RACE 1 [TF1234]




App Y Salim, the rider of SOLITAIRE, was fined a sum of S$200 for negligence in terms of MRA Rule 152(5)(a) in that he failed to claim and ride at his declared riding weight.

TARGET (M Nunes), which was restless in the barrier, was slow into stride after beginning awkwardly.

ASTROJET (G Boss) and SUN EMPIRE (App CC Wong) bumped on jumping.

Shortly after the start, SATELLITE STAR (App WS Chan) and ASPREY (R Shafiq) bumped.

Passing the 1100m, Jockey Nunes, the rider of TARGET, adjusted his off-side stirrup iron.

Shortly after passing the 1000m, TALES OF SUMMER (M Rodd) brushed the running rail after improving and racing tight to the inside of TARGET.

SOLITAIRE and ACROSS THE SEA (D David) raced wide throughout.

LAND BELOW D WIND (J Powell) had difficulty obtaining a clear run between the 400m and the 200m.

ASPREY, which raced poorly, will be required to pass a 1000m gallop trial and veterinary examination prior to being declared to race again.

RACE 2 [TF1235]



HEPHAESTUS (M Ewe) was slow to begin after jumping away awkwardly.

INFANTRY ECLIPSE (K A'Isisuhairi), which was slightly slow to begin, was checked on jumping between LIM'S MAGIC (G Boss) and CASEY (N Juglall), which veered outwards abruptly.

ACE HARBOUR (App T Krisna) jumped awkwardly outwards and in so doing, slightly inconvenienced FIRST PASSTHEPOST (Z Zuriman).

MR HOPKINS (V Duric) and AROUND THE WORLD (O Placais) bumped on jumping. MR HOPKINS and AROUND THE WORLD again made contact shortly after the start.

Near the 1100m, CASEY steadied off the heels of PEACE WANTED (M Nunes), which steadied in front.

AROUND THE WORLD was held up in the early part of the straight.

Near the 250m, MR HOPKINS steadied when crowded between ACE HARBOUR, which rolled inwards and CASEY, which rolled outwards.

Over the concluding stages, O'REILLY STAR (R Shafiq) had to be steadied to change course when crowded to the inside of CASEY, which in turn had to be eased off the heels of ACE HARBOUR, which shifted inwards under pressure.

A subsequent veterinary examination was requested on SABIK (M Rodd) which revealed that the horse exhibited signs of respiratory distress after the race. SABIK will be required to pass a 1000m gallop trial and veterinary examination prior to being declared to race again.

RACE 3 [TF1236]


CLASS 4 1600M

After arriving at the barrier, O'REILLY BAY (N Juglall) had its saddle readjusted.

TARAMEA (App I Amirul) was slow to begin.

After jumping away awkwardly and bumping O'REILLY BAY, MILITARY MIGHT (D David) shifted inwards making contact with STORM TROOPER (R Shafiq).

LIM'S RIPPLE (D Moor) was severely crowded on jumping between KINGS RYKER (C Grylls) and SHOW FAR SHOW GOOD (V Duric), which jumped awkwardly outwards.

Near the 1400m, LIM'S RIPPLE had to be checked after shifting to the inside of the line of the running rail and becoming awkwardly placed to the inside of TAUBOSS (M Nunes).

Near the 800m, STORM TROOPER, which was racing keenly, checked when racing tight between LIM'S RIPPLE and KOKONI (A Munro).

Passing the 250m, KOKONI eased off the heels of MILITARY MIGHT, which shifted outwards. Jockey David was subsequently shown the film of the incident and warned to exercise greater care when shifting ground in future.

The Farrier reported that STORM TROOPER returned having cast its off-fore plate.

Jockey R Shafiq, when questioned regarding the run of STORM TROOPER, stated that the gelding initially settled well in a midfield position, however, after passing the 1000m, commenced to race keenly and had a tendency to lay outwards. He added that after suffering some interference near the 800m, STORM TROOPER failed to respond to his riding and was disappointing in the homestraight. His explanation was noted. STORM TROOPER was impounded for routine veterinary and analytical examination. The Veterinary Surgeon reported that the horse returned not striding out freely and with a cut on its off-hind leg. STORM TROOPER, which raced poorly, will be required to pass a 1000m gallop trial from the barrier and a veterinary examination prior to being declared to race again.

RACE 4 [TF1237]




SHOQEET (O Chavez) and HONOR (C Grylls) bumped on jumping.

Shortly after the start, LIM'S SIGNATURE (App R Zawari), which had been slightly slow to begin, was eased when momentarily crowded between JUSTICE LASS (M Nunes) and FIGHTING WARRIOR (App T See).

IN BOCCA AL LUPO (A Munro) raced wide throughout.

Near the 650m, ROAN RANGER (D David) momentarily steadied off the heels of FIGHTING WARRIOR, which shifted inwards.

SHOQEET had difficulty obtaining clear running in the early part of the straight.

Approaching the 300m, PIONEER STEP (V Duric) had to be steadied off the heels of ROAN RANGER, which shifted inwards.

LIM'S SIGNATURE and SOUTHERN GLORY (N Juglall) raced tight over the final 300, resulting in them making contact on a number of occasions.

Over the concluding stages, Jockey Juglall, the rider of SOUTHERN GLORY, had his whip knocked out of his hand when racing tight on the outside of LIM'S SIGNATURE.

The Farrier reported that FLYING WINNER (M Rodd) returned having cast its near-fore plate.

A subsequent veterinary examination was requested on RICH FORTUNE (O Placais) which revealed no apparent abnormality. RICH FORTUNE will be required to pass a 1000m gallop trial and veterinary examination prior to being declared to race again.

RACE 5 [TF1238]


CLASS 4 1200M


After arriving at the barrier, HADES (App T See) had its saddle readjusted.

Jockey N Juglall reported that the saddle on SHOOT UP HIGH shifted back on jumping.

FLASH ONE (O Chavez) jumped away awkwardly.

PRIME TURF (M Nunes) was slow to begin after being bumped by AUGUSTANO (M Rodd), which jumped outwards at the start.

LIM'S ROYAL (D Moor) was slow to begin.

Near the 1000m, RED CLAW (App CS Chin) was bumped outwards slightly by ELISE (R Woodworth). This resulted in RED CLAW then having to be eased off the heels of BORN A FIGHTER (App S Shafrizal), which shifted inwards.

Passing the 1000m, COUNTRY WARRIOR (J Powell) checked when racing to the inside of HADES and SHOOT UP HIGH. An Inquiry into this incident will be held at a date to be fixed.

Approaching the 900m, ELISE checked when racing between COUNTRY WARRIOR and BORN A FIGHTER. An Inquiry into this incident will be held at a date to be fixed.

Approaching the 800m, RAFALE (TH Koh) checked when racing to the inside of SPUR ME ON (B Vorster). An Inquiry into this incident will be held at a date to be fixed.

Passing the 800m, ELISE, which was racing keenly, was crowded when buffeted between COUNTRY WARRIOR and RED CLAW, which was inclined to lay inwards.

Passing the 300m, ELISE eased off the heels of RED CLAW, which shifted inwards and away from LIM'S ROYAL.

Passing the 250m, COUNTRY WARRIOR and RED CLAW both checked when racing to the inside of BORN A FIGHTER. An Inquiry into this incident will be held at a date to be fixed.

Jockey V Duric reported that BEUNOS AIRES did not act in today's going. A subsequent veterinary examination revealed that the horse returned not striding out freely.

Trainer M Clements, when questioned regarding the apparent improved performance of SPUR ME ON stated that the gelding had been freshened since its most recent start and given the light weight to be carried, he was expecting a competitive performance today. His explanation was noted.

RACE 6 [TF1239]




App Y Salim, the rider of NEO'S CLASSIC, was fined a sum of S$200 for negligence in terms of MRA Rule 152(5)(a) in that he failed to claim and ride at his declared riding weight.

PREFERRED (M Rodd) was restless in the barrier.

HAPPY BABY (D David), MOON CHARM (App CC Wong) and MIGHTY PHOENIX (O Placais) were all crowded on jumping between PREFERRED, which jumped inwards and SUPER BALL (M Ewe), which jumped outwards at the start.

HONGCHEN (Z Zuriman), which was slightly slow to begin, made contact with the hindquarters of WARPATH (M Kellady) on jumping.

SUN SEEKER (I Azhar) was slow to begin.

NEO'S CLASSIC raced wide throughout.

WARPATH, which was held up for clear running in the early part of the straight, made contact with NEO'S CLASSIC on a couple of occasions.

The Farrier reported that FRAGRANCE EMPIRE (TH Koh) returned having cast both-fore plates.

MIGHTY PHOENIX, which raced poorly, will be required to pass a 1000m gallop trial and veterinary examination prior to being declared to race again.

Jockey C Grylls, the rider of MR CLINT, reported that the gelding may not have handled the conditions of the track. After initially travelling well in the race, MR CLINT only finished off fairly when placed under pressure in the straight.

RACE 7 [TF1240]



Permission was granted for Jockey O Chavez to replace Jockey G Boss on EBRAZ as the latter was unable to make the weight. Jockey Boss was subsequently fined a sum of S$200 in terms of MRA Rule 107(9).

TYPHON (M Ewe) jumped outwards at the start making contact with EBRAZ.

MOKASTAR (N Juglall) jumped awkwardly outwards carrying PAPERBACK TROOPER (K A'Isisuhairi) out onto SOONBABY (M Rodd).

LEONARDO (R Woodworth), which blundered on jumping, was bumped inwards when YELLOW JADE HORSE (App CS Chin) jumped awkwardly inwards.

Approaching the 800m, SPEEDY PHOENIX (V Duric), which commenced to overrace, had to be eased off the heels of TYPHON, which also eased after becoming awkwardly placed on the heels of MOKASTAR.

LEONARDO raced wide from the 800m.

SOONBABY made the turn into the straight wide.

SPEEDY PHOENIX hung inwards in the straight placing its rider at a disadvantage.

A subsequent veterinary examination was requested on TUN O'REILLY (D Moor) which revealed no apparent abnormality.

RACE 8 [TF1241]


SG-G1 1600M

After arriving at the barrier, INFANTRY (M Nunes) had its saddle readjusted.

SONG TO THE MOON (D David), which was fractious in the barrier, was taken out and examined by the Veterinary Surgeon, passed fit to race and reloaded. SONG TO THE MOON will be required to pass one starting stall test prior to being declared to race again in terms of MRA Rule 78(2).

EMPEROR'S BANQUET (O Chavez) was slow to begin after jumping away awkwardly.

BIG BROTHER (N Juglall), which was slow to begin, made contact with the hindquarters of BLUE SWEDE (M Kellady).

Shortly after the start, LAUGHING GRAVY (C Grylls) and INFANTRY made contact.

Near the 1400m, BLUE SWEDE eased off the heels of SONG TO THE MOON, which shifted inwards.

LIM'S CRUISER (V Duric) raced keenly in the early stages.

PASSING the 1100m, SONG TO THE MOON dipped after clipping the heels of MAJESTIC MOMENTS (B Vorster).

Passing the 800m, LIM'S CRUISER and ELITE EXCALIBUR (J Powell) made contact on a couple of occasions. Near the 700m, LIM'S CRUISER then became awkwardly placed on the heels of INFANTRY and had to be eased.

Jockey Chavez reported that EMPEROR'S BANQUET was not striding out freely. A subsequent veterinary examination revealed no apparent abnormality.

RACE 9 [TF1242]


CLASS 4 1200M


Permission was granted for Jockey C Grylls to replace Jockey V Duric on NIMITZ as the latter was unable to make the weight. Jockey Duric was subsequently fined a sum of S$200 in terms of MRA Rule 107(9).

Prior to the start, SECRET SQUIRREL (A Munro) was examined by the Veterinary Surgeon and passed fit to race.

NIMITZ was restless in the barrier. Trainer S Burridge was advised that a warning has been placed on NIMITZ regarding its barrier manners and to take steps to improve them or action may be taken in future.

KATAGAS (J Powell) was buffeted when crowded on jumping between GOLD MOSA (K A'Isisuhairi) and NIMITZ, which jumped outwards.

LUCKY GIANT (App T Krisna), which was slow to begin, made contact with PAPARAZZI (G Boss) on jumping.

Passing the 1100m, NOBLE LIAISON (D Moor) lost ground when crowded to the inside of ACE KING (N Juglall), which in turn had been carried inwards by NIMITZ, which laid inwards and away from WONDERFUL KNIGHT (R Woodworth).

ACE KING mis-strode approaching the 800m.

Making the turn into the straight, DIVERGENT (D David) and MINGS MAN (App N Zyrul) checked when racing to the outside of KATAGAS. An Inquiry into this incident will be held at a date to be fixed.

KATAGAS laid inwards in the straight.

Subsequent veterinary examinations were requested on both ACE KING and NIMITZ which revealed that the horses returned not striding out freely.

RACE 10 [TF1243]



Acting on veterinary advice that LIFE IS GAMBLE (S John) was found to be lame near-fore, the Panel of Stewards ordered its withdrawal at 1732Hrs. In terms of MRA Regulation 24.2, it must be presented to an Official Veterinary Surgeon prior to being declared to race again.