PRESENT: Chair: The Mayor – Councillor A Willoughby
Councillors: R Aspin, J Batt, S Batt, D Bulmer, M Clemmitt,
D Goode, H Lyon, J Monaghan, L Powell, B Rigby,
and C Willoughby.
Staff Present: The Deputy Clerk and Office Assistant
Also Present: A resident
Late Arrivals: Councillors S Batt and D Goode
Early Departures: None
P15/143 ITEM 1 – To receive apologies for inability to attend the meeting
Apologies were received from Councillors E Collins, H Gostlow and M Joy.
P15/144 ITEM 2 – Councillors’ Disclosure of an Interest
Councillor R Aspin / Item 7.3 – acquainted with neighbours at this site.Councillor J Batt / Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light
of new information.
Item 9.1.6 – as treasurer of Renaissance Knaresborough.
Councillor D Bulmer / Items 5.2, 5.3, 9.1.2 and 9.1.5 - Employed by NYCC.
Councillor M Clemmitt / Items 7.2 and 7.3 – acquainted with neighbours close to both sites.
Councillor D Goode / Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light
of new information.
Councillor C Willoughby / Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light
of new information.
Items 5.2, 5.3, 9.1.2 and 9.1.5 - Employed by NYCC.
Item 7.3 and Item 12 - acquainted with neighbours at this Lidl site.
Councillor A Willoughby / Item 7.2 – as a committee member of the Harrogate Ramblers Association.
Item 7.3 and item 12– has friends adjacent to the site of Lidl.
Item 9.1.6 – as a member of the Executive Committee of Renaissance Knaresborough.
P15/145 ITEM 3 – KTC Public Speaking Session
P15/146 ITEM 4 – To consider and, if thought fit, approve as a correct
record, the Minutes of:
4.1 Monday 12 October 2015
Councillor L Powell asked for a change of wording to item 5.1.
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Council Meeting, held on Monday 12 October 2015 (including the amendment), be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. (nem con)
P15/147 ITEM 5 – Business remaining from previous meeting:
5.1 Update on Bilton Hall Drive - emails from representative of Bilton Hall Management Company (BHMC) and NYCC Improvement Manager.
RESOLVED: To contact the representative from BHMC, thanking him for his communication and that KTC look forward to having sight of their report. However, Council will wait for the engineer’s report that will be conducted by NYCC on behalf of KTC. (unanimous)
5.2 Update on Bus Subsidy Reductions consultation – email from the NYCC Passenger Transport Integration Manager outlining the draft Transport, Economy and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommendations (16/10/2015).
RESOLVED: Receive and note (unanimous)
5.3 Update on request for amendments to the winter gritting routes to include the area around the Rail Station – email from NYCC Area Manager (Area 6).
RESOLVED: (i) To write to Network Rail advising them of the fact that NYCC will not include the area around the station as part of its priority winter gritting programme and that KTC feels this could prove to be dangerous at the Network Rail contact NYCC directly - (copy letter to NYCC) (unanimous)
(ii) Receive and note NYCC correspondence (unanimous)
P15/148 ITEM 6 – To consider the following Planning Applications relating to Knaresborough and make such observations as may be appropriate
Ref: / Applicant / Details of Application / KTC Comments6.100.88.E.FUL
15/04041/FUL* / Mr M Moorey / Erection of single storey rear extension, demolition of conservatory and alterations to fenestration (revised scheme). 29 Scotton Drive, HG5 9HG. / .
No objections - unanimous
15/04487/FUL* / Mr and Mrs Nicholson / Erection of two single storey extensions, erection of single storey garage and alterations to fenestration. Briar Glade, York Road, HG5 0SW. / No objections - unanimous
15/03501/DVCMAJ* / David Wilson Homes / Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 6.100.2889.A.REMMAJ to allow resiting substation to east of site, substitution of house type to plots 24 and 74, erection of replacement enlarged pumping station and alterations to access road to pumping station. Land comprising field at 435272 458508 Boroughbridge Road. / Cllr R Aspin declared an interest as he lives adjacent to the development.
KTC neither supports nor objects to this application, but specifically, would like assurance that the pipes used are sufficient to cope with the requirements of a larger pumping station - unanimous
*Item to be determined by HBC’s Chief Planner **Item to be determined by HBC’s Planning Committee
P15/149 ITEM 7 – Planning Correspondence
7.1 Planning enforcements x 1
RESOLVED: Receive and note (unanimous)
7.2 Diversion of Footpath 15.46/9/1, Knaresborough (Oakwood Farm,
Hay a Park, HG5 0RX).
RESOLVED: Receive and note (unanimous)
7.3 Notice of Appeal:
Appeal by: Lidl UK GmBH
Site at: Lidl, York Road, HG5 0SP
Proposal: Variation of condition 13 of planning permission 6.100.1447.D.FULMAJ to allow all deliveries, collections and dispatches to the premises and external loading, unloading, bottle and refuse emptying, together, with all movements associated with development and construction work, to be carried out between the hours of 0800 to 2100 hours each day Monday to Friday, 0800 to 1800 hours Saturday and 0900 to 1200 Sunday and Bank Holidays.
Ref: APP/E2734/W/15/3134844
Starting Date: 8 October 2015
RESOLVED: To write to the inspector to ask him to refuse this appeal application as Lidl are in the process of purchasing a new site. To also state that KTC objects to this application on the grounds of the impact on the neighbours of noise levels resulting from putting goods in and out of the trailer and the noise of the cooling system (unanimous)
P15/150 ITEM 8 - To note the HBC Planning Committee Meeting – Tuesday 27 October 2015, at 2.00pm – Council Offices, Crescent Gardens, Harrogate at which the following for Knaresborough is to be discussed:
No applications for Knaresborough
P15/151 ITEM 9 – To consider the following correspondence:
9.1 The following correspondence is for discussion:
9.1.1 Email from HBC Engagement Officer - Views on Devolution Survey.
The survey asks whether or not you support the idea of our area joining a combined authority and why. Councillors discussed this item at length, pointing to the lack of information included in the survey, the great deal of uncertainty around this issue and the seemingly rushed timescales.
Councillor S Batt joined the meeting at this point – 8pm
RESOLVED: To answer no, KTC does not support the idea of our area joining a combined authority due to the lack of information supplied with the survey, and a general concern that devolution will create another level of bureaucracy in addition to North Yorkshire County Council, Harrogate Borough Council and Parish Council (unanimous)
9.1.2 VAS Hire Agreement from NYCC and associated breakdown of costs – to consent to sign the agreement
Councillor D Goode arrived at this point – 8.10pm
RESOLVED: To accept the agreement sent by NYCC, but to ask how we can determine which sign goes where and when as part of the schedule? (unanimous)
9.1.3 Email from HBC Technical Officer Safer Communities – re allotment bonfires.
RESOLVED: For the Clerk to deal with this matter appropriately (unanimous)
9.1.4 Request from a fairground owner re hiring of King George V field in 2016.
RESOLVED: To i) contact the fairground owner to confirm we are still interested in the proposal and want to explore the opportunity further.
ii) ask the owner for insurance documentation, a clarification of the layout of the fair and the number of ‘live in’ caravans that would be on site.
iii) contact HBC re arrangements for the fair on the stray and what documentation they have in place to cover this event.
iv) contact Boroughbridge, who have recently used this fairground, to ask for their feedback. (unanimous)
9.1.5 Email from NYCC Project Manager, Street Lighting Depot re Footpath Lighting Maintenance.
Further information revealed that this communication should have been sent to HBC and was not relevant to KTC. The Mayor moved to the next item.
9.1.6 Email from Councillor A Willoughby re Renaissance Knaresborough (RK)
Councillor D Goode requested that his motion from item 12 be dealt with at this time as the two points were linked, the Mayor agreed as he already had in mind to do this.
The Mayor went on to explain that following a recent RK meeting concerns were raised over a lack of communication between KTC and RK, and the wish that 2 town councillors be present at every meeting.
Councillor D Goode suggested KTC needed to improve the level of relationship with groups in the town. KTC has a lot of new members that need to be introduced to these groups.
The Mayor moved to vote on the proposal submitted by Cllr D Goode (Item 12):
RESOLVED: That Knaresborough Town Council approaches RK with a proposal to hold a joint event, for example a workshop for the 2 organisations with a view to improving working relationships and to identify those projects that require both organisations to work in partnership for their ultimate success.
In addition, Council proposes to nominate substitutes should the current representatives be unable to attend meetings. (unanimous)
Councillor D Goode informed members that a member of the RK executive committee had been invited to attend the next meeting of the NDP working group on the 29th October.
P15/152 ITEM 10 – Reports from Clerk
10.1 To approve the Schedule of Accounts October (1):
KNARESBOROUGH TOWN COUNCILSchedule of Accounts - October (1) 2015
A list of payments yet to be made:
Payable to & Description / File Ref. No. / Amount excluding VAT / VAT / Total Amount (to be paid)
Footpaths Working Group - website payment (minute no. P15/129) / 87 / 12.00 / 0.00 / 12.00
Grant Knaresborough Fright Night (minute no. P15/133) / 88 / 500.00 / 0.00 / 500.00
Yorkshire Internal Audit Services / 89 / 295.00 / 0.00 / 295.00
BT bill - phone services / 90 / 74.60 / 14.92 / 89.52
CBS Ltd - photocopier / 91 / 33.68 / 6.74 / 40.42
Petty Cash / 92 / 50.00 / 0.00 / 50.00
TLC - office stationery / 93 / 4.74 / 0.94 / 5.68
Wages, Tax, NI and Pension / 94 - 98 / 4466.68 / 0.00 / 4,466.68
TOTALS / 5,436.70 / 22.60 / 5,459.30 / 5,459.30
RESOLVED: To receive and note the accounts October (1) with payments totalling £5459.30, as presented above. (unanimous)
10.2 Report from the Internal Auditor following the 6 month audit
RESOLVED: To receive and note (unanimous)
10.3 To receive and note finance figures:
It was requested that the budget 2016/17 is put as an item on the next council agenda.
i) for September 2015 (1/2 year)
Councillor L Powell reported that her reconciliation checks had highlighted an error in the way the NYCC pension cheques had been entered in the accounts. The error made no difference to the overall amount, but the month the cheques represented was incorrect. This happened as a result of a cheque being re-issued as NYCC had not received the original (which was cancelled).
RESOLVED: To receive and note (unanimous)
ii) Figures ½ year Apr – Sept
RESOLVED: To receive and note (unanimous)
P15/153 ITEM 11 - Reports from Committees/Working Groups
11.1 Minutes of the Events Committee Meeting Monday 5 October 2015.
RESOLVED: To receive and note (unanimous)
Councillor R Aspin informed members that there would be a meeting of the events working group following tonight’s Council meeting.
P15/154 ITEM 12 - Motion from Members
Motion from Councillor J Batt:
Following the announcement that Lidl have acquired the Co-operative Store premises on Chain Lane. It is proposed that Council send a letter containing the attached text to Head Office of Lidl, 19 Worple Road, Wimbledon, London, SW19 4JS seeking assurances and clarification (see appendix A for letter)
RESOLVED: To accept the proposal as set out above (unanimous)
FURTHER RESOLVED: To write to the Co-operative asking them to consider keeping fair trade products and organic milk in their 2 remaining retail outlets in Knaresborough (unanimous)
Motion from Councillor D Goode:
That Knaresborough Town Council approaches RK with a proposal to hold a joint
event, for example a workshop for the 2 organisations with a view to improving
working relationships and to identify those projects that require both organisations to
work in partnership for their ultimate success.
See Item 9.1.6.
P15/155 ITEM 13 – Information Exchange
· Councillor D Goode made a request for any remaining NDP spreadsheet entries to be submitted back to him by close of play 27 October 2015.
· Councillor B Rigby informed members that the Committee for Accountability for American Bases would be meeting tomorrow at 6pm; Channel 4 would also be present.
· Councillors D Bulmer and J Batt offered their congratulations to all the Knaresborough in Bloom group following the gold award from Britain in Bloom.
· Councillor J Batt informed members that fundraising by the Mother Shipton’s Statue Committee had passed the halfway point, with a cheque received from the Mother Shipton’s business. There will be a further fundraiser in the spring – details to follow.
· The Deputy Clerk reminded members that the Poppy Supper is on Wednesday 4 November and could all those wishing to attend let her know.
· The Office Assistant informed members that KTC now have a presence on social media; some rules around how this will work need to be set out.
Meeting Closed at 9.25 p.m.
Signed by the Mayor (Councillor A Willoughby):______
Appendix A
Proposed Text for a Letter to Lidl
Dear Sirs,
This Council notes that your organisation has acquired the former Co-operative store on Chain Lane in Knaresborough.
We are delighted that your business has been so successful since you first opened on the former garden centre site that you now find that you require larger premises. Your store has provided both employment in Knaresborough and potentially brought additional business to other traders in the town. The Co-operative store has been established on its Eastfield site for nearly 40 years and has provided community services which we feel are important and need to be kept. With these concerns in mind we would seek your assurance and clarification on the following: