3D Displays: Hardware, Human-Computer Interfaces,
and Human Spatial Perception
Spring 2006
Revision: 1.0
The project is worth 35% of the final grade. Students should propose a project related to 3D displays. The facilities of the VisCenter are available to all students in the class. Students may work either in groups or alone. The scope and amount of work done for a group project should reflect the fact that more students are working on the project. In general the project definition is quite open ended. Development of software programs, literature reviews of papers not covered in class and hardware projects are all possible options. In the early parts of the semester, we read a literature review (from Prof. Wartell’s thesis) that references many studies and algorithms centered on 3D displays. Many of these referenced papers were only briefly summarized in this reading and could be an avenue for a class project. Here some random bits and pieces of ideas that could be expanded or combined into a project for this course. (Note, user studies using subjects beyond the project leaders may be subject to IRB approval).
-Perform a registration experiment study on the stereo display in the VisCenter
-Examine the effect of distorting the display stereoscopic space on a 3D object selection task using 6DOF tracking devices
-Examine the effect of adding depth of field blur (GPU programming perhaps) on subject perception of diplopia. One idea is to assume the user is fixated on a 3D cursor being used for some 3D manipulation task and make the depth of field centered on that cursor.
-Verify and compare various fusion control distortion methods
-Investigate fastest way to read information from z-buffer for fusion control algorithms (GPU programming), i.e. try lots of ideas and experimentally see which runs the fastest on modern graphics cards
-Build additional 3D controllers for use in virtual environment interaction tasks
-Explore ways of improving stereoscopic rendering – ray-tracing, discrete ray tracing, OpenGL style rendering
-Write a 3D application (non-stereo) that illustrates various distortions caused by fusion control algorithms in stereoscopic displays.
-Write a sophisticated and advanced random dot stereogram generator
-Experimentally study display characteristics of stereo displays in VisCenter,
-study/measure mirror affect on polarization and ghosting
-measure ghosting across color range/brightness range
-Implement some interesting interactive 3D stereoscopic application
Due Dates and Deliverables:
-Project Proposal – Monday February 20th
-Prof. Wartell will review proposal and set meeting times for each student/group to discuss any needed additions or revision by 27th.
-Project Proposal Approval – Monday February 27th
-Oral presentation and demonstration – week of April 24th
-Written project report and final turn-in –Monday May 1st