Member Registration - Annual
Teesdale Sailing and Watersports Club v07 (August 2017)
Where this application is being made only on behalf ofa person less than 18 years, a parent or guardian must complete the form and give their permission by signing the parental consent section. A parent or guardian must always be present whilst under 18’s are on the charity premises. Registration must be completed before using the water.
ApplicantFull name
Emergency contact
Family details (when relevant)
Spouse/partner name
Children names / Date of birth
Family membership includes 2 adults and their children less than 18 years of age. / Craft details (even if not left at club)
Craft type / ID number
Data & Privacy Protection
The club holds information about its members on a computer. It is used for administration purposes in accordance with Data Protection and Charity Commission regulations and will not be sold to any third party.
If you do not want your contact details passed on to other club members, please put a cross in this box.
Members may be photographed and pictures published on the club website and in the Press.
If you do not want your picture published, please put a cross in the box.
The normal means of communication between the charity and its members is by email and through the charity website.
If you are unwilling to receive information by email, please put a cross in this box.
Note that only regulatory communications will be provided in written form.
Parental Consent
As the parent/guardian of the above-named children, I hereby give my consent for them to join Teesdale Sailing and Watersports Club.
Full name of parent/guardian
Signature / Date
Use of Facilities and Services
Payment of a membership fee does no more than secure membership of the charity and does not secure a right to personal use of charity facilities or services.
Membership fees are required to provide the infrastructure needed to undertake watersport and other activities. They are treated as gifts and are gift aided where a member signs a gift aid declaration.
Your attention is drawn to you not needing to become a member to access charity facilities or services and you have the option of accessing these as a Day Visitor.
All adult members are requested to assist with the operation of the club.
Without the donation of funds and time by charity members, watersport and other leisure activities could not take place.
/ Annual Fees and Donations
Membership / £ / # / Amount
Family / 144
Family with berth / 168
Adult / 84
Adult with berth / 108
Senior 65+ / 72
Senior with berth / 96
Non-sailing/Volunteer / 36
Cadet 12+ / 21
Junior <12 / 0
Additional Berth / 24
Charity Boat Use / 72
Additional Donation
How to pay
Payments can be made by cash, cheque or BACS.
To pay by BACS the club bank account details are:
Teesdale Sailing and Watersports Club
CAF Bank Ltd / 40-52-40
25 Kings Hill Avenue,
Kings Hill, West Malling
Kent ME19 4JQ / 0002 9818
If paying by BACS please enter your name in the reference field and email us so that we know.
Teesdale Sailing and Watersports Club (registered charity number 1159463)
Member Registration - Annual
Teesdale Sailing and Watersports Club v07 (August 2017)
DeclarationI/we apply for membership of Teesdale Sailing and Watersports Club on the understanding that I/we will be bound by the Constitution and the general rules of the club, details of which can be found on the club website
I/we understand that membership of the club does no more than secure membership of the charity and does not secure a right to personal use of charity facilities or services.
I/we understand that it is not necessary to become a member of the charity to use the facilities and services available. I/we have been made aware of the “Day Visitor” option and understand that the basis of those charges is the same as for charity members.
I/we agree that each adult member will use their best endeavours to assist with the operation of the club.
I/we confirm that, for each personal craft used by me/us at the club, at least £3m of personal liability insurance will be in place prior to its use.
I/we confirm that all those using the water can swim a minimum of 25 metres and are confident in water.
I/we recognise that watersport activity is an unpredictable sport and involves an element of risk. By becoming a member of the charity, I/we agree and acknowledge that:
- I/we are aware of the inherent risks involved in watersport activities and accept responsibility for exposing myself/ourselves to that risk.
- I/we accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by our own negligence.
- I/we will not participate in waterborne activities whilst my/our ability to take part is impaired by alcohol, drugs, or whilst otherwise unfit to participate.
- The provision of supervision by the charity is limited to such assistance as can be practically provided in the circumstances.
Signature / Date
Teesdale Sailing and Watersports Club (registered charity number 1159463)