Bro. Welton M. Washington Memorial Scholarship
Bro. Welton M. Washington became a member of Grace First Baptist Church in 1993. He was a source of inspiration, encouragement, and courage to all who met him. He was also a tireless soldier for God, serving in the Male Choir, the Brotherhood Ministry, the Library Committee, the Outreach Ministry, and was an avid Sunday School participant. Bro Washington worked non-stop to improve the lives of others, especially the lives of our youth. He believed in the power of education and dedicated his life to learning. Bro Washington asked to have a scholarship fund created to help the youth of Grace go to college and receive the empowerment that come from a good education. His family, honoring Bro Washington’s wishes, will present up to $2000 in scholarships to college-bound seniors from the Graduating Class of 2017.
Award: These scholarships are non-renewable. This year’s awards will be presented at the Grace First Baptist Church 2017 Annual Brotherhood Senior High School Appreciation Dinner, May 10, 2017, at 6:30pm.
Eligibility: This scholarship is open to all Grace First Baptist Church members who:
- Are a member of Grace First Baptist Church
- Graduate from high school in the Spring 2017 & enrolled in college for Fall 2017
- Submits a completed and signed Application
- Complete the required essay
- Submit two Letters of Recommendation; one teacher and one counselor
Action: Bro Washington believed that we all have a responsibility to make a positive difference in our community. Please write a short essay highlighting what you have done to make a positive difference in your community.
Your essay must be typed, double-spaced, and approximately 300 words.
Directions: Please fill out the application completely and place it in an envelope marked “Bro. Welton Washington 2017 Memorial Scholarship” in the Education Committee mailbox or give it to Bro Greg Belleny by March 19, 2017. Incomplete, handwritten, or unsigned applications will be disqualified.
Note: Never turn in a handwritten scholarship package. An electronic copy of this scholarship is available on the church website or you can also get a copy by emailing your request to Bro. Greg Belleny, at .
Bro. Welton M. Washington Memorial Scholarship
“Making Their Dreams Come True!”
First Middle Last
City/State: Zip:
High School Currently Attending: ______Current GPA: ______
Home Phone: SAT or ACT Score:
Home E-mail:
University/College you plan to attend:
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name:
Include the following with this application:
1. An official copy of your high school transcript
2. Two Letters of Recommendation (One from a high school teacher and 1 from anyone else)
3. Your Essay, “What I have done to make a difference in my Community?”
Certification: I certify that I will attend a college or university in the Fall of 2017 and that I will provide proof of my Fall 2017 college enrollment to Bro. Greg Belleny by June 4, 2017.
Applicant’s Signature: Date:
Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: