Professoressa Russo

Italian I


Ciao e benvenuti alla classe della Professoressa Russo!

Libro di testo:(textbook)Progetto Italiano Junior 1

Materiali da portare ogni giorno:(materials) to be brought EVERDAY to class

 A blue/black pen or pencil

3 ring binder/notebook with the following sections:

  1. Fate adesso! [Do Now]
  2. Appunti [Notes]
  3. Esercizi [Exercises]

 A separate folder for ITALIAN! 



Criteri di valutazione(Grading):

Compiti(HW):Daily homework postings will be listed on our Canvas calendar by 3:00 PM. All assigned homework will be checked at the beginning of the period. Note that collected HW assignments may or may not be announced. Homework must be completed ON TIME for full credit. Late or incomplete homework will result in deduction of points from your preparation and preparedness.

Lavoro fatto in classe(Classwork): Upon entering class, complete the “Fate Adesso”. There will always be a short Do Now to complete upon arrival.Failure to do so will result in loss of points in your participationgrade. These assignments will count as a classwork grade and will be collected after the allotted time is up.

Partecipazione(Participation): Your participation in this class is welcomed, encouraged and expected in order to guarantee your success in this course!  You have the opportunity to earn a total of 6 participation points every 4-5 weeks. You will receive an evaluation/scoring rubric to store in your binder.

Valutazioni(Esami/Presentazioni/Temi): [Exams/Presentations/Prompts] Can be written or oral. These assessments will be a cumulative review of the material presented in class. You will be assessed in the following categories:

Per esempio…

Interpretive mode: Reading a short passage and summarizing the main points or listening to a song and predicting what the singer’s intentions were while writing it.

Interpersonal mode: Having a conversation in Italian or writing emails back and forth with a friend. “Two-way” communication.

Presentational mode: Giving a speech in Italian or presenting a cultural based piece or ad for a target audience.

Lavoro mandato per email(emailed work): In the event that you need to email me work, it is mandatory that you useyour school account only. If you are unable to print or access an assignment you must email Prof.ssa Russo prior to the due date! (not the morning the assignment is due!)

Your marking period grade will be determined by:

Total points earned

Total possible points

Codice etico (integrità): (cheating)

Is UNACCEPTABLE on any type of assignment OR assessment.

A zero will be given to all parties involved & the incident will be reported to an administrator who will make a phone call home. A record will be kept of the incident on Genesis.

Cheating includes: talking during a test/quiz/assessment, looking at someone’s paper during a test/quiz/assessment, copying homework, plagiarizing or using an online translator, cheat sheets, writing on desks or text messaging.

L’uso dei dizionari/traduttori online: (Use of dictionaries/online translators)

Online translators are not permitted! This will result in a 0 for the assignment. Google Translate is NOT your friend! I encourage you to use as a reference for an online Italian dictionary.


Please be on time and prepared for class!

We will begin class at 7:38 AM! 

Per lavoro mancato: (Missed work)

If you are absent, your homework is due upon your return to school. You will have 1 WEEK to make up your missing work; after one week the grade will remain a zero. Please be diligent! 

It is your responsibility to find out what you missed when you were absent; this includes checking your grades online through Genesis.

For Tests/Quizzes:Please be sure to schedule a time to meet with me before or after school! No make upswill be given during school hours.

For missed work not made up in a timely fashion: A zero will be put in the gradebook until the test/quiz/assignment has been made up. All make up work must be completed prior to the end of the marking period.

Cell Phone/Tablet Policy:

Cell phones WILL BEprohibited during instruction. They are to be kept in your locker, please do not bring them to class! We will be using the school tablets as our primary source of technology. Any audio/video recording without my permission will be subject to the consequences in the Manasquan BOE policy #5516.

Please make sure that you bring your tablet EVERYDAY and that it is fully charged!  Note that this counts toward your class participation grade!

Le regole della classe(Classroom rules):

This is one of Prof.ssa Russo’s most important rules in Italian class! As a member of our classroom community, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to create and enrich a positive learning environment by showing respect in the following ways:

  1. You are seated and on time for class. Upon your arrival you begin your “Fate adesso” (Do Now). Be sure you have your homework ready to be checked.
  2. Arrive to class PREPARED! This means your materials are out and ready to use immediately upon entering the room. You may NOT go to your locker during class time.NO BACKPACKS!
  1. Listen, do not interrupt the teacher or another student when they are talking. Raise your hand to contribute to class discussion or ask a question.
  2. Treat everyone with respect and dignity. No swearing, teasing, or bullying. Inappropriate behavior/languageWILL NOT BE TOLERATED.
  1. Take care of class property by using it correctly, and returning it to proper location after use.
  2. Put forth your best effort at all times, remember we are all here to work together and learn! 
  3. NO Food or drinks (except bottled water).
  1. The use of cellphonesand other electronic devices that DO NOT pertain to the lesson is prohibited.
  1. We will be working from bell to bell. Please stay seated until Prof.ssa Russo dismisses you 
  1. Mantieni la calma e parla in italiano! (Keep calm and speak Italian!) 

**As the year progresses, please be aware that certain policies might change. We will discuss any changes in class.

Le conseguenze(Consequences):


Warning (Stay after class, parents/guardian will be contacted).

Teacher detention (before/after school/during lunch).

A referral slip will be written up and handed in to the office of the vice principal.

Contacting Professoressa Russo

Remember that I am here to help you succeed in class and have a wonderful experience learning Italian! 

  • I will be available in room 302 before and after school for extra help & by appointment.
  • If you have a question or need assistance in regards to a particular assignment you can contact me via email:

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Ciao a tutti! I’m looking forward to a successful and productive year with your child this semester! It is extremely important that you read over the enclosed information with your child.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at or

(732) 528-8820 ext. 1845

Please sign this form to indicate your compliance with the stated rules and regulations of the class. Students,please keep the remaining portion in your binder.


Rosa Russo


Please complete and return this portion by Monday, September 11th 2017.


Student signatureParent/Guardian signature

Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Parent signature: ______

Daytime phone number: ______

Preferred e-mail address of parent/guardian: ______