ISEM 2008technicalProgram Outline

Sunday, Dec.07

15:30-17:30 Registration at Room 5832 of IAA/NCKU (Institute ofAeronautics and Astronautics, NationalChengKungUniversity)

Monday,Dec. 08

08:00 - 17:30 Registration (Lobby of IAA/NCKU)

09:00 - 09:20Opening Ceremony(Session Room 5837)

Manabu Iguchi (HokkaidoUniversity)

TakashiYokoyama (OkayamaUniversity of Science)

Hwung-Hweng Hwung (NationalChengKungUniversity)

09:20 - 10:00PlenarySession(Session Room 5837)

The Beauty of the NationalChengKungUniversityMuseum


10:00 - 15:30TainanCity Tour (Accompanying Persons)

10:00 - 10:20Tea/Coffee Break (Hallway of IAA, 1F)

10:20 - 11:50Keynote Lectures

Keynote Lecture (I) Session Room 5837
Chairperson:Weng-Sing Hwang (NationalChengKungUniversity)
10:20– 11:05 / A Novel Agitation Method using a Swirling Jet
Manabu Iguchi (HokkaidoUniversity)
11:05– 11:50 / Measurement of the Local Properties of Multiphase Flows
Gary Lucas (University of Huddersfield)
Keynote Lecture (II) Session Room 5832
Chairperson:Wen S. Chan(University of TexasatArlington)
10:20– 11:05 / Influence of Nonsingular Crack Tip Stress on Fracture Toughnessof Brittle Materials
Chin-Teh Sun(PurdueUniversity)
11:05– 11:50 / Atomistic Simulations of Hydrogen Embrittlement
Noriyuki Miyazaki (KyotoUniversity)

11:50 - 13:10Lunch

13:10~15:10Parallel Sessions-1

E1: Fluid Engineering Session Room 5837

Chairperson:Chang Lin (NationalChungHsingUniversity)

13:10 - 13:30
E 1-1-42 / Heat Transfer Enhancementand Flow Resistance Reductionof Orifice Impinging Jet
Mizuki Kito, Toshihiko Shakouchi, Chayut Nuntadusit, Koichi Tsujimoto,Toshitake Ando
13:30 - 13:50
E 1-2-89 / Inhibition of Dioxins Formation in a Combustion Furnace by Centrifugation andRecombustion Method at High Temperatures
Tateo Usui, Hirotoshi Kawabata, Keita Kasamoto, Hideki Ono-Nakazato
13:50 - 14:10
E 1-3-74 / Mean Circulation Time of Sphere and Velocity Distribution in a Water BathAgitated by a Water Jet
Takeshi Kawayama, Masahiro Gotou, Satoshi Miki, Manabu Iguchi
14:10 - 14:30
E 1-4-80 / The Mechanism of Noise ReductionofCross Flow Fan with annularbands
Kazuyoshi Nishihara, Charles W. Knisely, Yusuke Nakahata, Kazuo Kashima, Manabu Iguchi
14:30 - 14:50
E 1-5-106 /

Characteristics of Liquid Film Flowing on The Side Wall of a Horizontal Circular Cylinder (Amplification of Standing Wave Appearing on The Film Surface)

Kenji Katoh, Tsuneo Azuma
14:50 - 15:10
E 1-6-108 / Influence of O2 Concentration on Dioxins Formation in Combustion Processes
Hirotoshi Kawabata, Soichi Akita, Hideki Ono-Nakazato , Tateo Usui

C1:Multiphase-Combustion Session Room 5832

Chairperson: Masahiro Takei (NihonUniversity)

13:10 - 13:30
C 1-1-44 /
Effects of Density of Low-Density Particles on Dispersion Behavior under Mechanical Agitation
Shingo Sato, Tatsuya Ohmi, Manabu Iguchi
13:30 - 13:50
C 1-2-25 / Novel Agitation for Wastewater Treatment
M. Shitara, T. Tamamori, N.Sudo, M. Iguchi
13:50 - 14:10
C 1-3-36 / Measuring Air-core Characteristics of a Pressure-Swirl Atomizer in Cold Environment
Eun J. Lee, Ho Y. Kim, Sam S. Yoon, Scott C. James, Youngho Jung, Yongchan Kim, Jin T. Chung
14:10 - 14:30
C 1-4-38 / Behavior of Liquid-Packaging Bags under Drop Impact
Kenta Watanabe, Eisaku Umezaki, Katsunori Futase
14:30 - 14:50
C1-5-155 / Environmental Telemetry System for Mobile Suspended Particulate Matter
Akira Hiratsuka, Isao Awata, Tomoo Takeguchi, Ryoji Tsujino, Shunsaku Yagi , Manabu Iguchi
14:50 - 15:10
C 1-6-22 / Interaction between a Burgers vortex and wake vortex structure generated by a settling particle
Yohsuke Tanaka, Takuya Tsuji, Toshitsugu Tanaka

S1:Optical-Solid Mechanics Session Room 5821

Chairperson: Jia-Lin Tsai (NationalChiaoTungUniversity)

13:10 - 13:30
S 1-1-12 / Full-field Displacement Measurement Using Digital Image Correlation Method for a Laser Scanning Microscopic Image
Toru Ikeda, Nobuyuki Shishido, Noriyuki Miyazaki
13:30 - 13:50
S 1-2-14 / Model Tests on Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction
Kazuhito Komiya,Noriko Kodama
13:50 - 14:10
S 1-3-15 / Hybrid Shape Measurement of Phase Shift Method and Stereo Method
Toru Matsui, Hiroyuki Tabuchi
14:10 - 14:30
S 1-4-39 / Unwrapping of Isochromatic Fringe Orders Using Fringe Gradient Method
Yudai Nomura, Eisaku Umezaki
14:30 - 14:50
S 1-5-72 / A Special Boundary Element Method for Bimaterials
Y.C. Chen, Chyanbin Hwu
14:50 - 15:10
S 1-6-91 /

Evaluation of Stress Intensity Factor Under Biaxial Load Using Photoelastic Hybrid Method

Akira Shimamoto, Dong-Chul Shin, Do-Yeon Hwang

F1 Multiphase Flows Session Room 5833

Chairperson:Toshitsugu Tanaka (OsakaUniversity)

13:10 - 13:30
F 1-1-04 / A Flowmeter For Measuring The Dispersed Phase Velocity in Multiphase Flow With Non-Uniform Velocity Profiles
S. Al-Hinai, G. Lucas
13:30 - 13:50
F 1-2-07 / Signal Processing Method in Using Four-sensor Probe for Measuring the Velocity Vector of Air-liquid Two-phase Flow
Xin Zhao, G P Lucas, S. Pradhan
13:50 - 14:10
F 1-3-08 / Heat Flux Measurement of Boiling Heat Transfer in a Helically Coiled Tube Heated by Oil Bath
Masatomi Suzuki, Masuo Kaji, Goichi Matsui
14:10- 14:30
F 1-4-133 / Effects of Attitude and Wettability of Channel on Flow Pattern of Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow in Rectangular Millimeter Gap Channel
Takehiko Kumagai, Yoshiyuki Okuyama, Manabu Iguchi
14:30 - 14:50
F 1-5-136 / Proposal of Simple Estimation Method of Gas and Liquid Flow Rates in Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow
Koji Mori, Haruyuki Yoshida
14:50 - 15:10
F 1-6-137 / NMR Study on Relation Between Segregation Patterns and Flow Modes in Tapered Rotating Drum
Hirotaka Yada, Toshihiro Kawaguchi, Takuya Tsuji, Toshitsugu Tanaka

15:10~15:30Tea/Coffee Break

15:30~17:30Parallel Sessions-2

E2: Fluid Engineering Session Room 5837

Chairperson: Toshihiko Shakouchi (MieUniversity)

15:30 - 15:50
E 2-1-95 / Flow Similarity of Wake Structures behind an Impulsively Started Circular Cylinder
Chang Lin, Shih-Chun Hsieh, Wei-Jung Lin, I-Ju Lin, Ming-I Tsai, Rajkumar V. Raikar
15:50 - 16:10
E 2-2-96 / Detection of Wave Propagation By a Nonstationary Cross-Spectral Density Technique
Alfredo A. Ortiz, Frank K. Lu
16:10 - 16:30
E 2-3-81 / Delay of Transition to Turbulence in the Square Duct Flow of Constant-Velocity Turned from Constant-Acceleration
Yusuke Nakahata, Iori Wada, Charles W. Knisely, Kazuyoshi Nishihara, Manabu Iguchi
16:30 - 16:50
E 2-4-83 / Transition to Turbulence in Pipe Flow of Constant-Velocity Changed from Constant-Acceleration
Yusuke Nakahata, Iori Wada, Charles W. Knisely, Kazuyoshi Nishihara, Manabu Iguchi
16:50 - 17:10
E 2-5-121 / Hair-pin Vortices from a Pair of Rectangular Cylinders
Shou-Yen Chao, Jung-Hua Chou
17:10 - 17:30
E 2-6-122 / Pre-setting Görtler Vortices Using Perturbation Needles
Tandiono, Kelvin Neo C. T., S. H. Winoto,D. A. Shah

C2:Multiphase-Combustion Session Room 5832

Chairperson: Ho Young Kim(KoreaUniversity)

15:30 - 15:50
C 2-1-45 / Flotation Method of Sedimentary Particles in a Bottomless Cylindrical Vessel Using a Swirling Bubbling Jet
Toshihide Fujikawa, Masaharu Fukue, Manabu Iguchi
15:50 - 16:10
C 2-2-49 / In-cylinder Tumble Flows of a Motorcycle Engine with Circular and EllipticIntakePorts
Rong Fung Huang, Kun Shih Lin
16:10 - 16:30
C 2-3-67 / Flow Structure of Liquid Film and Mechanism of Flooding in Counter-Current Two-Phase Flow
Toru Sawal, Mitsushi Ohmasa, Masuo Kaji
16:30 - 16:50
C2-4-142 / Characterization of the Micromixer with Curved Bluff-body Structure under External Excitation
Muh-Rong Wang, Yang-Sheng Huang, Yu-yang Lin
16:50 - 17:10
C 2-5-112 / Selective Dissolution of Copper from Ferrous Scrap by Ammonia Leaching Process
Hirokazu Konishi, Takashi Bito, Tateo Usui
17:10 - 17:30
C 2-6-144 / Particle Emission Characteristics of CVVT Gasoline Engine During Various Steady Operation Conditions and Different Transient Driving Cycl
Ahyun Ko, Hyungmin Lee, Cha-Lee Myung, SimsooPark

S2:Optical-Solid Mechanics Session Room 5821

Chairperson: ToruIkeda (KyotoUniversity)

15:30 - 15:50
S 2-1-18 / High Strain-Rate Compressive Response of Friction Stir Welded Joints of AA2024-T3
Takashi Yokoyama, Kenji Nakai
15:50 - 16:10
S 2-2-150 / Toughening Fracture Properties of Fiber/Epoxy Composites with Silica Nanoparticles and Liquid Rubbers
Jia-Lin Tsai, Bao-Hung Huang, Yi-Lieh Cheng
16:10 - 16:30
S 2-3-16 / Application of Copper Electroplating Method to an Element that Changes the Principal Axis of Strain
Yuichi Ono, Chen Li
16:30 - 16:50
S 2-4-31 / Full-Field Measurements in the Principal Axis and Phase Retardation of Linear Birefringent Materials in Full-Scale Range
Yu-Lung Lo, Tsung-Chih Yu, Hsu Shan
16:50 –17:10
S 2-5-79 / Stress and Movement of Ultraviolet Curing Resin in Curing Process
Eisaku Umezaki, Masahito Abe
17:10 - 17:30
S2-6-93 / Evaluation of Fracture Behaviors in Glass Containers by Using Explosive Energy
Hidetoshi Sakamoto, Shingirou Kawabe, Yoshifumi Ohbuchi, Tetsuya Masuda, Shigeru Itoh

F2:Multiphase Flow Session Room 5833

Chairperson: SimsooPark (KoreaUniversity)

15:30 - 15:50
F 2-1-141 / DEM-CFD Simulation and Infrared Thermography Measurement of Particle Temperature Distribution in Fluidized Bed
Kaoru Yoshikawa, Takuya Sakurai, Toshihiro Kawaguchi, Takuya Tsuji, Toshitsugu Tanaka
15:50- 16:10
F 2-2-131 / Multi-Scale Recurrence Plot Analysis of Inclined Oil-water Two Phase Flow Structure Based on Conductance Fluctuation Signals
Yanbo Zong, NingdeJin
16:10 - 16:30
F 2-3-17 /

Study on Environmentally-Friendly Intermittent Decelerating Feed Drilling-In Case of A5052 Aluminum Alloy

Ryoji Tsujino, Akira Yoshikawa, Keizo Sakurai, Akira Hiratsuka, Manabu Iguchi, Kozo Okita
16:30 - 16:50
F 2-4-111 / Micro Bubble Formation by Powder Injection
Ryoji Tsujino, Akira Hiratsuka, Fumiya Tsumura, Isao Awata,
Yoshitomo Kamiura , Manabu Iguchi
16:50 - 17:10
F 2-5-129 / Bubble Formation from a Multi-Hole Lance
Hirofumi Ohyabu, Akira Hiratsuka, Michihiko Sakamoto,Ryoji Tsujino,
Manabu Iguchi
17:10- 17:30
F 2-6-114 / Smoke Flow Patternfor Longitudinally Ventilation Tunnel Fires
Jik Chang Leong, Chun-Sheng Yang

17:30~19:00Transfer to Hotel & Bus to Restaurant

19:00~21:00Welcome Reception

Tuesday,Dec. 09

08:30~10:50Parallel Sessions-3

E3: Fluid Engineering Session Room 5837

Chairperson: Hideaki Monji (University of Tsukuba)

08:30 - 08:50
E 3-1-147 / Investigation of Aerodynamics and Flow Properties atLow-Aspect-Ratios Rectangular Thin-Plate Wing at Low Reynolds Numbers
Yi-Chung Liu, Chung-Hai Chen, Fei-Bin Hsiao
08:50 - 09:10
E 3-2-148 / Dynamic Simulation of Mooring Cables in Water Waves
Jaw-Fang Lee, Lih-Fu Tu
09:10 - 09:30
E 3-3-154 / Methodof Helium Extraction From Natural Gas
V.M. Fomin, A.S. Vereshchagin, A.F. Fomina
09:30 - 09:50
E 3-4-86 / Numerical Simulation of Isoelectrical Focusing in a Micro-channel with Variable Cross-section
Yin Chou, Ruey-Jen Yang
09:50 - 10:10
E 3-5-10 / Phase-Averaged Mixing Characteristics of Homogeneous/Heterogeneous Multiple-Jets Perturbed by Cyclic Oscillation
Masa'aki Mizuno, Kazuya Tatsumi, Kazuyoshi Nakabe
10:10 - 10:30
E 3-6-101 / Characteristics of Vortex Shedding Process induced by a Solitary Wave Propagating over Lee-side of a Trapezoidal Dike
Chang Lin, Tsung-Chun Ho
10:30 - 10:50
E 3-7-50 / Measurements of Thermal-Fluid Fields of a RF-driven Atmospheric
-Pressure Plasma Jet
Ming-Hung Chiang, Yu-Tsung Liu and Jong-Shinn Wu

A1:Monitoring &Measurement Analysis Session Room 5832

Chairperson: Hidetoshi Sakamoto (KumamotoUniversity)

08:30 - 08:50
A 1-1-24 / A Low-cost Ultrasonic 3D Measurement Device for Calibration for Cartesianand Non-Cartesian Machines
Fouad Aldawi, Andrew Longstaff, Simon Fletcher, Peter Mather, Alan Myers
08:50 -09:10
A1-2-134 / Development of Monitoring System for Preventing “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)”
Hidetoshi Sakamoto, Yoshifumi Ohbuchi, Ippei Torigoe, Hidekazu Miyagawa
09:10 - 09:30
A1-3-06 / Monitoring the Fracture Process of Concrete Specimens with AE System
Wen-Chung Ko, Chi-Wen Yu
09:30 -09:50
A1-4-98 / Dynamic Behavior and Position Stability of SMA Actuator Using Resistance FeedbackControl
Hiroki Cho, Yuki Kudo, Yuji Takeda, Takaei Yamamoto, Toshio Sakuma
09:50 - 10:10
A1-5-103 / The Surface Profile Measurement by Applying Instantaneous Phase-Shifting Interferometry
Terry Yuan-Fang Chen, Yi-Liang Du
10:10 - 10:30
A1-6-51 / Development of Scanning Index for the Nondestructive Damage Detection of Cylindrical Structures
Huiwen Hu, Chengbo Wu
10:30 - 10:50
A 1-7-140 / Measurement of Small Displacement in the Whole View Field by Image Correlation
Akira Kato, Takahito Moriuchi

B1:Bio-mechanics Application Session Room 5833

Chairpersons: Fong-Chin Su (NationalChengKungUniversity)

Makoto Sakamoto (NiigataUniversitySchool of Medicine)

08:30 - 08:50
B1-1-73 / Image-Based Matching For Natural Knee Kinematics Measurement UsingSingle-Plane Fluoroscopy
Koichi Kobayashi, Nobuaki Tanaka, Ken-ichi Odagawa, Makoto Sakamoto,
Yuji Tanabe
08:50 - 09:10
B1-2-77 / Dynamic Nanoindentation Study on Viscoelastic Properties of Cortical Bone
Makoto Sakamoto, Koichi Kobayashi
09:10 - 09:30
B1-3-85 / Three-Dimensional Contact Analysis of Human Wrist Joint Using MRI
Keisuke Sasagawa, Makoto Sakamoto, Hidenori Yoshida, Koichi Kobayashi,
Yuji Tanabe
09:30 - 09:50
B1-4-128 / Velocity Change of Internal Organism at Human Body Affected by Fat
Osami Kobori, Shunji Hayashi
09:50 -10:10
B-1-5-47 / A Study on Noninvasive Evaluation of Fractured Bone Using a SpeckleInterferometry
Shinya Yamanada, Shigeru Murata
10:10 - 10:30
B1-6-110 / Displacement and Deformation Analyses of Porcine Mandibular Periodontium under Simulated Dental Occlusion
Yasuyuki Morita, Masakazu Uchino, Mitsugu Todo
10:30 - 10:50
B1-7-127 / Microstructural and Ultrastructural Changes of Tendinous Tissues under Overloading
Ei Yamamoto, Kousuke Ohta

10:50 -11:10Tea/Coffee Break

11:10 - 11:55Keynote Lectures

Keynote Lecture (III) Session Room 5837
Chairperson:Shinzaburo Umeda (FukuyamaUniversity)
11:10 - 11:55 / Engulfment and Pushing of Foreign Particles such as Bubbles and Inclusions at Solidifying Interface
Kusuhiro Mukai (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Keynote Lecture (IV) Session Room 5832
Chairperson:Noriyuki Miyazaki (KyotoUniversity)
11:10 - 11:55 / Evaluation of Defects in Pressure Vessels
Wei-Chung Wang (NationalTsing-HuaUniversity)

11:55~13:30Lunch & Transfer to Kaohsiung by bus

13:30~17:30Technical Tour(China Steel Co. Ltd.)

17:30~19:30Dinner hosted by China Steel Co. Ltd.

19:30~21:00Transfer to Hotel

Wednesday, Dec.10

08:30 - 10:00Keynote Lectures

Keynote Lecture (V) Session Room 5837
Chairperson:Manabu Iguchi (HokkaidoUniversity)
08:30 - 09:15 / Diagnosisof Intersecting Flows – On Visualizationof Flow Networks
Shinzaburo Umeda (FukuyamaUniversity)
09:15 - 10:00 / Experimental Studyof Fluctuationsin High Speed Flows Usingthe Hot-wire Technique
Vadim Lebiga(Siberian Branch of RussianAcademy of Sciences)
Keynote Lecture (VI) Session Room 5832
Chairperson:Chin-Teh Sun(PurdueUniversity)
08:30 - 09:15 / Measurements of Thermal Properties of Composite Laminates Using Inverse Method
Wen S. Chan (University of Texas at Arlington)
09:15 - 10:00 / Characterization of Aging Effects in Polymeric Composites UsingX-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Kuen Y. Lin(University of Washington)

10:00~10:20Coffee Break

10:20~12:00Parallel Sessions-4

I1 Fluid Instrumentation Session Room 5837

Chairperson:Chew Yong Tian(NationalUniversity of Singapore)

10:20 - 10:40
I 1-1-1 / Experimental Study on Thermal Fluid-flow Transport Phenomenon of Nanofluids
Shuichi Torii, Yutaka Sato, Yasushi Koito
10:40 - 11:00
I 1-2-41 / Measurement of Swimming Speed of Microorganism in MicrochannelsUsing Digital Image Correlation Technique
Taiki Hoshi, Eisaku Umezaki, Katsunori Futase
11:00 - 11:20
I 1-3-71 / Sizing Effects on Silicon Micro Sonic Nozzles
Chih-Chung Hu, Win-Ti Lin , Wen-Jay Liu , Chun-Min Su, Tzu-Liang Chen, Hsing-Wen Tsai
11:20 - 11:40
I 1-4-63 / Hydrodynamic Function of Cilia in Living Creatures
Seiichi Sudo, Nao Matusi, Katsuya Sekine, Mikiko Shimizu, Tetsuya Yano, Shigenari Shida, Koji Tsuyuki
11:40 - 12:00
I 1-5-64 /

Fabrication of Conductive Patterns Using Inkjet Printing of Silver Nitrate Water-based Solution

Hsin Hung Chou, Ming Hsiu Tsai, Weng-Sing Hwang

E4 Fluid Engineering Session Room 5832

Chairperson: Seiichi Sudo (Akita Prefectural University)

10:20 - 10:40
E 4-1-21 / Reverse Delta-Wing Trailing Vortex Characteristics by Particle Image Velocimetery (PIV)
Omer A. Elsayed, Waqar Asrar, Ashraf A. Omar
10:40 - 11:00
E 4-2-26 / Flow Field Characteristics of the Iium Low Speed Wind Tunne
Fadilah Hasim, Rusman Rusyadi, Wijaya Indra Surya, Fariduzzaman,
Waqar Asrar , Ashraf Omar, J.S. M. Ali, Yulfian Aminanda, Raed Kafafy
11:00 - 11:20
E 4-3-27 / Water Modeling of Bubble Flow Behavior in Tundish Nozzle during ContinuousCasting
Muh-Jung Lu , Jen-Hsin Chen, De-Chang Tsai
11:20 - 11:40
E 4-4-66 / Transient Flow Past an Impulsively Started Airfoil with Undulated Camber by aVortex Method
Yoshiaki Ueda , Teruhiko Kida, Manabu Iguchi
11:40 –12:00
E 4-5-120 / The Effect of an Attached Cylinder on the Flow-induced Vibration of a Main Cylinder
J. H. Chou, C. C. Chen, C. C. Hsu, S.K. Zen

M1 Materials Testing & Evaluation Session Room 5833

Chairperson: Hui-wen Hu (NationalPingtungUniversity)

10:20 - 10:35
M 1-1-2 / In Situ Observation for Sn3Ag1.5Cu FCBGA Solder Joints under Electromigration Test
Ming-Hwa R. Jen, Lee-Cheng Liu, Yi-Shao Lai
10:35 - 10:50
M 1-2-33 / Effect of Brake Pad Chamfer Pattern on the Disc Brake Squeal Vibrational Response
Syh-Tsang Jenq, En-Cheng.Liu, Shih-Wei Kung, Chie Gau, Hsin-Luen Tsai, Cheng-Ching Lee, Yu-Der Chen
10:50 - 11:05
M 1-3-34 / Dynamic Contact Rolling Analysis for Tires with Smooth and Longitudinal Grooved Tread Patterns Passing a Speed Bump Obstacle
Syh-Tsang Jenq, Yuen-Sheng Chiu, Y. C. Ting, Chuck Chu
11:05 - 11:20
M 1-4-40 / Structure Control of Ni-Al Intermetallic Porous Thick Film Produced by Microscopic Reactive Infiltration
Naoya Hayashi, Tatsuya Ohmi, Manabu Iguchi
11:20 - 11:35
M 1-5-118 / Effect of Aging Treatment on Transformation and Deformation Behavior in Ti-Ni-Cu Shape Memory Alloy
Takaei Yamamoto, Ayumu Goto, Yuji Takeda, Hiroki Cho, Toshio Sakuma, Akihiko Suzuki


13:10~15:10Parallel Sessions-5

I2 Fluid Instrumentation Session Room 5837

Chairperson:Muh-Rong Wang(NationalChengKungUniversity)

13:10 - 13:30
I 2-1-124 / Measurement by Ultrasonic Flowmeter Downstream of Elbow
Hideaki Monji, Satoshi Ojima, Takeshi Nakatani
13:30 - 13:50
I2-2-69 / Development of Fast and Sharp Diffusive Filters
Yih-Nen Jeng, Tzung-Ming Yang,You-Chi Cheng
13:50 - 14:10
I 2-3-132 / Free-Form Microchanneling Process for Producing Metallic Microreactors
Tatsuya Ohmi , Masashi Takatoo, Manabu Iguchi
14:10 - 14:30
I 2-4-82 / Design of Al/Si Bimorph Electro-ThermalMicroactuator by Integrating Finite-Element Analysis with OptimizationMethod
Chin-Hsiang Cheng, Chi-Kang Chan
14:30 - 14:50
I 2-5-58 / Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes and Formation of Nanocomposites with Poly(ethylene terephthalate) with Measurements of Electric and Thermal Conductivity
C. Gau, Y. H. Juang, C. Y. Kuo, C. W. Liu, C. H. Lin
14:50 - 15:10
I 2-6-59 / Chaotic Mixing in an Electroosmotic Microchannel Flow Induced by Spatiotemporal Surface Charge Patterning
Chih-Chang Chang, Ruey-Jen Yang

E5 Fluid Engineering Session Room 5832

Chairperson:Frank K. Lu(University of Texas at Arlington)

13:10 - 13:25
E 5-1-123 / Influence of Aspect Ratio of Bluff Body on Three-Dimensional Characteristics of Vortex Shedding
Tzu-Wen Liao , Jung-Kuo Tu, Jiun-Jih Miau
13:25 - 13:40
E5-2-61 / Mold Filling Simulation in Casting Processes with Level Set Method
Ruey-Jer Weng, Weng-Sing Hwang, Chee-Ang Loong, Cheng-Kuei Jen
13:40 - 13:55
E 5-3-151 / Wind Tunnel Study on Aerodynamic Characteristics of a High-Lift Low-Speed Airfoil with Boundary-Layer Trips
Wen Tzung Chang, Chyi-Yeou Soong ,Jyh Yeuan Ho, Jyh Jang Chan,
Jiann Min Huang
13:55 - 14:10
E5-4-139 / Fuzzy c-Means Approach to Particle Tracking Velocimetry
Achyut Sapkota , Kazuo Ohmi
14:10 - 14:25
E5-5-03 / Optimization of PIV Measurements in Planar Turbulent Mixing Layer
Chiuan-Ting Li, Keh-Chin Chang, Muh-Rong Wang
14:25 - 14:40
E5-6-78 / PIV Measurement of Low Reynolds Number Flow between Plate Fins
G. Matsui, H. Fujino, Y. Nishida(presenter), S.Fujiki, M. Suzuki

M2Materials Testing & Evaluation Session Room 5833

Chairperson: Toshio Sakuma (OitaUniversity)

13:10 - 13:30
M 2-1-84 / Experimental Study on Acoust-Elastic Effect of Al Specimen to an Extent PlasticStrain
Osami Kobori, Hua Tian
13:30 - 13:50
M2-2-60 / Fabrication of CNT/Phenolic Nano-Composite and Its Electrical and Thermal Conductivity Measurements
Chie Gau , Shuo-Ying Chen, Hsin-Luen Tsai, Syh-Tsang Jenq, Cheng-Ching Lee,Yu-Der Chen, Ting-Hua Chien
13:50 - 14:10
M 2-3-97 / Constitutive Equation for Deformation Behavior of Ti-Ni-Cu Shape Memory Alloy under Unrestrained Strain Condition after Pre-deforming
Hiroki Cho, Takaei Yamamoto, Michihiro Uegaki, Yuji Takeda, Toshio SakumaAkihiko Suzuki
14:10 - 14:30
M 2-4-62 / Shear Localization in Dynamic Deformation of Different Steels
Woei-Shyan Lee, Chen-Yang Liu, Tao-Hsing Chen
14:30 - 14:50
M 2-5-100 / Effects of Stress and Aging on Electric Resistivity Characteristic of Ti-Ni-Cu Shape Memory Alloy
Hiroki Cho, Hiroshi Teramoto, Kenichiro Mutoh, Yuji Takeda, Takaei YamamotoToshio Sakuma
14:50 - 15:10
M 2-6-107 / Experimental Analysis of Fracture Energy in Epoxy Resin under Static and Impact Loadings
Kazuo Arakawa, Masaru Kato, Toshio Mada

15:10~15:30Tea/Coffee Break & Poster Session