NHS Supply2Health Form Templates

NHS Supply2Health: Advertisement Template
Lead Commissioner*
Other involved commissioners
Procurement is joint with local authority? / Yes or no
Care Type
Target Population
Service Setting
Service Sector
Likely total contract term / Whole years only
Option to extend contract / Yes or no
Likely total contract value (minimum)
Likely total contract value (maximum)
Likely service start date / DD/MM/YYYY
OJEU reference
Description of requirements / Free text field – limit approx 1000 words
Next stage
Procurement method
Reply by / DD/MM/YYYY
Contact name
Contact Address
Contact telephone number
Email address for responses
Web link
Associated tender number
Previous advertisement

* Only to be used where contributor has access to more than 1 commissioner site

NHS Supply2Health: Award Details Template
Related Advertisement
Indicative Contract Value
Actual Contract Value
Contract Start Date / DD/MM/YYYY
Contract End Date / DD/MM/YYYY
Contract Extension options / 12 or 24 months
Review Date / DD/MM/YYYY
NHS Providers*
PCT Providers*
Independent Providers*
DUNS Number
SID Number
Will you be accessing CfH's central managed systems? / Yes or No

*Use only one of these 3 – multiple selections are not allowed. If ‘Independent Providers’ is selected, enter the name of the provider in full

NHS Supply2Health Any Willing PCT Accredited Provider (AWPP)
Lead commissioner*
Other involved commissioners
Procurement is joint with local authority? / Yes or No
Care type
Target population
Service setting
Service sector
Provider numbers limited / Yes or No
AWPP Offer duration / Whole years only

Option to extend

/ Yes or No

Likely service start date


Payment Terms


/ Local or National

Brief description of service requirements

/ Free text field – limit approx 1000 words

Accreditation Stages

Review Date


Contact name

Contact address

Contact telephone number

Email address for responses

Web link

* Only to be used where contributor has access to more than 1 commissioner site

NHS Supply2Health: AWPP Designation Template
Related AWPP Notice
Provider Service Start Date / DD/MM/YYYY
NHS Providers*
PCT Providers*
Independent Providers*
DUNS Number
SID Number
Provider Status
Will you be accessing CfH's central managed systems? / Yes or No

*Use only one of these 3 – multiple selections are not allowed. If ‘Independent Providers’ is selected, enter the name of the provider in full

NHS Supply2Health Notification
Lead commissioner*
Other involved commissioners
Procurement is joint with local authority? / Yes or No
Care type
Target population
Service setting
Service sector
Notification type
Notification expiry date / DD/MM/YYYY

Likely advertisement/notice date


Likely service start date


Brief description

/ Free text field – limit approx 1000 words

Contact name

Contact address

Contact telephone number

Contact email

Web link

*Only to be used where contributor has access to more than 1 commissioner site

V1.0 17th December 2009