Mayo County Council

Cong Village Design Statement

Public Forum Questionnaire Survey

Your co-operation in filling out this survey would be greatly appreciated. It also provides you with an opportunity to make your views known on local heritage, planning, development, and environmental issues within your village.

The following questionnaire survey is being carried out by Mayo County Council, as part of the preparation of a Village Design Statement for Cong.

The aim of a Village Design Statement is to ensure future development is carried out so that it is in harmony with its setting and contributes to the conservation and where possible, enhancement, of the local environment.

It is intended to record your views on issues relating to your village in terms of:

-  the landscape setting of your village,

-  the shape of the settlement,

-  the nature of the buildings themselves,

If you would like further information please contact:

Deirdre Cunningham, Heritage Officer or Noelle Angley, Architect

Mayo County Council

The Mall


Ph: 094 9047684

Thank you for your time and co-operation

Cong Village Design Statement – Questionnaire 11th July 2012

1.a) Have you enjoyed the workshop?



1.b) Have you found the workshop beneficial? Yes No

2) What for you is the distinguishing characteristic of Cong and why?





3) What age group category does the majority of the inhabitants of Cong fit into:

Youth Young Adults Middle Aged Older Older

4)  Is there a particular type of development needed in the village and why?




5)  What is your favourite building/structure in Cong and why?




6)  What is your favourite street in Cong and why?




7)  What is your favourite space in Cong?




8.a) Do you use any public recreation/amenity facilities in the village?

Yes No If yes, where?______

8.b) Do you feel these public amenities are well provided for?


9.a) Are there traffic/parking problems within Cong? Yes No

If yes, where ______

9.b) Are there pedestrian movement problems within the village? Yes No

If yes, where ______

10) Have you any ideas on how to improve your local physical environment?




11) Generally, how safe from the risk of crime do you feel in your village?

In the day (Before 7pm) 1 2 3 4 5

At night (After 7pm) 1 2 3 4 5

Are there any particular parts of the village that make you feel unsafe, and why?



12) Do you like the way Cong is growing and developing? Feel free to expand on your answer;





13) What community facilities would you like to see in Cong and where?




14) Which parts of Cong do you feel should be developed in the future and are there areas of Cong that you feel should be kept free from development?






15) Would you like to make any other comments?




