Legion of Mary: Meet every Thursday at 6.45pm in the Hall

Tea and Coffee: will be available after 11am Mass in the church hall, offered by the parish. All parishioners and visitors are welcome. We would be grateful for more volunteers to help with making tea and coffee after this Mass. Many thanks.

Cleaning: The next cleaning of the Church will take place on Saturday 10th June at 3pm. Please come and join in just for one hour.

Light of Jesus: The Light of Jesus Catholic Community cordially invites everyone to praise; worship and lunch every Sunday from 2pm – 3.30pm in the Upper Hall.

Candles: Just to remind you that candles at our statues are not free. The cost per candle is 25p. This is very reasonable as some of our neighbouring parishes’ charge between 40p and £1 per candle. I would therefore ask that everybody pays for lighting a candle.

Baptisms: The number of parents requesting baptism has steadily increased I am delighted to say! If you have a child for baptism you must firstly see Fr. Michael for a date. Do not book your party first to avoid disappointment. Sr. Vivien will then arrange to meet you for Baptism Preparation. Baptisms take place on Saturdays at 11am. In 2016 we had 18 Baptisms.

New Parishioners: If you have moved here to our parish recently, I would be grateful if you could tell me at the end of Mass so that I can give you a Parish Registration Form to complete. Look forward to meeting you.

APF Boxes: Please can those who have boxes to collect. Could they call, email or let the office know which is convenient to pick up their empty boxes. It could be in the Repository, office or under the desk in the porch at the back of the church.

Money Counters: We need one or two new money counters. Please see Fr. Michael if you can help. Many thanks.

Website: Just to remind you we have a Parish Website on which there is information on Masses; Events, Sacramental Preparation; History; Newsletters; Photographs etc. The address is – parish.rcdow.org.uk/Marylebone.

Church of Our Lady of the Rosary. 211 Old Marylebone Road, London NW1 5QT.Tel: 020 7723 5101. Email: Parish Priest: Fr Michael Johnston. Email: Parish Administrator: Mrs Marion Egan – Parish Office open 10.30am –3.30pm Tuesday, Thursday and Friday - Our Parish Web address is:parishrcdow.org.uk/Marylebone

Church of Our Lady of the Rosary


Pentecost Sunday 4th June 2017


Saturday: 6.00pm (First Mass of Sunday)

Sunday: 8.30am, 11.00 (Family Mass), and 6.00pm (Folk Mass)

Sunday: 1.00pm – Czech Community Mass - 1st Sunday


Monday – Friday 12.30pm

Saturday 12.30pm


Saturday: 11.00am to 11.30am and 5.00pm to 5.30pm.

Every Saturday afternoon, there is Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 5.00pm to Benediction at 5.30pm.

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Saturday at 7.00pm.

Fr Michael Writes: Pentecost saw the birth of a new community, the new People of God – the Church. Today then, is the birthday of the Church. This is the day the apostles left the upper room in which they were locked away in prayer and where they were hiding in fear of the Jews. They went out fearlessly to preach the Gospel. They could not have done this without power from on high that is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit brought gifts of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. These are the gifts we are given in Baptism and Confirmation. They are beautiful qualities which make our lives worthwhile. Today we pray that the Holy Spirit renew these gifts within us and be the source of renewal to the Church and our World.

Today: The Easter Season officially ends. After today the Easter Candle is removed to the sacristy and lit at baptisms. At funerals it is placed and lit near the coffin, to signify that Christian death is a true Passover.

June: which began last Thursday is by tradition in the Church the month of the Sacred Heart. It would be nice if our Sacred Heart Chapel was filled with flowers.

Many thanks: To all who brought in flowers and donated money for flowers during the month of May for Our Lady’s Chapel and statue in the foyer.

Finance and Properties Meeting: The next Finance and Properties Meeting will take place on Tuesday 13th June 2017 at 7pm in the Presbytery.

R.C.I.A.: The RCIA for 2016/17 has now come to an end and will recommence with a new group in September. If you know of someone who maybe thinking about becoming a Catholic – a husband; wife; boyfriend; girlfriend or if you are a Catholic through baptism and have missed out on either First Holy Communion or Confirmation, then this is also the group for you. Please give me theirs or your name, address, telephone number and email and we can meet so that I can give you further details.

C.T.S: We have a Catholic Truth Society stand with booklets out in the porch. These booklets are not free and must be paid for in the box marked C.T.S. Each booklet is separately priced in the back cover.

Dad’s Group: The next Dad’s Group will be held this Monday 17th July at 7.30pm in the Lower Hall. All Dads are welcome. If you are new to the group please tell me if you are attending as there is a supper provided.

Fr. Michael’s Pilgrimage 2017 to Milan and Lake Maggiore: I have organised a pilgrimage to Milan and Lake Maggiore from Monday 25th September 2017 to Monday 2nd October 2017. We will travel by scheduled flights return Heathrow to Milan. We will spend two nights in Milan and five nights in Stresa on Lake Maggiore. There will be guided tours in both Milan and Stresa taking in much to do with St. Charles Borromeo and St. Ambrose. We hope to visit Leonardo Da Vincis “Last Supper”. Excursions and Mass each day and we will be accompanied by a Tour Manager using local guides in various places. Both hotels are four star includes Bed, Breakfast and Dinners. Also includes a boat trip on Lake Maggiore visiting Isola Bella and a boat trip on Lake Orta. This promises to be an excellent pilgrimage. Cost £978. To reserve a place see Fr. Michael for a form and brochure.

Children’s Religious Books: The basket of books for children is again almost empty. Someone has stolen most of our books. The object is that these books are returned at the end of Mass to the basket. I would be grateful if parents would look at home for any religious books or children’s Bible story books that you could donate so that we have a basket of books for all our children to borrow.

The Great Get Together: in aid of Jo Cox the MP who was killed will take place this summer on 17th and 18th June. One year after Jo Cox was killed, millions of people across the country will get together with their neighbours to share food and celebrate all that we have in common. The Catholic Church in our country are supporting this event. It can be big or small indoors or out – a street party, barbeque, or picnic. If you are planning an event do let me know so that I can publicise it for you.

Rosary Hall Offices: The two top floors of office space vacant since last July have now been leased to a firm of Architects. They have refurbished the two top floors. Hopefully, soon the top hall will also be leased. The income will go towards badly needed works on our own buildings so that our property will be in good shape for the next fifty years.

Diary of Events:

Sunday 11th June – 11am – Parish Confirmations

Sunday 18th June – Corpus Christi: All Eucharistic Ministers to be recommissioned.

Saturday 24th June – 12.30pm Mass and Anointing of the Sick

Sunday 16th July – Parish Pilgrimage to Aylesford

Saturday 25th November – Christmas Fair

Sunday 10th December – Carol Service

Sacrament of the Sick: In this Year when our Cardinal has asked us to pray particularly for the sick of our Parish, there will be an opportunity for anyone who wishes to receive the Sacrament of the Sick at 12.30pm Mass on Saturday 24th June 2017. If you know of anyone sick in any way please tell them about this opportunity.

A Scripture Retreat with Brian Purfield:

When: 24th June 2017 - 10.00 am – 2.00pm

Where: Vaughan House, 46 Francis Street, London SW1P 1QN. Suggested donation £14. Please bring a packed lunch; teas and coffees are provided (available from 9.30am) Registration is required. Please register at or call to our automated service at 0207 931 6078 and leave your contact details.

Prayer for our Young People taking Examinations: “Dear Lord, as I take this exam, I thank you that my value is not based on my performance, but on your great love for me. Come into my heart so that we can walk through this time together. Help me not only with this test, but the many tests of life that are sure to come my way. As I take this exam, bring back to my mind everything I studied and be gracious with what I have overlooked. Help me to remain focused and calm, confident in the facts and in my ability, and firm in the knowledge that no matter what happens today you are there with me. Amen.

Parish Pilgrimage to Aylesford: Our Annual parish pilgrimage to the Carmelite Shrine of Aylesford will take place this year on Sunday 16th July, the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The coach will leave the Church at 8.30am and return about 6.30pm. Cost of trip is £17 per person. The coach can only take 40, so please see ladies in Repository to pay and ensure your place or see Marion in the office.

Gift Aid: We now have 120 people who have a box of envelopes to pay their weekly contribution. We also have 36 people who pay by Direct Debit. That adds up to 156 people. Yet we only have 50 people who gift aid. You can gift aid your money to the Church which means if you pay tax in the U.K. our Church would get an extra 25p for every £1 that you give, from the Government. It is money for nothing, and if the other 106 people on envelopes or Direct Debit were to gift aid we would get back several thousand pounds from the Government. Today in the porch there is a tray with Gift Aid Forms. Please complete one give to Fr. Michael as you leave. It will only take a minute and would make an enormous difference to our income

Feasts: Monday 5th June – St. Boniface – Mass at 12.30pm

Collections: Collections last weekend amounted to £342.27 Envelopes. £560.19 Loose Plate. Total - £902.46

Many thanks. Have a good week