Those serving in July

Altar Guild –
Sandy Strunk
Financial Secretary -
TBD / July 1
Lectionary Readings:
3: 22-33
Mark 5: 21-43
Great is Thy Faithfulness / July 8
Lectionary Readings:
2Corinthians 12: 2-10
Mark 6: 1-13
The Third Heaven / July 15
Lectionary Readings:
Psalm 85: 10
1: 3-14
Mark 6: 14-29
Love and Faithfulness Meet; Righteousness and Peace Kiss / July 22
Lectionary Readings:
23: 1-6
2: 11-22
Mark 6: 30-34, 53-56
God Judges Evil Treatment of People / July 29
Lectionary Readings:
Psalm 145
3: 14-21
John 6: 1-21
All God's Critters Got a Place in the Choir
Financial Assistants / Jim Griesemer and Lee Steiner / Susan Embody and Diane Andres / Craig Strunk and Jennifer Young / Bob Witmyer and Dick Frantz / Jim Griesemer and Sharon Moser
Usher in
Charge / Jim Miller / Dusty Rhoads / Craig Strunk / Julie Rhoads / Susan Embody
Ushers / Dusty Rhoads, Connie Griesemer, Dick Frantz, Ray Heydt / Sharon Moser, Nancy March, Mary Frantz, Brenda Ross / Sharon Moser, Jim Kirkhoff, Audry Stengel, Dick Frantz / Dusty Rhoads, Diane Andres, Elaine Richards, LuAnn Yerkes / Mary Cresswell, Louise Griffiths, Connie Griesemer, Sandy Schollenberger

Those serving in August

Altar Guild –
Mary Cresswell
Financial Secretary -
TBD / August 5 Communion
Lectionary Readings:
16: 2-4, 9-15
4: 1-16
John 6: 24-35
We Need Food / August 12
Lectionary Readings:
Ephesians 4: 25
6: 35, 41-51
No More Lying / August 19
Lectionary Readings:
Psalm 111
5: 15-20
John 6: 51-58
Living Bread / August 26
Lectionary Readings:
Joshua 24: 15
6: 10-20
John 6: 56-69
You have the Words of Eternal Life / September 2
Financial Secretary-
Joan Miller
Financial Assistants / Brian Miller and Lee Steiner / Marsha Biehl and Jim Eschbach / Elaine Richards and Dusty Rhoads / Jim Griesemer and Diane Andres / Julie Rhoads and Sharon Moser
Usher in
Charge / Jennifer Young / Jim Miller / Dusty Rhoads / Craig Strunk / Julie Rhoads
Ushers / Jim Kirkhoff, Joan Miller, Louise Griffiths, Audry Stengel / Brian Miller, Joan Miller, Jim Kirkhoff, Betty Hawthorne / Sharon Moser, Nancy March, Mary Frantz, Brenda Ross / Sharon Moser, Jim Kirkhoff, Audry Stengel, Dick Frantz / Diane Andres, Sharon Moser, Sandy Schollenberger Elaine Richards

The Tymes, July/August 2018 Zion’s United Church of Christ

Email: FAX: (610) 323-3426 Phone: (610) 323-3637

Consistory Highlights

Dusty Rhoads – President

Audry Stengel, Vice President

Louise Griffiths, Secretary/Treasurer

Joan Miller, Auxiliary

Sharon Moser, Evangelism

Jim Eschbach, Property

Brian Miller, Attendance

Diane Andres, Personnel

Audry Stengel, Hospitality

Mary Cresswell

Ray Heydt

Julie Rhoads, Finance Director

Consistory met Monday, June 18 in the Chapel Fellowship Hall. Devotions were offered by Mary Cresswell, “The Taxi Driver.”

Pastor Austin shared his report for the month of May. He visited homebound and assisted living members, offering communion if desired. He participated in the community meal at Emmanuel on May 25. He also attended the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference in West Chester, performed the baptism of Hailey Selkregg, attended a Youth Club meeting and attended the Iron Pigs baseball game in Allentown. A total of 19 Zion’s members and friends attended the game on June 16.

The Iron Pigs won with an 8 to 1 victory over Pawtuck. It was a fun night!

The Summer Ingathering offering in July will be designated toward the purchase and installation of new church carpet.

We thank all the volunteers who helped out with Vacation Bible School the week of June 25, which was held here at Zion’s.

Ping Pong and Pizza night continues every Wednesday in the Chapel upstairs fellowship room 6 to 8 p.m.

Clean up of lawn between Zion’s and Emmanuel was completed by The Wednesday Crew in preparation of the Community Band. Because the ground was so wet, the band set up and performed in Emmanuel’s parking lot!

Thanks guys for all your hard work, the lawn will look great the rest of the summer.



Thanks to Frank Moser for spraying the weeds in the brick sidewalks with his homemade environmentally friendly weed killer solution.

Thanks to Alan Gauger, the choir spotlights on both sides of the church sanctuary are now working.

Kay Bachkai and Sue Embody have begun sorting through old church records, pictures and whatever else has been tucked away in drawers and closets for many years. They are beginning in the attic and working on down.

Dusty and crew are helping remove items from the attic. If you have any interest in helping Kay and Sue, they meet every Tuesday evening in the chapel basement, far left Sunday School room down the hall.

Consistory WILL NOT meet in July.

August meeting is the 13th, 7:00 the Chapel Building.

Louise Griffiths, Secretary

Summer Ingathering Special Offering

This year’s Summer Ingathering Special Offering has been designated for the replacement of the carpet in the church building. The existing carpet has become more and more rippled, creating a tripping hazard.

In addition, there will likely be repairs that will be required to the hardwood floors when the existing carpet is removed. Please prayerfully consider donation to this years’ Summer Ingathering.

Thank you,Your Finance Committee

Redner’s Receipts!

Please place your Redner’s Save-a-Tapereceipts in the box in the lobby of the Sunday School building. Remember to use your Gas or Save-a-Tape card (they are the same) when making your purchase. We need the entire register tape in order to get credit. Redner’s will donate 1% of sales to our church. These funds are deposited in the General Fund.

Redner’s and Giant Market

Gift Cards

Members and friends may purchase a Giant and/or Redner’s Gift card to use for groceries or gas. Denominations of cards come in $25, $50, or $100. There is no charge to you but our church receives 5% of the grocery card purchase price.

Gift cards to Redner’s or Giant are available Sundays in the Chapel building or during the weekthrough the church office.

Phones in Church

A man in Kansas decided to write a book about churches around the country. His first stop was a visit to a very large church in San Francisco, taking photos and making notes. On the vestibule wall, he spotted a golden telephone with a sign that read “Calls: $100 a minute.”

Seeking out the pastor he asked what the sign meant. The pastor said the golden phone was a direct line to heaven. If he pays the price, he can talk directly to God.

The man thanked the pastor and continued on. He visited churches all around the United States, and found more phones with the same sign – and the same answer from each pastor.

Finally, he ended this trip in Montana. Upon entering a church there, behold he saw the same unusual golden telephone. This time the sign read “Calls: $1.00 a minute.” Fascinated, he asked the pastor,

“I have been in cities all across the country and in each church I have found this golden telephone. I was told it’s a direct line to Heaven and that I could talk to God; but in other churches the cost was $100 a minute, your sign reads $ 1.00 a minute. Why?”

Smiling, the pastor replied, “Son, you’re in Montana now. You’re in God’s Country. It’s a local call here.”

Edited from June issue of The Fishwrapper

Adult Sunday School Class

The Adult Sunday School class thisyear is doing a lectionary based curriculum called Seasons of Spirit. Each Sunday stands on its own, so feel free to join us any time.

We will meet at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings.


The Children Sunday School classes will not meet in July and August.

RALLY DAY—Will be on Sunday, September 16th. Look more information in the September newsletter.

CHURCH PICNIC—Please save the date of September 15th for our fun picnic. We will be at Earl Township Park and in Pavilion A (the pavilion with the kitchen). Other details will be in the September

Rev. Mary Etta’s

Music Report



Wednesdays, August 1, 8,15,22,29 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. in the church basement. Please tell Rev. Mest if you want to try these sessions. No Obligation! No Pressure!


And you thought we just started our vacation!First Rehearsals:Wednesday,

September 5

Handbell Rehearsal- 6:30 p.m.

We do need 8 ringers to do a good job! Please consider coming to rehearsals in September if you think it would be nice to be part of this group.

Senior Choir Rehearsal - 7:30 p.m.

Relaxed Expectations: If you enjoy singing, appear at rehearsal!



If you have relatives or friendswho singor can count to 8for handbell ringing

and do not have a church family,

you might considerinviting them to sing with our choiror ring with our handbells.

Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings.

Cluster News

Thursday, June 7 the Cluster Delegate Assembly met at St. Aloysius. A new delegate joined the group from the Living Hope congregation.

The UP3 group held graduation in May at the Hill School for 9 people. Last year's group are growing vegetables in the Community Garden with the plan of starting a small business. This year's group is going in a different direction with plans of a baking business. The end of August will offer more people the opportunity to join a new group - more detail later. Discussion is being considered to shorten the course to 5 weeks so more people from the community may participate.

The Spring Appeal got started by one generous of $5,000.00 followed by two (2) more gifts of $5,000.00 each.

Donations have been helpful; however there is still a need for blankets and pillows.

During the last month, 12 clients were seeking housing -8 of them have been successful with the help of the Cluster staff.

Its summer and its Signature Page time. J.P. Mascaro & Sons have pledged to donate $2.00 for every $1.00 raised up to $10,000.00. The campaign will begin June 11 and end July 18. Individual signatures are the same - $10.00, $25.00 for a business and $50.00 for a business logo. Please see Joan Clouser for your donations.

The next Delegate meeting is July 5 at Shenkel U.C.C.

Eleanor Jones, Delegate

Cluster Signature Page 2018

It’s that time of year again...the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer. And with that — at the Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities — comes our annual Signature Page Campaign.

Now in its 8th year, we are excited to announce that J.P. Mascaro & Sons has generously pledged $10,000 as a match for this annual campaign!

For every dollar raised toward this year's Signature Page Campaign, J.P. Mascaro & Sons will donate two, up to $10,000.

Because of the generosity of ourcommunity partner, we can double the impact of our annual campaign thisyear, helping us to display hundreds of names demonstrating the importance of our work and the commitment to helping those in need. We hope you will consider joining J.P. Mascaro & Sons in being our “Friend in the Community” by participating in our Signature Page Campaign this year. TheCampaign runs through Wednesday, July 18.

The Campaign will be a two-page ad inThe Mercurydisplaying the signatures and logos of people and businesses in support of our programs.

This Campaign raises much needed operating funds to support our work!
Signature Page Options:

$10 per Individual Signature

$25 per Business Name

$50 per Business Logo

$500 per "Corner Square" for Business Logos (only 8 available!)

Donate any amount to the Campaign!

To donate contact Joan Clouser,

the church office or online at

Thank you from all of us atThe Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities!

Prayer Shawl Ministries

Due to the limited number of people we have attending the Prayer Shawl Ministries (knit/crochet) group we are cancelling our regular monthly meeting. To those who have been knitting, please continue to do so and bring your finished shawls to the Church office. If you need any yarn, please see Joan Clouser.

John & Joan Stein

58 years on July 10

Andrew & Katie Scherf

9 years on July 11

Jim & Joan Miller

32 years on July 19

Bill & Brenda Ross

40 years on July 22

Barry & Susan Embody

53 years on July 23

Michael & Jessica Albitz

14 years on July 31

Fran & Jennifer Young

22 years on August 2

Michael & Kelly Kehler

16 years on August 3

Gary & Sandy Schaeffer

17 years on August 4

Jason & Amy Rhoads

12 years on August 5

David Bartolini & Adrienne Andres

13 years August 14

David & Tracy Camacho

32 years August 16

Bill & Nancy March

35 years August 27

Carroll & Norma Bechtel III

47 years on August 28

July 1 – Betty Leister

July 3 – JonellGauger

July 4 – Marsha Biehl

July 5 – Shirley Searfoss

Sarah Rhoads

July 8 – Jim Kirkhoff

Truman Tyson

July 10 - John Stein

July 11 – Tori Young

July 12 – Jim Whisler

July 15 – Caleb Rhoads

July 19 – Dusty Rhoads

Tracy Camacho

July 20 – Mildred Moulder

July 22 – Jan Rose

July 24 - Joan Miller

July 26 – Penny Baker

July 28 - Brian Miller

August 1 – Michael Demeter

August 4 - Tanesha Killgore

August 8 - Marion Shollenberger

Bruce Albitz

August 9 - Jeanne Graham

Herb Houck

Pastor Austin Chinault

August 10 - Faith King

August 14 - David Lewis

August 15 – ShennanJanda

August 16 - Sharon Moser

August 19 - Bob Mackie

August 20 - Rochelle Gauger

August 21 – Kay Bachkai

Travis Heydt

August 23 - Janice Kehler

August 26 - Jennifer Young

August 27 - Toni Muth

August 28 - Rachel Rhoads

The Tymes, July/August 2018 Zion’s United Church of Christ

Email: FAX: (610) 323-3426 Phone: (610) 323-3637

July 2018
Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
1 Canada Day
Communion and Nursery / 2 / 3 / 4Indep. Day / 5 / 6 / 7
8 / 9 / 10 / 11
Wednesday Crew
Ping Pong & Pizza / 12 / 13 / 14
15 / 16 / 17 / 18
Wednesday Crew
Ping Pong & Pizza / 19 / 20 / 21
Pottstown Bike
Race / 23 / 24 / 25
Wednesday Crew
Ping Pong & Pizza / 26 / 27
Community Meal at Emmanuel, 12:00 pm / 28
29 / 30 / 31
August 2018
Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
1 Nat'l. Girlfriend Day
Wednesday Crew
Ping Pong & Pizza / 2 / 3 / 4
Communion and Nursery / 6 / 7 / 8
Wednesday Crew
Ping Pong & Pizza / 9 / 10 / 11
12 / 13
Consistory Meeting, 7:00 pm / 14 / 15
Wednesday Crew
Ping Pong & Pizza / 16 / 17 / 18
19 / 20
September Tymes Deadline / 21 / 22
Wednesday Crew
Ping Pong & Pizza / 23 / 24
Community Meal at Emmanuel, 12:00 pm / 25
26 / 27 / 28 / 29
Wednesday Crew
Ping Pong & Pizza / 30 / 31

Zion’s United Church of Christ

209 Chestnut Street

Pottstown, PA 19464

July/August Newsletter

March on, my soul, with might!

Judges 5: 21

The Tymes, July/August 2018 Zion’s United Church of Christ

Email: FAX: (610) 323-3426 Phone: (610) 323-3637