
Friday, 22 June 2012 / Humberside Fire authority / 10.30am**
Thursday, 5 July 2012 / Member Day 2 / ***
TBC / Governance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee / *
Tuesday, 24 July 2012 / Humberside Fire authority / 10.30am**
Monday, 10 September 2012 / Member Day 3 / ***
TBC / Governance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee / *
Tuesday, 25 September 2012 / Humberside Fire Authority / 10.30am**
Friday, 5 October 2012 / Member Day 4 / ***
TBC / Governance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee / *
Friday, 26 October 2012 / Humberside Fire Authority / 10.30am**
Friday, 30 November 2012 / Member Day 5 / ***
TBC / Governance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee / *
Friday, 14 December 2012 / Humberside Fire authority / 10.30am**
TBC / Governance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee / ***
Tuesday, 12 February 2013 / HUMBERSIDE FIRE AUTHORITY / 10.30am**
Friday, 1 March 2013 / Member Day 6 / ***
TBC / Governance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee / *
Friday, 15 March 2013 / Humberside Fire Authority / 10.30am**
TBC / Governance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee / *
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 / Humberside Fire Authority / 10.30am**
Friday, 24 May 2013 / Humberside Fire Authority AGM / 10.30am
* Governance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee – pre-meeting with Internal and External Audit will take place 30 minutes prior to the main meeting
** Humberside Fire Authority – pre-meeting with Internal and External Audit will take place 30 minutes prior to the main meeting when Audit reports included on Agenda
*** Member Days will commence at 9.30am or 10.00am dependent on the programme for the event.