Yale University

Bulldogs over Broadway—Oct 29, 2005

Edited by Mike Wehrman

Packet by Board of Education of Rochester, NY (Eric Keihl, Jason Eisele, Andrew Boardman, Gordon Arsenoff)


1. Until publication of The Pilgrim's Progress, it was second only to the Bible in circulation. It derived the Latin word for "woman" from roots meaning "faithless" and was deeply concerned with demons' genitalia and sexual capabilities. It circulated with the bull "Summis Desiderantes", but the book was not Church-endorsed, and indeed, its author was condemned by the Inquisition in 1490; nevertheless, its popularity soared in the 16th century. FTP, name this definitive witch-hunter's manual, compiled by Heinrich Kramer, also known as Der Hexenhammer.

ANS.: Malleus Maleficarum (accept The Hammer of Witches and prompt on Der Hexenhammer until mentioned; then prompt on Hammer of Witches)

2. One method for rendering it in color yields pictures resembling the Buddha. The Julia set for every point inside it is connected, but is a Cantor dust anywhere outside it. Its boundary, whose Hausdorff dimension is 2, consists mainly of a cardioid with countably infinite near-circles glued onto the boundary, outside which, the series z(n) = z(n-1) squared + c diverges. In 1905, Pierre Fautou first defined, FTP, what portion of the complex plane, named for a Yale mathematician, probably the world's most famous fractal set?

ANS.: Mandelbrot set

3. As a schoolboy, he received an English prize from the king of Hawaii. He's a saint of the syncretic religion Cao Dai, and his picture hangs in Tiananmen Square on May Day. Late in life, he reorganized his party with help from the Comintern and fought for unification till he died of liver cancer. After his 1895 coup failed, he went to Japan for sixteen years, where he rose to lead the Tongmenghui and first proclaimed his Three Principles of the People. FTP, who was this Chinese nationalist, the Mazzini to Yuan Shikai's Garibaldi and founder of the Guomindang?

ANS.: Dr. Sun Yat-Sen (accept Sun Zhongshan; prompt on Rixin, Sun Deming, or Nakayama Sho)

4. He studied alongside MacArthur at West Point, but dropped out after two weeks, and his wife raised champion dairy goats at their Flat Rock, NC estate. He rejected traditional fairy-tale characters for his Rootabaga Stories and filled them with skyscrapers and corn fairies instead. His first books, including In Reckless Ecstasy, were published by Philip Wright, his professor at Lombard College. The winner of Pulitzer Prizes for both history and poetry, FTP, what Midwesterner was most famous for his Chicago Poems and two-volume biography of Abraham Lincoln?

ANS.: Carl Sandburg

5. Fugitives Run starring David Hasselhoff, Gypsy Angels, starring Vanna White, and a segment of National Lampoon's Senior Trip are among his films. The New York Times highly praised his 1969 big-screen debut, Death of a Gunfighter, and he went on to direct the video for Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You, the pilot episode of MacGyver, and an action film called Trio. "The Alias Men" is an apt anagram for, FTP, what prolific director, most ironically credited on a film named for him subtitled Burn Hollywood Burn?

ANS.: Alan (or Allen) Smithee (don't accept Adam Smithee)

6. Introduced in Europe in the mid-15th century, this item soon became one of the most widely sought-after commodities, aided by their hardiness and ship-ability. Breeds that could survive special conditions were soon bred and got enormous prices in bartering; viral infection was also sought for the unique patterns it created, the Mosaic virus being the most desired and the rarest. This root that was traded to excess in the Netherlands before the bubble burst and people were left with huge debts. FTP name this root whose end product is still the Dutch national flower.

ANS.: tulip bulb (accept tulip until "hardiness")

7. He had studied architecture for a year each at MIT and the Ecole des Beaux-Arts before turning nineteen. In his late career he designed a number of Midwestern banks, but his works with Dankmar Adler, like the Carson Scott Pirie department store and the Transportation Building for 1891's Columbian Exposition, defined the Chicago School. Best known for mentoring Frank Lloyd Wright and designing the first skyscraper, St. Louis's Wainwright Building, FTP, name this first modernist architect, who penned the line "form ever follows function"?

ANS.: Louis Henry Sullivan

8. A last-minute addition to the show at the insistence of star Harald Paulsen, it was sung opening night by Kurt Gerron, who doubled as Tiger Brown. English-language versions have usually omitted verses about the burning of an orphanage and the rape of a child widow. Although Louis Armstrong's cover established the standard English lyrics, including his impromptu Lotte Lenya name-drop, FTP, the definitive version of what most famous song from Brecht and Weill's Three Penny Opera was recorded by Bobby Darin?

ANS.: Mack the Knife or Die Moritat von Mackie Messer

9. Her mother sees through the hypocrisy of her fiance Adolphus. She puts remorse into Bill Walker when he demands to find his girl, whom she's already saved, but she gives up on him and her life's work when she learns it is paid for by a distiller and an armorer. She eventually reconciles with her father Andrew and decides to deliver to his middle-class cannon makers her Salvation Army message. FTP, what George Bernard Shaw title character will forgive God when she dies, as befits a woman of her rank?

ANS.: Major Barbara or (Maj.) Barbara Undershaft

10. When challenged to name a social science theory that was both true and non-trivial, he supplied Ricardo's theory of comparative advantage, which played a part in his contributions to the Hecksher-Ohlin model. He described the conditions under which substitution of private goods for public is unfavorable, and posited a model, along with Bela Belassa, to explain the Penn effect of higher consumer price levels in wealthier countries. FTP, name this MIT economist who received the 1970 Bank of Sweden Prize in Memory of Alfred Nobel and the author of an oft-used textbook with the generic title Economics.

ANS.: Dr. Paul A. Samuelson

11. Gian Paolo Lomazzo helped set its philosphical foundations in Idea del tempio della pintura, but the style was developed by Raphael's Assistant Guiliano Romano and Andrea del Sarto. It was usually understood as a reaction to High Renaissance traditions and emphasizing self-consciousness with strange variations in scale, and El Greco's “acid” color sense and irrational perspective display elements of this style. FTP, what was this late-16th-century artistic movement centered in Rome, which counted among its proponents Pontormo and Tintoretto?

ANS.: Mannerism

12. It was implemented in FORTRAN by Marlene Metzner, and occasionally bears her name. Genetic algorithms developed by Gene Strover have yielded h-values for it that outperform the sequence recommended by Sedgewick and Knuth, which begins with 1, 5, 9, 41, 109. Complexity analysis is difficult, but in the worst case, it simplifies to insertion sort and runs in O(n2) [big O of N squared] time. FTP, what is this algorithm invented in 1959 that rearranges data into a two-dimensional array and runs insertion sort on each column?

ANS.: Shell sort

13. For most of their history, they were accused of accepting the Monothelite heresy, the doctrine that Christ had one will but two natures. Their patron saint, a key figure at the Council of Chalcedon, was approved as the first Patriarch of Antioch in 685 by Pope Sergius II; today their leader holds the same title but resides in Bkirki [buh-KEER-kee (?)]. They do not require celibacy of priests but are in full communion with Rome, using a West Syro-Antiochene rite. FTP, who are these Eastern Catholics whose members, by law, must include the President of Lebanon?

ANS.: Maronites

14. Some sources claim it descended to Earth as a meteorite, and its image has been adopted in jewelry and tattoos as a white supremacist symbol. It was once stolen by the giant Thrym, who demanded Freya for its return but was tricked in giving it back to the rightful owner. From the giantess Grid, that owner received the accessories he needed for its use, namely, iron gloves and a belt that doubled his strength. The most formidable weapon of the Aesir was, FTP, what magically recallable hammer of Thor?

ANS: Mjollnir (prompt on Thor's Hammer or equivalents in first sentence)

15. It is applied only within the Atlantic and northern Pacific ocean east of the International Date Line; Australia has its own categories which are scaled somewhat lower than this system's rankings. Created as the result of a U.N. commission to study low-income housing in vulnerable zones, it can be approximated in terms of central atmospheric pressure, but it was orignally defined in 1969 in terms of sustained, not peak, wind speeds. FTP, name the scale under which American meteorologists classified Hurricane Rita as Category 3.

ANS. Saffir-Simpson hurricane scale

16. The main equipment, designed by Max Faget, had only 120 onboard controls and was designed to be totally controllable from the ground. Participants included Enos, Miss Sam, and Ham; six humans were also selected, but Deke Slayton was replaced due to an irregular heartbeat. The first two manned missions were launched aboard Redstone missiles, but Atlas boosters carried the four orbital trips, including Sigma 7 and Aurora 7. FTP, name the United States' answer to the Vostok program and predecessor to Project Gemini.

ANS.: Project Mercury or Mercury Space Program, etc.

17. Ruled by Norway up till the 13th century, its Anglican diocese got the name of Sodor from Old Norse. Although the last native speaker died in 1974, its Goidelic language is undergoing a revival. Its Tynwald is probably the oldest continuous parliament in the world, consisting of the Legislative Council and the House of Keys. With a flag depicting a triskelion on a red field, FTP, what self-governing British crown dependency and birthplace of the Bee Gees is famous for an annual motorbike race and a tailless cat?

ANS.: Isle of Man or Ellan Vannin

18. It can be thought of as a Shockley diode with an extra terminal or as a PNP transistor connected in parallel with an NPN transistor, while two of these in reverse-parallel are equivalent to a triac. Unlike a GTO, it cannot be switched off with a signal to the gate, but must be unlatched by reducing the anode-to-cathode voltage. Applications include high-voltage regulation and phase control, as well as the lockout on quizbowl buzzers. FTP, name this solid-state switching device a, type of referred thyristor abbreviated SCR.

ANS.: silicon controlled rectifier (accept early SCR or thyristor until "GTO", afterward prompt)

19. It was broken in two when dropped by the four university students, including Ian Hamilton, who stole it on Christmas Day 1950. Legend considers it to be the traveling altar of St. Columba, or, more often, a pillow for the Biblical patriarch Jacob's head. Dating from at least 847 AD, in 1296 it was taken to Westminster Abbey after being captured by Edward Longshanks, and fitted into the coronation chair, where it stayed until 1996. FTP, what block of red sandstone served as the traditional coronation seat for Scottish kings?

ANS.: Stone of Scone [SKOON; accept phonetic pronunciation] (prompt on Stone of Destiny or Tanist Stone)

20. Two answers required. The idea of both as complimentary emotional states has been advanced by Freud and Havelock Ellis, while Gilles Deleuze [ZHEEL duh-LUghZ] argued in "Coldness and Cruelty" that one derives motivation from The Law and the other from what he calls The Contract. Distinct from simple algolagnia and in most circumstances not regarded by the DSM-IV as disorders, FTP, what are these related behavior patterns, first named in 1886 by Kraft-Ebbing and classically described in "Venus in Furs" and "120 Days of Sodom"?

ANS.: sadism and masochism (prompt on S&M very grudgingly prompt on sadomasochism since it’s one answer)

Losses at this battle included the frigate Saint Nikolai, whose wreck was found in 1948. The Russians under Prince Nassau had difficulty maneuvering in the rough seas and were plagued by nimble, low-profile Swedish gun sloops. Russia was routed to the tune of 9500 men and upward of fifty ships lost. When the fighting began, each navy had more than two hundred vessels, making it the largest naval engagement in history not to occur at Leyte Gulf. For ten points, name this decisive battle of the Russo-Swedish war, fought July 9th and 10th, 1790.

ANS.: Second Battle of Svensksund

He took a stance in favor of limited government in Parerga and Parelimpomena and claimed in the essay "Über die Weiber" that "woman is by nature meant to obey". Richard Wagner's works on music theory were influenced by his notions of art as a way to directly perceive the universal, identified with Kant's noumenon. FTP, name this German philosopher who attacked Hegel in his On the Basis of Morality and conceived of the Will as the driving force of all life in works like The World as Will and Representation.

ANS.: Arthur Schopenhauer

Its ECO classification is B54 and it was used as early as 1732 by Marco Severino. 2. b3 d5 3. Nc3 [knight to c3] is the Toilet Variation, named after its inventor's point of inspiration. White branched off the main line with 3. Bb5+ [bishop to b5 check] in 1999's Kasparov vs. the World. Fischer had success with the Classical Sozin line and 6. Bg5 in the Najdorf, while the Yugoslav Attack and 6. g3 are typical responses to the Dragon Variation. The most aggressive and most pouplar of the semi-open games is, FTP, what chess opening defined by 1. e4 c5?