Ancient Greece Webquest

Mr. Saltys Wikispaces

Athenian Metic


1. Who were the metics?


2. Were they allowed to vote?

3. Could they become citizens of Athens?

Metic Roles

3. Boys: Left home for job training at age ______

4. Men: Lived in military camps even though married until age ______

Participated in ______contests

5. Women: Participated in ______contests

( 5 pts.)

6. Why would Sparta be considered a “closed polis?” ______



7. What was the problem with the slaves? ______



Website: Daily Life in Ancient Greece

8. Boys: Treated harshly so they would become ______and ______

Taught to ______, ______, and ______

but do not get ______.

(6 pts.)

Website: Europe, Greece and Philosophy to 500BC

9. Women: All females were trained in ______so they

could have strong, ______.

10. All Spartans would not allow themselves to have pleasures of life such as:



11. Spartans were not allowed to ______or ______

12. Spartans enjoyed: (Check ALL activities that apply.)

_____ A. Fancy parties

_____ B. Music

_____ C. Literature

_____ D. Poetry

_____ E. T.V.

_____ F. Athletic training

(7 pts.)

Resource: Ancient Civilizations pp. 302-303

13. Sparta is located on the southern peninsula called the ______.

14. The life of all Spartans included ______activity.

15. Spartan military training for the males included obedience without ______.

16. As far as women of other Greek city-states, Spartan women had:

_____Fewer rights

_____More rights

_____Equal number of rights.

17. Three responsibilities of Spartan Women were:

A. ______

B. ______

C. ______

Place an * beside the most important duty of Spartan women.

(7 pts.)

18. Why did the Spartan lifestyle stay the same for a long time?______




19. Government:

# of Kings:
# of Members in Senate:
Age of Senate Members:
Senate Members Elected by:
Handled Daily Governing:
Two Most Powerful Groups:

20. Sparta believed they needed a strong army. Explain. ______



(5 pts.)