Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Lalaan 1, Silang, Cavite, Philippines
Education Department
Academic Bulletin 2016-2018
Please indicate your interest and expertise in the area according to the following scale:
(1)Would enjoy teaching/feel very comfortable(3)Would prefer not to teach
(2)Would be willing to teach/have some interest (4)Insufficient knowledge/interest—would not teach
NAME: ______Date: ______
1 / 2 / 3 / 4EDAD
EDAD 530 Foundations of School Administration (3)
EDAD/EDCI 601 Supervision of Instruction (3)
EDAD 610Organizational Behavior (3)
EDAD 640 Institutional Finance (3)
EDAD 650 Human Resource Management (3)
EDAD 651 Principalship and School Improvement (3)
EDAD 674 School Organization and Law (3)
EDAD 730 Financial Management for Educational Institutions (3)
EDAD 742 Marketing for Not-for-Profit Organizations (3)
EDAD 750 Seminar in Administration and Institutional Development (3)
EAD 780 Disciplinary Research Topics in Administration Policy/Management (2-4)
EDAD 786 Administration in Higher Education (3)
EDCI 515 Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (3)
EDCI 520 Methods of Teaching Elementary ______(2-3)
EDCI 521 Methods of Teaching Secondary _____ (2-3)
EDCI 530 Instructional Planning and Evaluation (3)
EDCI 610 Classroom Management (3)
EDCI 615 Instructional Models (3)
EDCI 620 Foundations of Curriculum (3)
EDCI 622 TESOL Methods for Content-Area Reading and Writing (3)
EDCI 625 Instructional Media (3)
EDCI 632 Inclusive Instruction (3)
EDCI 640 Process of Curriculum (3)
EDCI 645 Instructional Evaluation (2-3)
EDCI 685/785 E-Learning (3)
EDCI 730 Advanced Curriculum Theory and Practice (3)
EDCI 750 Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction (3)
EDCI 765 Advanced Instructional Processes (3)
EDCI 780Disciplinary Research Topics in Curriculum/Instruction (2-4)
EDFN 500 Fundamentals of English (3)
EDFN 501 Methods of Learning and Instruction (2)
EDFN 505 General Linguistics (1-3)
EDFN 506 English Composition (1-3)
EDFN 508 Creative Writing (2)
EDFN 510 Teaching Practicum (1-3)
EDFN 511 Higher Education Teaching Practicum (1-3)
EDFN 515 Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (3)
EDFN 518 Educational Psychology (2)
EDFN 520 Philosophy of Adventist Education (2)
EDFN 525 Instructional Evaluation (2)
EDIT 660 Management Information System (3)
EDIT 662 Managing Technology in Schools (Hardware & Software (3)
EDIT 668 Telecommunications, Networking and Security (3)
EDIT 674 Databases Applications (3)
EDIT 681 E-Marketing for Education (3)
EDIT 692 Fieldwork in Instructional Technology (3)
EDRE 612 Pastoral Care and Counseling (3)
EDRE 635 Youth Ministry (3)
EDRE 679 Ministry and Spiritual Life (3)
EDRE 710 Seminar in Family Life Issues (30
EDTE 500 Fundaments of English (3)
EDTE 520 Applied Grammar for Teachers (3)
EDTE 521 Writing Across the Curriculum (3)
EDTE 523Teaching Developmental Reading for Language Learners (3)
EDTE 528 TESOL Methods in Speaking and Listening (3)
EDTE 580 Advanced Grammar for English Language Teaching (3)
EDTE 620 Second Language Acquisition (3)
EDTE 622 TESOL Methods for Content-Area Reading and Writing (3)
EDTE 630 Pragmatics(3)
EDTE 689 Evaluation and Design of TESOL Materials (3)
EDUC 526 Pedagogical Foundations (3)
EDUC 582 Foundations of Christian Education (2)
EDUC600/700 Orientation (1)
EDUC 602 Introduction to Counseling (3)
EDUC 520 Developmental Psychology (3)
EDUC 624 Faith and Learning in Christian Education (3)
RESM 520 Academic Writing (2)
RESM 610 Research Methods (3)
RESM 615 Statistics (3)
RESM 625 Action Research (3)
RESM 630/730 Documentary Research (3)
RESM 685 Research Experience (3)
RESM 715 Advanced Statistics (3)
RESM 720 Nonparametric Statistics (3)
RESM 740 Qualitative Research Methods (3)
RESM 745 Construction of Scales and Survey Instruments (3)
RESM 751 Applied Qualitative Research Methods (1-3)
RESM 752 Applied Multivariate Analysis (3)
RESM 770 Institutional Evaluation (3)
CHPH672/872 Philosophy: An Adventist Perspective (3)
Revised January 3, 2017
Signed by:
Faculty: ______Chairperson: ______