UAAITSC ELT Monthly Update for January, 2015 2

University Academic and Administrative Information Technology Steering Committee

ELT Monthly Update for January, 2015

New IT Investment Proposals

1.  Portal for VCU Board of Visitors

Sponsor: Laurie J. Carter, Presidents Office

Description: Propose to invest in collaborative software that allows VCU’s Board of Visitors and committee members to securely store and access board documents and to collaborate with each other electronically.

Resources: Laurie J Carter, Taron James, Barry Lanneau, Erin McClinton.

Audience: VCU Board of Visitors and all Committee members; President’s office

Benefits: Online accessibility: Board members can review documents or communicate with other members at any time;

Board packet creation, modification, and distribution: Corporate secretaries can use the board portal to create board materials and disseminate them online. Edits or deletion of documents can be done and the changes are immediately distributed. This saves printing and handling changes after board packets have been printed.

Data Retention Policy Support: To mitigate company liability, board portals enforce data retention policies on documents, as well as board member communications.

Strict security: Due to the sensitive nature of board information, security and confidentiality is critical.

Total Cost: $32,000 per year + $3,000 one-time

Funded: Yes

Recommendation: APPROVE

2.  Call Center Replacement for Development and Alumni Relations

Sponsor: Lauren Shiver, Development and Alumni Relations

Description: Propose to issue an RFP to invest in a replacement for DAR call center no longer being vendor supported. An updated on-site call center will provide support and analytics for efficient call center activities.

Resources: DAR staff; IT resource requirements based on the selected vendor.

Audience: VCU Alumni and donors

Benefits: A comprehensive telefund program that integrates seamlessly with DAR’s Constituent Relationship Management system will provide the University with improved fund raising capabilities.

Total Cost: $156,000 estimated, actual depends on selected solution

Funded: Yes

Recommendation: APPROVE

3.  Digital Signature Pilot

Sponsor: Office of Faculty Recruitment and Retention

Description: Propose to issue an RFP to invest in a pilot project to evaluate the improved efficiencies and cost savings provided by a digital signature solution. The results of the pilot implementation for adjunct faculty appointments will be evaluated to determine the feasibility of expanding digital signature capability to other University processes currently requiring a wet signature.

Resources: OFRR and Technology Services staff

Audience: Adjunct faculty, faculty with overload job requests, personnel administrators, department heads/chairs, Deans, Vice Provosts, and Vice Presidents or designee

Benefits: Increased speed of document delivery and approvals

Ease of use for form originators and signers

Increased workflow efficiency using templates and sequential signatures

Reduced data omission using required fields

Reduced postage and paper costs

Faster processing for HR Ops

Quicker payroll processing for faculty member

Total Cost: $12,000 - $26,000, actual depends on selected solution

Funded: Yes

Recommendation: APPROVE

Infrastructure and Operations Portfolio

Project/Sponsor / Cost Funded / Benefits / Description
1. CBORD CS Building Access Control System /
VCU Police Department / $2,321,445/ Y
$81,214 yearly / Enhance building security and reduce risk, improve service to customers / Procure and implement the CBORD CS Access building control system.
2. Hosted Email Encryption Service / Technology Services / $170,700/ Y
$68,925 yearly / Unified email encryption for Gmail and Lotus users; avoids cost of upgrading end-of-life equipment / Migrate email encryption from in-house to Zix systems hosted environment
3. Telephone Equipment and Billing System / Technology Services / $225,000/ Y
$28,000 yearly / Primary operations system for Telecommunications office / Replace current system (Pinnacle) losing vendor support
4. LANDesk Customer
Management System /
Technology Services / $150,000/ Y
$120,000 yearly / Improved user experience, elimination of duplicative solutions, integration with current software suite / Replace current system (Remedy), savings to partially fund new system
5. Move Blackboard LMS to hosted solution / Technology Services / $318,000 Y / Eliminate hardware costs and reduce staff time to support / Move Blackboard from VCU-supported platform to vendor-supported
6. Point-Of-Sale System
for Technology Store /
Business Services / $17,250/ Y
$2,000 yearly / Support sales and administrative activities of new technology retail outlet / Business Services to implement the LightSpeed POS system
7. QRadar Security Incident Monitoring System / Technology Services / $118,000/ Y
$23,600 yearly / Improve monitoring of risks and vulnerabilities that affect VCU’s information technology assets, and provide better data to aide decisions regarding those risks / Information Security Office to procure additional components and upgrade QRadar
8. Server and Storage Architecture for MOOCs / Learning Innovation and Student Success / $18,000/ Y
$18,000 yearly / Model and showcase distinctive, high-engagement online learning that leads to deep learning / Implement the WordPress Course Site and build an online learning community for MOOCs beginning in Summer 2014
9. e911 System / Telecommunications / $131,400 Y / Provide number and location data for all 911 calls / Replace existing system losing vendor support
10. Internet Upgrade /
Technology Services / $370,000 yearly Y / Increase aggregate bandwidth from 5 Gbps to 7 Gbps / 40% increase in bandwidth available for Internet traffic
11. Network Equipment End-Of-Life Refresh /
Technology Services / $294,000 Y / Replace 80 existing network switches reaching EOL in 2015 / Improved network reliability and access speed
12. Sanger Hall Network Upgrade / Technology Services / $350,000 Y / Install new fiber to improve architecture and meet standards / Improve Sanger’s network reliability and access speed
13. PrivateNet Network Refresh / Technology Services / $72,500 Y / Replace 40 network switches on the VCUCard point-of-sale network / Improve financial network’s reliability and access speed
14. Incident Management System / VCU Police / $120,000 Y / An incident management system allows for the real-time collection and aggregation of information related to incidents or events that could cause life safety issues or operational continuity disruption. / Improve response to incidents and management of Police resources.
15. Weather Notification System / VCU Police / $5,500 yearly Y / Ensure operational and public safety units can make efficient and timely decisions during severe weather events / Improved weather information will facilitate better decisions about VCU reaction and preparation for weather-related events.
PORTFOLIO COST / $4,306,295 initial
$ 717,239 yearly
In Queue
1. PARCS Parking Access and Control System / Parking & Transportation / $2.5 - $3 Y
(TBD by RFP) / Enhance customer service, security, and financial position of parking system (eliminate $5 Mil subsidy from University Fee) / Procure and implement an integrated access control, automated revenue, and enterprise management system
In Queue Cost / $2.5 - $3 Million

Business Process Automation and Improvement Portfolio

Project/Sponsor / Cost Funded / Benefits / Description
1. Customer Relationship Management System / Development & Alumni Relations / $2,073,604 / Y
$245,874 yearly / Improve communications management to support fundraising and alumni relations / Implement the Blackbaud CRM system
2. Grants Management System/Office of Research Administration / $670,000 / Y
$35,000 yearly / Improve grant submission and award management processes / Implement Click Commerce system
3. Animal Resources System / ORA / $437,000 / Y
$20,000 yearly / Improved functionality in animal resource management / Implement Click Commerce system
4. Time and Attendance System / Human Resources / $262,000 / Y
$26,900 yearly / Automated attendance and leave recording; improve FLSA compliance / Implement TimeClock Plus system
5. ImageNow site license/ Technology Services / $399,500 / Y
$72,000 yearly / Remove funding barrier for schools and departments; leverage functionality / Convert per user license to site license
6. Hobsons Apply Yourself / Strategic Enrollment Mgmt / $100,000 + / Y
$25,000 yearly / Improve graduate application process / Purchase off State contract, configure and implement hosted solution
7. Visa Management System / Global Education Office / $60,000 / Y
$10,000 yearly / Automate reporting of student/staff/faculty visa information to SEVIS / Implement the Sunapsis system from Indiana University
8. Career Services Technology Platform / University Career Center / $125,000 Y / Improve ability for students to perform job searches / Partner with School of Business and School of Engineering to procure hosted solution
9. VIRTIFY Clinical Trial Registration and Results System / $65,000 Y / Improve required reporting to; ensure compliance with FDAAA / Purchase and implement VIRTIFY’s Clinical Trial Registration and Results System
10. Course Evaluation / ALT Lab / $90,000 / Y
$18,500 yearly / Improved instrument, more student data / Implement the eXplorance Blue system
11. Curriculum Vitae Builder / School of Medicine / $50,000 (estimate) Y / Consistent format
User friendly
Eliminate redundant data entry
Online updates / Develop a system to automate the production of CVs for School of Medicine faculty and staff
12. Recreational Management System / VCU Recreational Sports / $65,000 (estimate) Y / Improve customer service, record keeping and audit tracking; record inventory loan and point of sale transactions / Survey the marketplace for a new rec sports information system; procure, implement, train staff
13. Huron Consulting Agreement for OnCore Financials / Office of Research / $290,000 / Create database for clinical research studies at VCU for accurate billing and compliance with regulatory issues / Engage Huron consulting services to extend OnCore to be enterprise solution
TOTAL PORTFOLIO COST / $4,687,104 initial
$ 453,274 yearly
1. Hyperion Planning and Budget Software/Office of Planning and Budget / $50,000 – Y
$150,000 /
$89,000 yearly / Organize and improve the University budgeting process. / Engage Performance Architects to implement the Hyperion Planning and Budget software.
2. Courseleaf
/ Office of Faculty & Academic Affairs / $199,980 / Y
$35,980 yearly / Automate and integrate the catalog and academic activities into a more efficient and effective central reference system. / Purchase and implement the Courseleaf software.
3. Banner Revitalization/VP for Finance and Administration / $53,000 – Y
$75,000 / Streamline business processes and make ERP data more accessible, accurate, and usable / Engage consulting firm to analyze and identify how Banner can be revitalized.
In-Queue Cost / $302,980 - $424,980
$124,980 yearly

Innovation Portfolio

Project / Cost Funded / Benefits / Description
1. Research Opportunity and Application System / Center for Study of Biological Complexity / $60,000 / Provide researchers ability to post research opportunities and students to apply for them / Quest for Distinction funded project to be developed by Nihar Sheth
2. Preterm Birth Prevention / School of Medicine / $50,000 Y / Provide research data - Collection of demographic information; program
related information;
Tracking returning subjects; information browsed by subjects / This health literacy project will place computers in 5 resource centers throughout Richmond’s East end.
3. Predictive Crime Analysis / VCU Police Department
/ $9,000 yearly Y / Tracking crime by time and location will facilitate better utilization of VCU PD resources. / Purchase a license for PredPol, the same system used by Richmond PD.
4. Taser Cameras / VCU Police / $100,842 one-time Y / Recording of police activity will verify the officers are operating within all codes of conduct and following required procedures; serve training needs. / Purchase and install five Taser pods with five cameras each (total 25 officer cameras)
5. Education Advisory Board Student Success Collaborative / Strategic Enrollment Management
PORTFOLIO COST / $183,000 yearly Y
$402,842 initial /
$192,000 yearly / Provide advisors and administrators insight into problems impeding student success / Join the EAB-SSC and input VCU’s data into the predictive analysis capabilities; address identified issues

Non-Discretionary Portfolio

Project / Cost Funded / Benefits / Description
1. Security Camera Upgrade / VCU Police
PORTFOLIO COST / $1,200,000 Y
$1,200,000 / Upgrade existing cameras and install 300 additional ones / Improve surveillance and the ability to identify suspects

Initial Cost Yearly Operational Cost

TOTAL ALL PORTFOLIOS $10,596,241 $1,362,513

TOTAL ALL IN-QUEUE $ 2,802,980 – $3,424,980 $ 124,980